A practical idea from 21 years ago gets new life with a new project for Anash and Shluchim worldwide.

Video: New Project to Bring Moshiach!

A practical idea from 21 years ago gets new life with a new project for Anash and Shluchim worldwide.

At this year’s Kinus there was a session on Moshiach led by Rabbi Ari Raskin, Rabbi Simon Jacobson and Rabbi Tuvia Teldon.

The room was standing room only and the sicha the Rebbe said 21 years ago at the Kinus Hashluchim (5752) became a focal point in the conversation.

The Rebbe charged us all with a mission, to bring Moshiach. In the very same sicha the Rebbe mentioned a practical hachlotah for us to implement “…and specifically by resolving to learn all of Torah Ohr and Lekutei Torah until completion…”

Rabbi Ari Raskin a member of the Moshiach Campaign vaad who pushed this through said “it’s time now to take this global to all chasidei chabad and implement the Rebbe’s request”.

As a result the Moshiach Campaign launched “The Torah Or – Lekutei Torah Project” to complete the entire Lekutei Torah by learning one side a day (two columns) in a two year cycle.

A moreh shuir has been put together to help guide participants through the completion of the cycle. In addition online learning with mashpim and shluchim from around the world will be available.

The cycle will begin on Chuf Daled Teves 5763 – 200 years of the Alter Rebbe’s yartzeit. More information will soon be available at www.MoshiachCampaign.com