Video: BRHS Launches ‘Challah Bake Challenge’
Bais Rivkah High School students announced the initiation of a new Challah Bake challenge in honor of vov tishrei, Rebbetzin Chana’s Yartzeit.
Modeled after the popular ALS Ice Bucket Challenge, women and girls are encouraged to bake challah, video themselves making the bracha, and nominate 3 friends to do the same within 24 hours, or donate $18 to Chevra Simchas Shabbos V’Yom Tov. (Donations can be made at http://www.cssy.org/.)
Being that this year is Hakhel, the students thought it appropriate to create unification through one of the three mitzvos pertaining to women and the name of Chana, which is an acronyn for Challah, Nidah, and Hadlakos Neiros.
In the video created by the students, Beth Rivkah nominates Beis Chaya Mushka of Monsey, LGHS of Chicago, Beth Rivkah of Montreal, Bnos Chomesh Academy, Bnos Chaya of Albany, Bais Chaya of Florida, Torah Academy Girls High of South Africa, and Bnos Chomesh of Toronto, inviting them to participate in the challenge. They are hoping to make the mitzvah of challah go viral, and invite the public to join as well.
Here’s how it works:
- Make the dough. For recipes, visit http://atasteofchallah.com/. Remember to start early: there’s only 24 hours to get that dough rising!
- Use your camera or smartphone to video yourself making the brachah of hafrashat challah and separating the dough.
- Nominate three people to take on the Challah Bake Challenge
- Send out your video to your nominees and share it with your friends and family using the hashtag #ChallahBakeChallenge
- Email your video along with your name and mailing address to challahbakechallenge@gmail.com for a reward.
This project is לזכות רפואה שלימה לתינוק הלוי בן אסתר שרה, the son of a Beth Rivkah alumnus. Please have him in mind for a complete and immediate refuah when making the bracha.
For questions and comments, email challahbakechallenge@gmail.com or text (718) 909- 5245.
Zalmy Schapiro
go Bais Rifka of Crown Heights keep up the good work