Video: Power of the Flame
Chabad of Moorpark, CA, co-director Devorah Leah Heidingsfeld created this video to explain the meaning behind lighting Shabbos candles, in honor of her daughter’s third birthday. She is sharing it with the public so that it can inspire others to begin lighting Shabbos candles, and teach more about it to those who already do light.
Very cute
Beautiful lessons! Thanks for sharing.
Powerful video. Wishing you continued nachas from your beautiful family
Very beautiful and moving
Shayna wrote
Deborah Leah is one of the most hard working and dedicated Shluca I have met. Everything she does is inspiring. This is beautiful. Kol ha’kvod.
Go Chabad MoorPark! Great Video! Kids are Adorable Ka”H!
Thank you! Absolutely wonderful! The children are beautiful and full of LIGHT!!! :)
Just precious. Mazel Tov and continued hatzlacha lighting up the world.