At a Tisch in Williamsburg, Reb Dovid Twersky, the Rebbe of Rachmastrivka, and his older brother Reb Nachman Yosef Twersky, a Lubavitcher Chosid, lead a crowd of mostly Satmar Chassidim in singing a Lubavitcher melody - the Rebbe Rashab's 'Rostover Nigun.'

Video: Rostover Nigun at Williamsburg Tisch

At a Tisch in Williamsburg, Reb Dovid Twersky, the Rebbe of Rachmastrivka, and his older brother Reb Nachman Yosef Twersky, a Lubavitcher Chosid, lead a crowd of mostly Satmar Chassidim in singing a Lubavitcher melody – the Rebbe Rashab’s ‘Rostover Nigun.’


  • not a chiddush

    hate to ruin your scoop, but this niggun is sung in satmar quite often, especially for “mimkoimoch” during shabbos shachris kedusha. if u listen closely, u can hear where they sing the satmar version of it.

  • Moshe

    Unfortunately it is painful to listen to the way they sing it. Is it possible that its not even the same nigun?

  • Devora Leah

    Such a beautiful scene and the Lubavitch niggun being sung by the Satmar Chassidim is so touching. So wonderful to see achdus between any Lubavitch and Satmar chassidim-especially when being led by two brothers, one from each sect.

  • I think

    Its a different niggun. Commonly sung in other places. Probably comes from same source

  • A appreciating chosid

    It’s definetly the same niggun. It is originally a poilishe niggun brought to chabad by the poilishe bochurim who came to lubavitch. This niggun is sung in satmar Ger and other kriesen too.Chabad took it from them not the other way round.

  • CH-er

    to Number 2 & 7

    I was invited once to join up in Monroe for a Shabbos, the Satmer Rebbe was shliach Tzibur, yes at Mimkoimcho he sang this tune,

    it was Inspiring, to say the least.
    In addition, I have commented many times here and other Lubavitcher sites,….

    How Niggunim are the words of the neshomo, as the rebbe explained many times, especially neggunim without words, can reach heights, for they are not bounded with in the limitations of the words itself,,,,, V’DAL
    A way of Hafotzos Hamayonis

    In the last year or two, we have seen clips from all over the globe, Litvish rosh hayeshivois, Poilishe Rebbes, Galitzeyane rebbes, etc, singing many songs from CHABAD, such as, Tzomo Lecha Nafshi, Aimosai Ko Osie Mar, and many others,,,,,
    I personally would contribute all of this to the world at large accepting Chabad, Davka now after 94′ as many have falsely predicted the end of chabad, and mostly to Avram Fried for his astounding CD’s of Chabad Negunim

    Much to expound on this, the hidden powers we have never fathomed will show,
    however, the outcome is enough proof and witness,