CROWN HEIGHTS, Brooklyn [CHI] — Orange hazard cones wasn’t enough to stop a minivan traveling on Empire Boulevard from driving right into the newly dug 2 foot deep ditch, the beginning of the Department of Transportation’s ‘traffic calming’ project.

Car Lands in Newly Dug Ditch

CROWN HEIGHTS, Brooklyn [CHI] — Orange hazard cones wasn’t enough to stop a minivan traveling on Empire Boulevard from driving right into the newly dug 2 foot deep ditch, the beginning of the Department of Transportation’s ‘traffic calming’ project.

The van was traveling east bound on Empire at around 1:30am and the driver apparently did not notice the florescent orange traffic cones or the orange hazard tape surrounding the gaping hole and ended up driving right into it.

Hatzalah was called and transported the Jewish female passenger to a local hospital after she complained of back pains.

A flatbed tow truck was used to pull the car out of the hole by improvised use of its winch and tow bed.


  • wow

    How can you miss that big crater & those flourescent cones? Bet her car is totalled.

  • H.G.

    Anyone want to remind me why this is being set up in the first place?

    this is just proof that we need ALL our traffic space.

  • eli

    Unless they moved some cones it doesn’t look like it’s marked well enough for such a deep ditch..they shoulda put police baricades or something….

    and come on, did you really HAVE to put in the “female” part?!

  • Empire Dweller

    Woke me at at 1 in the morning! Glad it wasn’t an “accident”. Again, all of this is being paid by the taxpayers done by government employees. What a marvelous way of beginning a new construction project. Lets see how long it takes to complete this whole project from Utica to Bedford.

  • Yay, calmer traffic!

    It’s possible that there was bad visibility because of the heavy rain… but isn’t it great how this new project is already doing such a great job making less accidents?

  • Bor b-rshus harabim

    Literally a bor b’rshus harabim. Luckily a cow didn’t fall in, yet.

  • Person against Multitasking and driving

    I’m also willing to bet the driver was talking on a cell phone and was not paying attention to where they were driving. People please when driving put the cell down, after all the phone has a wonderful feature called VOICE MAIL, or picture this pull over and have your conversation. Eli, if you read the female part was referring to the passenger not the driver.

  • An out of towner

    Yes, I agree with a previous comment from Person against Multitasking, which mentions that the passenger was female, but does not mention who the driver was.

  • RU NUTS???

    How do you know the driver was talking & driving? Were you there? Is this your Avodah in life…to make every accident connect to cell phone use? What a really stupid, uninformed post! Webby, why post such dumb things?

  • Person against Multitasking and driving

    I didn’t state that the driver was on a cell phone but putting forth a theory. Why are you so defensive?? Oh and as to why Webby posts my comments we have something here in America called Freedom of Speech.

  • Woa

    RU NUTS??? – u sound like ur his mother with your comment. why not just jump down the guy’s throat while ur at it? chillll outt!!! he was just making a comment, not accusing anyone of anything!!!

  • sara

    that is absolutely funny! can u just imagine? if the driver didn’t see the cones, he would have probably also not seen the workers or someone travelling… whatever americans are too dangerous for me

  • That took serious talent...

    You see in my neck of the woods (out of town) there is a construction problems on one of the main arteries going through town. It has been going on for about 6 months now. Not one car or truck has managed to land in the ditches yet. Maybe it’s the way you New Yorkers drive, but there is a concept out there of paying attention to the road.
    Now, the only defense of the driver that I can think of is that the car skidded. Otherwise, driver needs to go back to driver’s ed.



  • Driver

    I was driving there last night and I also didn’t really notice the cones. Thank G-d I was in the right lane. It was pouring rain and the street was very dark. So to all those out of towners who think New Yorkers can’t drive I am a out of towner.

  • bumpy on balfour

    this comment thingy is so funny – I luv the comments.

    for the record I drove my suv thru it with my kids – they asked to go to great adventure. I said this is the best I can do. They had a blast. I love NY ;)

  • to Person against Multitasking and drivi

    Freedom of speech is good but to use it in a good way not for machlokes and Loshon Hora

  • Ohev Shalom

    Now we all learn from this to pay attention to our driving and to pay attention to what we say. That’s called making our neighborhood a safer place to live.


    these comments are better then comic books
    you can sit hear a whole day AND NOT GET BOARD

  • awacs

    “she’s such a clutz”

    “She’s”? I heard that it was a ‘he’ that was driving.