Video: Good Deeds for Heshy
Shortly after Pesach this past year, Rabbi Heshy and Rochel Chana Ceitlin were preparing to move to Seagate, Brooklyn, to join her parents on their Shlichus, when he was diagnosed with cancer.
The Jewish community of Seagate rallied together for the young couple, just as they had years earlier when her father, Rabbi Chaim Brikman, was diagnosed with cancer. For both men, the good deeds and acts of kindness of the community helped them overcome the disease.
On December 15th, 2015, Chabad of Seagate celebrated its 25th anniversary. The evening was a special tribute to all community members who made good resolutions and prayed for the full recovery of Rabbi Heshy Ceitlin.
This emotional and inspiring video was screened at the event:
refua shelma
Moshiach now :)
Is he better??
Amazing story!!
May you only be healed and experience tremendous blessings in your life!
Very nice
Beautiful people. May hashem bench you with a long healthy and happy life.
so choked up-
What a special family, and community
I wish Heshy a REfuah Shelaima, and a happy healthy life with his family in sea gate!
May we merit to have moshiach now! NO MORE SUFFERING AND PAIN TO THE JEWISH PEOPLE!
old friends
To Rivky and Rabbi Chaim, to Chani and Heshy:
Hashem should shower you with more and more brochas, ad bli dy. This video was beautiful, but not as beautiful as the people about whom it was celebrating. Continued refuos and yeshuos.
what is Heshy’s full Hebrew name and his mother’s? so that I can include him in our weekly Tehillim group.
May he have a complete and immediate refuah. and never suffer any more health issues!
May you all be blessed with only revealed good, simchas and nachas!
Moshiach Now!
Thank you!
This video has inspired me beyond words.
הרב בריקמאן הוא אמתדיגע חסידישע איד אי לאו אותו לה הי’ לי שייכות לרבי וחסידות אפי’ שהוא לא ידע מי כתוב פה אבל במסר מה שצריך לקבל הוא אחד הזורעים בדמעה ברינה יקצורו
דלאוי גלות !!!
מאחל לשליח היקר שעזר לי בישיבה בריאות איתנה ורפואה שלימה מהרה ושה׳ ית׳ יברך אותך ואת משפחתך בזרע ברך ה מתוך הרחבה אושר ועושר בגשמיאות וברחוניות ושתלכו מחיל אל חיל לאחד את כלל ישראל לקבלת פני משיח צדקנו נאו !!!
יהושע העשל בן חנה
A true chosid
Rabbi brikman wouldn’t know who is the 1 writing the following but הזורעים בדמעה ברינה קיצורו he was when I used to be in seagate be a melamed of chasudus and hangoa for me with out his knowing in today I m b”h a proud chosid