Video: This Is Bnos Chomesh
With mere hours left to a fundraising campaign to help Bnos Chomesh Academy raise $300,000 for its new building, the beloved institution has released this video featuring testimony from its students, parents, faculty members and admirers.
Ariella Gribov
Amazing Video! Amazing School!
Rivky Robinson
Beautiful video, such an amazing school. Keep on donating so we can reach our goal!!
Mother of student in BCA
Ah! Hatzlach rabba on reaching your goal! This school is absloutly amazing, and has the most warm environment ever! I’m proud to say my daughter attends this school. And is very pleased with the system!
Wish for the best
Amazing! Hatzlacha rabba I wish you all the best!
Student in Bnos Chomesh
Thank you so much for all of your generous donations and help In giving us a new home.
Student in Bnos Chomesh
I am so happy to see all of these people helping and seeing how much everyone cares! This school deserves nothing less it’s the most amazing and awesome school ever and I can say this from experience! Thank you all who donate it is much appreciate!!
mushkie korn
this school has honestly been so amazing for me i am so great full in so many ways !!!!!!!!!!!
from friends to teachers and mrs G mrs chanin and on and on
Kol hakavod to Mrs. Nechama Chanin for her exemplary dedication to the mosad and love of the girls. May you go from strength to strength!
Love this school
you should definitely give whatever you can because it’s a super school. they really really care.
Go Miriam!!!
Miriam G you are so good!!! And you are an amazing teacher!!!!
pretty girl
the girl at 1:20 is cute!