[R]eaching Together Beyond Our Wildest Dreams
Anything is possible. Any goal is reachable. Especially when we [R]EACH TOGETHER!
You, together with the entire community, proved it last week when collectively we raised $628,162 (and counting—yes, you can still give here!) for Darchai Menachem in our heartwarming [R]EACH TOGETHER campaign.
More even than the crucial dollar amount, the fact that more than 1,400 unique donors partnered in this campaign humbles the Darchai family more than words can ever express.
On behalf of the entire school, from the dean to the faculty, from the parents to the students, we wanted to say thank you, thank you, thank you.
Because of your essential contribution, the individual and collective growth of Darchai has been solidified on three fronts:
As Pesach approaches, when Bnei Yisroel [R]EACHED TOGETHER collectively and individually, going out of Mitzrayim and proving that no limitation could ever restrict our freedom and purpose, we wish you and all of Klal Yisroel a Kosher and Freilichen Pesach, together reaching the ultimate destination of all: The complete and utter Geulah now!
Wishing you a Kosher & Freilichin Pesach!
The Darchai Family