Video: Highlights of Oholei Torah Alumni Reunions

As the Kinus HaShluchim is just a few weeks away, the Oholei Torah Archive Office is pleased to share a series of highlights from the alumni reunions held over the past 20 years.

Many of the speakers are Shluchim who attest that their hatzlocha comes from the unique chasidishe chinuch and hadrocha they received while attending Oholei Torah.

Over the next few weeks, the Oholei Torah archive office will be sharing a series of such clips, in anticipation of the upcoming Kinus.

Reb Michoel’s Minyan, local class Shuls, and Crown Heights alumni will be hosting Farbrengens over the Shabbos of the Kinus.

To add your OT Alumni Shabbos farbrengen to a soon-to-be-published list, please contact the OT office at