Jewish Family Injured in Crash with Police Van

CROWN HEIGHTS, Brooklyn [CHI] — Members of a Jewish family were injured in a wild crash with a police van last night. The incident took place at around 10:00pm at the intersection of Carroll Street and New York Avenue where according to eyewitnesses a police van blew through the red light and collided with the van.

The force of the collision sent the tail-end of the van into a parked minivan, preventing it from flipping over, then continued slightly and stopped.

A Shomrim member who was driving behind the van witnesses the accident, he told us that the police vehicle activated his sirens just moments before entering the intersection, and that the van had already crossed most of it. According to a police source the van was responding to a call for an assault in progress.

Hatzalah was called to check out the passengers, who b”h did not sustain any apparent serious injuries, and were treated at the scene.


  • Brian

    Had to get to Dunkin Donuts! If it was true that they were responding to a call than that’s purely by coincidence, because they are always passing red lights, and then they continue at normal speeds without the siren. I see it all the time. It’s like rules of the road applies only to us. I once saw a police van dangerously weaving through traffic to catch a woman on her cell phone. They are nuts and dangerous.

  • wow!

    how careless can a police member be already?! seems to me like this guy thinks that he’s a police member, he can do all the stuff he wants. ridiculous, that guy is! gevaldik!

  • Concerned resident in the 71 Pct

    I live not to far away on Carroll street and I heard the sirens and lights flashing from my window and when I looked out my window I observed a black 4 door vehicle stopped as the police van approached with lights and sirens the white van driven by someone passed the car on the left and failing to what I could tell was a police vehicle going to an emergency! I really hope the police didn’t get hurt!! Shooting are through the roof in the 71 Pct and it says they were responding to an assault could it be another person robbed or possibly shot??? I just think everyone should be aware that when they see a car stopped in the intersection don’t try to over take the vehicle cause you don’t know what’s coming down the block!! Glad to hear no one went to the hospital or were injured!! I agree with sueing hope the cops have a good lawyer for the failing to yeilding to the emergency vehicle! Do we know who had the green light?? I’m sure someone has a camera that might of caught the entire thing on tape!! Hope the white van did have the right away!! If they did Sue

  • Mikaela

    Well If I was the person being assaulted I would like to believe that the police would respond as soon as possible. Being a young woman and living in this neighborhood who can I rely on but the police? I think that instead of thinking who can we sue we should be grateful that we have a police force that can come to our aid. Believe it or not who else is going to run to save your life? Not many, that’s for sure. Also, who hasn’t had a fender bender before? Seems to me that the story is trying to depict something tragic however the pictures just show a minor fender bender. I guess we are running out of good news that we have to post something as petty as a fender bender.

  • I heard it

    I live right near were it happened.
    The siren was sounded for 1 second or less.

  • Moshe Goldfarb

    isnt this typical! the police are out there to protect us and then we come here and bash them because of a little accident! they were rushing to stop an assault and now we have these shmendricks saying “sue the police!” Oy! what is this community coming to!!??

  • Condition of the family, please

    Who is the family who got hurt?

    Are they all right?

    Who should we be davening for (for refuah sheleimah)?

  • I didn-t see anything

    Look as stated by two people on this website the lights were on the siren was on wether it’s one second or two minutes! A few people also posted that the white van drove around a car?? This is crazy because Carroll street in one way which means ge should of never been in the intersection!! Was the light even red for the police?? I hope the police review the video tape from that area i’m sure the truth will come out soon!!!

  • Shomrim hater

    I love the way people have nothing better to then time out how long a police siren was on for!! Someone needs too tell shomrim they should have sirens in there cars!


    I saw a much worse version of this during elul on the intersection of Eastern Pkwy & Brooklyn. The cop flying down E. Pkwy took red and hit a black car coming down Brooklyn ave. Cant even remember exact details, but the cop either didnt sound siren at all, or did it for 1 second. Basically, same as here, the cop didnt give enough warning or check before taking the red.

  • moses

    Can a cop take a red for no reason?
    I see it all the time, they creep up, sometimes flash the lights, and just go through the red and stop at the convenience store.

  • Re: Moses

    This accident is not a story of wether or not cops take red lights for fun!!

  • concerned in CH

    I looked out my window and saw what happened. The cops did the right thing, they had the lights on. The white van overtook the car that had stopped and went through the intersection.

    I’m all about criticizing the police when they do the wrong thing, but in this case, the van was in the wrong. They should have stopped and not overtaken the car in front of them. If I could see the police lights from my apartment at night, they could definitely see it in the street.