Now Live: Chidon Sefer Hamitzvos Game Show
Taking place now in Crown Heights, contestants from around the world are facing off in a competition displaying their knowledge in the Halachos in the Sefer Hamitzvos. The amazing even is coming to a conclusion with a final competition and the event is being broadcasted live here on CrownHeights.info.
Shimmy’s shishhing the whole time is very annoying and unprofessional.
I spy
I Spy Bentzi Blesofsky
Go Bentzi!!
Hakoros Hatov
Thank you Shimmy and Zelda Weinbaum for all you do for the chidon!!!!
Yasher koach
Yasher koach to Shimmy and Zelda Weinbaum for all you do for the chidon. My kids are looking forward to next year!!
Beautiful, dynamic, Chassidish
The kids did a (unbelievable?) fantabulous job, they knerw the mitzvos back and forth! The Rebbe surely has nachas from this. Blessings to all those who had a part in the Chidon and in the Tzivos Hashem activities throughout the year!
zalmy Schapiro
i am so pound of all chidon wow Mazel tov