JLI: Feeling Lost at the Seder is a Passover Tradition
Are you confused about Passover? It may not be a coincidence, as feeling lost at the Passover Seder is a tradition. JLI’s Inspiration Weekly tells you why.
Dedicated in loving memory of
HaRav Elyakim Getzel Rosenblatt – הרב הגאון אליקים געציל ב”ר יחיאל מיכל ז”ל
Marking his shloshim on the 20th of Nisan, 5779
A towering figure in teaching and spreading Torah,
he inspired many thousands of students with a love of Hashem,
a love of Torah, and a love for kelal Yisrael.
May his neshamah be a source of blessing for his esteemed family and all of kelal Yisrael.