Yesterday evening a reversing black sedan struck a 13 year old Bochur rollerblading on President St. between Brooklyn and New York avenues. B”H there were no serious injuries and while Hatzalah treated him on the scene, as a precaution they nevertheless took him to Kings County Hospital. NYPD responded to the call as well.

This would be the time to remind children that plan on bike riding or rollerblading in this beautiful weather of the rules that will keep them safe. These should include; that they should get off their bike when crossing streets, look in all directions, hey it’s Brooklyn you may never know when someone will decide to drive a few blocks in reverse, and when rollerblading to wear protective gear (i.e. helmet, etc.). Don’t forget that anyone under 14 riding a bicycle is required by law to wear a helmet.

Bochur Struck By A Reversing Car

Yesterday evening a reversing black sedan struck a 13 year old Bochur rollerblading on President St. between Brooklyn and New York avenues. B”H there were no serious injuries and while Hatzalah treated him on the scene, as a precaution they nevertheless took him to Kings County Hospital. NYPD responded to the call as well.

This would be the time to remind children that plan on bike riding or rollerblading in this beautiful weather of the rules that will keep them safe. These should include; that they should get off their bike when crossing streets, look in all directions, hey it’s Brooklyn you may never know when someone will decide to drive a few blocks in reverse, and when rollerblading to wear protective gear (i.e. helmet, etc.). Don’t forget that anyone under 14 riding a bicycle is required by law to wear a helmet.


  • sad but true

    Look you have to realize we dont live in the suberbs and kids on rollerblades and bikes cant drive in the streets were in the city i know it sounds cold but its a fact this is where we live streets are for cars sidewalks for walking

  • trappler

    i was there with the boy that this happened to and that driver was backing up way to fast!

  • Jacob

    Thats why cars have insurance. I hope the kid gets compensated, then you can say it was all bashert.