Two Bochurim Injured in Motzai YK Accident

CROWN HEIGHTS [CHI] — A Motzai Yom Kippur accident injured two Bochurim in one car, and a number of others in a second car. Hatzalah and EMS responded and treated the injured, and transported a few of them to local hospitals.

The accident took place at the intersection of Eastern Parkway and Troy Avenue, at around 10:00pm. The parkway was closed to traffic for over an hour as result.


  • concerned

    I hope they are well and have a Refuah Sheleima.
    I was driving in a car tonight and had to warn the driver as he almost hit a bochur running right in front of us between cars, while it was ‘green’ for us. I want to warn all drivers about the reckless behavior recently, and for pedestrians to follow the rules, as they were placed for some reason. Being a bit late is better than being ‘late’.


    Most accidents on weekends especialy Motzai Shabbos are caused by drunk drivers.
    The problems with a car filled with passegers are:
    1- Usualy the passengers lie to the police.
    2- Sometimes a non drunk passenger switches seats with the driver in order to avoid arrest etc.

    Wish everyone involved a speedy recovery!

  • shmuel

    bh no bochrim were injured!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!al tiftach peh!!!!!!i was their

  • Rochel

    Hashem Yishmor, can u please post names for refuah Shelayma and please update us on the status of the bochrim!

  • Dovid

    I am one of the bochurim that were in the car , and noone was injusred at all – me and the other bocher are B’H fine. Hatzalah did not take anyone to the hospital. Only the shvartzes went to collect insurance!! I REPEAT NOOONE WAS HURT!!

    i think you should school up on what actually happened before posting an article, just because it sounds exciting.

  • ch res

    i really hope it was an accident and not bochrim driving like madmen like some of our guest have been – peeling off in a 15 passenger van as if its a ferrari or some guys in a blue volvo who almost killed me with some israeli music blasting so loud they couldnt possibly hear each other. i have no problem with guest but 2 things first act like a guest and second if u are driving be considerate and dont endanger other people and also yourselves!!!

  • wild driving

    hey dovid in comment 11, maybe you can explain to us why your car is facing the wrong way down troy? did you perhaps attempt to make an illegal turn from eastern pkwy?

    pay attention to the article, it says that ‘a number’ of patients were transported to a hospital. not all.

  • To 11

    Recently I began suspecting that the “fake injury insurance fraud” that drives up brooklyn insurance prices by 2x – was finaly comming to an end.
    That was until I saw the artical of the black community accusing a bochur who was criticaly injured that he “ran into the car to collect insurance”.
    This comes to show that the insurance fruad is still at its highs.
    Besides that EVERYONE in brooklyn pays double,

  • to 11

    I had a family member that was being called to court for YEARS because he touched a parked van (his car slided on the snow into the van at 3 MPH) there were clearly NO DENTS or scratches as stated on all reports but for YEARS there was a black women passenger who was complaing about “back pains” (which can’t be prooven) is bothering us for courts.

    This cloges up our court systems and raises our insurance prices.
    (They don’t suffer so much from our high insurance prices since lots of their cars are registerd in other cities and states).

  • To comment #11

    Instead of being grateful that nobody was hurt, you chew out the reporter for reporting that some people were hospitalized! Is it possible that someone in the car was engaged in reckless driving and is now covering up with a “It wasn’t so bad,” self-righteous attack on the reporter? Sad to say, I’ve seen too many of our bochurim driving carelessly and then faulting “the other driver” for near accidents.I wasn’t there and don’t know exactly what happened, but I do think it’s important to think about the possibility mentioned.

  • international guest

    drunk do you not read this was right after a FAST they were not drunk and if they were shame on them and god gave them a quick lesson, on another note there are all these “rentals” that people can get no rules or anything that is how many get cars around here when enterprise and others etc wont rent to them and now you can clearly see the reason why!