Video: Prime Minister Netanyahu Greets the Shluchim
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu recorded a greeting to all the Chabad Shluchim who arrived in New York for the annual Kinus, blessing them and encouraging them to continue their vital work on behalf of the Jewish people.
So tired of listening to this loser.. Why taint the shluchim convention with this weakling? Time to stop groveling.
Ah the troll
Everyone loves a troll!
DeClasse' Intellectual
#Get real! Anyone out there in Israel any better??? At least he acknowledges
Why can’t Benjamin Netanyahu have the mentchlichkeit to wear a Yamulka when addressing the Shuluchim and talking about the Rebbe??? It is just SOOOO wrong!!
Bid geal
Why is this exciting?
The guy knows the Rebbes advice, he knows beyond a shadow of a doubt that the Rebbes approach is absolutely right even on the most practical level-saving Jewish lives. Yet, this weakling keeps compromising and negotiating with our agressors and enemies, that includes ayatolah Obama.
Zalmy Schapiro
Thank You Prime Minister Natanyahu wonderful speech keep up the good work I’m Yisroel Chai