ENDED: Simchas Beis Hashuevah Hakhel Gathering
A mass gathering – arranged in conjunction with the schools and Shuls of Crown Heights – for the entire community, in honor of Hakhel. The event is being broadcasted live here on CrownHeights.info beginning at 7:30pm.
Chony Milecki
You make us very proud down under.
thank you
Thank you Mr. Choni Milecki for arranging this event; I am watching it online in a different city. May we have you singing in the Bais Hamikdosh tonight! Happy Hakhel!
Nachas to the REbbe
Down Under
CHONY MILECKI, you make us so proud!
Thank you
Beautiful Hakhel gathering.
Best parts IMHO were:
The Rebbe
Avi Piamenta’s talk
Chaim Fogelman
For an even better experience next time:
1. Eliminate the “disco” effects.
2. Provide song subtitles so crowd can sing along.