Video: Avraham Fried’s Son Sings ‘Mi Adir’

The apple does not fall far from the tree: Avraham Fried’s son sings ‘Mi Adir’ at the Chuppah of his sister, who got married this week in Crown Heights.


  • Mazal Tov

    Beautiful the apple does not fall far from the tree.
    Lots of Yidishe and Chassidishe Nachas

    • #3

      I dont think that its nice what you have said. Hes a human being and has feelings and i dont think its right to say that. I think you are just jealous. He sang amazing and thats called talent.

    • Chassidisher Bochur

      This son of Avremel clearly gives the appearance of a Chassidishe bochur.

      In spite of his beautiful voice, which is how Avremel sounded at his age, (to those old enough to remember והוא כחתן from before Keil Hahodaos) he is probably not koching zich in stardom, rather he is doing the right thing. This speaks well of him and his parents. So, whatever you noted is “not amazing” is actually truly amazing that this family have their priorities in the right place. And just like Avremel has never fallen for all the “hip” shtick other singer find as required for parnosso, this apple does not fall far from the tree and also does not get swept away, which would most likely happen if he’d been in another family with such a great sweet voice. So Meir, I don’t know you, but I hope you continue to be a standard bearer.

      But you, my friend, have shown publicly your callousness and true colors.

  • He sounds exactly like Avraham fried when he was young!

    He sounds exactly like Avraham fried when he was young!

  • Wow meirke you sound amazing!!!

    To all negative comments: i think that meir sounds amazing and has a very powerful voice. I think people just say that when they are jealous when somebody has a great talent.
    meir has feelings just like you all, And just by saying that u can hurt his feelings and self estime.
    Meirke go on i think that you are amazing!!!

  • sw

    the Friedman’s are “true Jews”….genuine ahavas yisroel, genuine everything. HaShem should give them all, and all of us….
    hatzlacha, besoros tovos, open and revealed mazal.

  • Oh my goodness!

    I don’t know this meir, except that he is clearly Avraham Fried’s son. I watched this at least 4 times. Unbelievable! What talent this young man has!

  • M. F.

    Dosson & Aviram complained about Moshe Rabbeinu too! He has a great voice ka”h & he should have much הצלחה in the future!

  • why do pple have to be yentes???

    He did a great job B”h stop being jealous good for him he was essed with such a voice much Hatzlacha in the future MF

  • Detective

    I think most of the year positive comments were made by Meir’s friends and family and the negative ones were probably made by people that have something against him.

    • Me

      I’m sorry, I do not think that comment was necessary. (And in case you’re wondering, I have nothing to do with him). To everyone else, if you have nothing positive to say, don’t say anything! It’s as simple as that! Where’s your basic Ahavas Yisroel?

  • Oy..

    To my fellow chassidim:

    Talent, is what you are born with it’s what the aibishter gave you.

    Skill: the repetitive commitment toward working on your talent, be it voice or anything else. all the big chazzunim had amazing talents, but MOSTLY their success came from working on it with years of commitment.

  • Hatzlachah!

    Great voice!
    In today’s crowded singer field, good luck earning a living from singing.

  • Amazing!

    I can’t believe it, this voice is really genetic!! WOW, I listened to this a few times. What a Bracha from Hashem, his voice is beautiful!

  • Wow !!!

    A real gift. Continue useibg your amazing talent to go michayil el chayil in inspiring others and bring joy to them
    Continue being an inspiration to others to do the same
    May this be the first of many more