Videos: Ivanka Prays, Donald Saved
Ivanka Trump, the Jewish daughter of presidential candidate Donald Trump, visited the Lubavitcher Rebbe’s gravesite in Queens tonight along with her husband Jared Kushner to pray on behalf of her father and her family. Around the same time as she was interceding on his behalf, the Secret Service rushed Mr. Trump off the stage of a rally in Reno, Nevada, after becoming aware of a threat to his life.
The nature of the threat was unclear, but several security officials escorted a man out of the venue soon afterward. Mr. Trump returned to the stage five minutes later and resumed his speech. He released the following statement to the media shortly after:
“I would like to thank the United States Secret Service and the law enforcement resources in Reno and the state of Nevada for their fast and professional response. I also want to thank the many thousands of people present for their unwavering and unbelievable support. Nothing will stop us – we will make America great again!”
You see. It’s rigged.
Ben Tsvi
The Trump girl is no Jew and her father is no Mench in any way what so ever.
That the father is not a mench is clear, but you have no right to claim that the daughter is not a Jew. On the contrary, her yichus is clear: she has eidim that she is a bas Avrohom Ovinu. They saw her have a kosher giyur and that is that. What do you or I have? How do we know who our great-great-grandmothers were 800 years ago?
bla bla bla
oh, you are such a mench – not
This is an embarrassment. There was no threat , someone thought there was a gun, there was none, it was a sign. It’s making a joke out of the Rebbe.
Fact check
I hate to ruin a good story, but according to news reports, no weapon was found at the scene. People yelled “gun” and Mr Trump was rushed out. The Secret Service said that all present at presidential rallies are scanned before entry. So, there was no assassination attempt.
Moishe Pipek
Would it help him to win the election?
Picaboo Shimon
Moishe Pipek
Trump will not be elected.Hope the Tzadekes Ivanka knows kadish.
U R rude
Very Rude. Feh!
I guess you have to recite the Kadish yourself for your candidate now! She is still a Tsadekes
Weren’t you way off!!!
Chaim Hershkop
There was no gun involved and therefore there was no “saving”, sorry to rain in on this false narrative.
2 b fare
At first the news said it was a gun.
Big Z Schapiro
can someone please explain to me what happened Donald Trump was the attack ? did they say boo to him? I. don’t understand
Fellow Yid
#9 what do you say now that Trump was elected, b”h?