Video: Sara Chana’s Herbal Cold and Flu Remedies

Appearing recently on CBS New York, Sara Chana Silverstein, a herbalist and alternative medicine specialist gave some tips in time for the cold weather on how to beat the flu with natural remedies.


  • rdz

    i recently rad about a study that said vitamin c really only helps before the cold comes. after you are sick, it suggested zinc.

  • Kol hakavod

    Very informative and well-presented, Sara Chana.
    Just a reminder that honey should never be given to a child under the age of 12 months old.
    May we all be healthy, with Hashem’s help!

  • Rivi Riv

    Hello, all this is rubbish. There is no real cure… Hashem put two things in place for people in general:
    i. Get plenty of rest
    ii. Take in tons of Vitamin C

    Anything other that is made up recipes for quick money schemes.
    Plus younger people under 45 stave off a cold better than over 55 crowd. ZEH HOO.

  • Shterna

    To #7,
    Last We checked, Hashem created herbs, honey, fruits & veggies..
    Honey? Onions? Garlic?
    Not rubbish darling.. How do you think our ancestors treated illnesses???

    Also, for many of us.. Lots of rest is not really an option..

  • To #7

    Woman you obviously don’t know what you’re talking about. These remedies are beyond helpful and effective. Thak you so much Sarah Chana you are truly amazing :)

  • GadolHador

    To people who have actually taken classes such as anatomy & physiology, microbiology, and biochemistry what she says makes no sense whatsoever.

  • to #7

    I love hearing “there is no cure”, as it makes some feel better when they suffer. I, and many others, know otherwise from real experiences of many years. I have found a cheap and effective cure for the cold and even flu, and believe Hashem has created the cure for it.

    Believe what you want, but I plan to stay healthy and teach my patients what works.

  • question

    Does anyone know how long this syrup can last before you have to make a fresh batch?

  • To #11

    Tzadik, no offense, but just by looking at your spelling I higly doubt you took those courses. As a person with an M.D. I can tell you that this is the best type of cure possible. Enough said, be healthy and be safe.

  • GadolHador

    #15, your “MD” is likely from a mail order unaccredited college. There are no spelling mistakes and my point is clear- her “remedies” are nice but make no sense. Is honey effective against gram negative or gram positive bacteria? She says it has anti-viral properties, how how? Is it able to get into the cell through some channel or receptor and effectuate apoptosis? It’s complete rubbish and is dangerous when people go to an “herbalist” and not an actually trained medical professional.

  • To #11

    I think I have taken all those classes you mentioned and more (I am a licensed practitioner) and even tested garlic against the common bacteria in micro lab, and think she has much more knowledge than most in the field will ever have.
    My patients think so as well, as they come back for more.
    Where do you think most of medicine originated? HERBS!!! Only to keep some profit they ‘isolated’ the active ingredient Hashem placed in a plant. They sure know best. Only they forgot that the original herb helps without the side effects…

  • Anonim

    To people who have actually taken classes such as anatomy & physiology, microbiology, and biochemistry what she says makes no sense whatsoever.

    Correct, but this is one case where folk remedies may provide a placebo or psychosomatic effect.

    I also “know better,” but I take 1000-1500 mgs of Vitamin C a day. I’m probably “pishing avek myne gelt,” but I haven’t had even a slight cold for far over a year.

    Just be sure to use the cheapest kosher brands and not to buy overpriced supplements or herbal remedies from MLM companies or dupes. Far too many of Anash are duped into MLM health product scams.

  • GadolHador

    To #17: You wrote “even tested garlic against the common bacteria in micro lab”. That makes no sense whatsoever. There is no such thing as “the common bacteria”. Bacteria are classified as either gram positive or gram negative. Their cell walls are very different and antibiotics work very differently or not at all. I simply don’t believe you and doubt you are licensed to do anything.

  • Anonim

    Not rubbish darling.. How do you think our ancestors treated illnesses???
    Do you know how many of our ancestors died young because of diseases that are curable today and were treated then with shtussim? Do you know how many members of the “mesirus nefesh generation” suffered later on because of illnesses that were never treated properly in Russia?

    So long as this Sara Chana sticks to cold remedies, no harm is done. If you think it works, it probably does when it comes to a common cold – so long as you’re sure you have a common cold.

    Anyone who ever, ever advocates substituting an unproven remedy for standard medical treatment where standard medical treatment has been proven to work is an accessory to murder or grievous bodily harm. Said person may well be subject to din rodef.

  • #17

    You seem disturbed to hear there are people out there doing something to get healthy. I am a prescribing practitioner in NYS, have tested garlic in vivo and vitro, and the bacteria for your professional curiosity was called ‘common’ as I had access to basic ones. (s. marcescens, e. coli, b. cereus, etc.)
    If you hate hard facts and actual studies and results I see every time I give my ‘old-fashioned’ medicine, maybe shadow me in my clinic and learn something real. Studying in pharmaceutical-funded schools is not everything out there in the real world. You have a lot to learn, buddy.

  • Dear Gadolhador?

    I think you may spend time thinking about how things may work while loosing out on what is happening in the present. If you have a clear understanding on how sulfa drugs work and pass through cell membranes and all other concerns, be pleased to know that garlic has those properties. Do you imply that you have a grip on how all drugs work? Why does cimetidine help molluscum? Why does penicillin work for syphilis if it is gram negative, and why do most drugs do things we have no clue as to why they are effective? Unless you know all this and more. But Hashem made plants have many amazing healing properties, even for the common cold and flu. Maybe you know better or it makes no sense, but if I can use them to cure people- argue all you want. The world of medicine is not philosophy.