Members of the Chassidic anti-Zionist Neturei Karta faction met with Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad in New York City, where he is attending the annual United Nations General Assembly.

Video: Neturei Karta Meet Ahmadinejad in NYC

Members of the Chassidic anti-Zionist Neturei Karta faction met with Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad in New York City, where he is attending the annual United Nations General Assembly.


  • jj

    I bet the neturei karta would hug and kiss hitler if he said he was anti the state of israel.

    this is sad.


    They have a reson for supporting one whom denies the Shoa, YS”V.
    These individuals are offspring of Nazis. Their mothers were raped (or offered themselves in return for food)in concentration camps and the rabbis refused to allow abortions.
    (This has been historically documented, yet not spoken about).

  • can-t beleive what i just saw,

    WHAT A CHILUL HASHEM!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • Ahmedrekijad

    I don’t get it. Zionism formed as a result of the Massacre of the 6000000. Didn`t Ahmadinejad denounce the holocaust?

  • misguided souls

    The neturei carta have something in common with the Jihadists, they both are looking to the distruction of Jews. Hashem Yerachem on these misguided, very misguided souls.
    Golus has made them crazy.
    Moshiach Now!

  • Michoel Montaine

    Hard to believe, eh folks? The same guys with payos will anyhow die in the overall nuclear destruction which Iran will unleash chos v’shalom. It’s always a small fringe group like the Neturei Karta that bother the Jews… if they don’t like the idea of Zionism, let them immediately vacate their village in Israel and move into friendly Iran. Let us see what brotherly love will prevail without the media cameras to protect them.

  • from 770

    they need to be wipe of our people of Israel, they are dangerous for US in our own country. Evil people they can be converted to islam they love them so much, why not??

  • disappointed

    #12 is right but to begin with why do you & others continue to give the crackpots publicity that is all they are is a bunch of crackpots in costumes early Halloween celebrators! trick or treat!!

  • frank

    do he know their just a few and least he made time for them not like obama for israel.

  • Yonah

    “The Zionists true desire is to sever the hearts of the Jewish people from the Torah and mitzvos, G-d forbid, and to debase in their eyes whatever is regarded as holy by our nation.”

  • Daniel Brooks

    Any one who has had the opportunity too learn chassidus knows that we do our best to avoid giving vitality too negative things in whatever shape or form. We already know that this man, pieced of dreck meets with people each time he comes here. so nothing is being gained by watching the clip we are just giving it vitality that it does not deserve. Do something positive there is so much we can do in the valuable seconds, minutes that this runs for.

  • Berel K.

    They are definitely not CHASSIDIC> The origin of the Niturei Karta is the students of the Vilner Gaon – Misnagdim. The fact that they reside in Jerusalem and dress Shtreimels does not make them Chassidic.
    Don’t blemish Chassidism.

  • unbelievable!

    It was so comical, I couldn’t believe my eyes. Difficult to comprehend the void of soul or holiness these men have, in the face of thinking they are above it all. Hashem will take care of the whole situation soon.

  • holocaust?!

    He is talking to him about the “holocaust”?!

    He’s talking to the wrong guy – this guy deny’s the holocaust ever happened!!

    Most probably he forgot!

    According to Satmar ideology, one may not provoke Goyim – and he just did! Shame – shame!!

  • disgusted one

    thank you so much #40, I am not sure why the web site has not done their homework here,

    false incitement of hatred,
    chas veshalom to say I side with them, no not at all, but your column here applies the thought that this was at the present time,

    shame on you for this,

    thank you too Daniel Brooks # 27, we at chabad should know better

    may hashem have pity on us,

    gmar tov

  • to 2

    how can u say he is“charming” are u serious? not one even bit! you defiently dont know who he really is :/

  • The Way It Is

    It’s not a fairytale! The 3 little pigs really exist! Just look at the above photo! I think Achmeni-jihad is actually having a good time. What a porker!

  • TMI

    This is an OLD Video from his past visit (2009?), where ahmad the nut declared his country had no homosexuals.

  • sad

    they are sitting taking two a man who wants nothing better than two actualy distroy them
    and they actualy thing he cares what they say they are just plain stupid i feel sick
    hashem yeracheim

  • Ku Klutz Karta

    1) This is an old video.

    2) These fools are neither Chassidish nor Litvish. They are oisvorfelach who were thrown out of one or more yeshivos or kehillos.

  • Disgusted!


    ”On behalf of world Jewry…”

    Man! If you want to give a gift of gratitude to a killer, especially of Jews, then include only yourself! The nerve!

  • puzzled

    so who took this video?
    The old mman ( and his bunch)KISSED that rosho, with the lips that learn and kiss the Torah.

  • Yonah

    All the Lubavitch Rebbeim were anti-Zionist–Zionism is only to be tolerated to the extent that it protects the lives of Jews. But otherwise, it is an absolute disaster for Jews. Lubavitchers need to get themselves out of the “Religious Zionist” deception.

  • discussions

    does anyone know what they spoke about? (“I hate israel more than you, No, we hate them more then you! no we do! nooo…. ”) or was it something else?

  • Oy Rachmana Litzlan!

    It has been documented (by a big leader of the Jewish nation) that as #6 said there is a strong basis to say that these individuals are NOT JEWISH!! They come off from some strange unknown island and grew beards and payos and put on tzitzes etc and claim to be Jews! No uh uh they are not! Hashem bring Moshiach and then he will certainly distinguish bet Jew and non Jew and then take each one of his Yiddishe Kinderlach by the hand out of this long and dreary Golus….

  • leib

    the neuturei karta adds fuel to the fire of hatred towards jews.These self haters don’t understand the danger which they helped to create together with Israeli leftists.They should be excommunicated from every jewish community and not be allowed to come in any shul.These are the kapos of our generation.Would they praise hitler also?

  • Maskil

    #58:what unknown island are you talking about?Everyone knows these freaks originally come from the town of Szatmàr(Satmar)where thei chassidic dinasty was born!Last time I checked,there was no sea in Hungary and therefore Satmar is not an island….

  • Ku Klutz Karta

    These yukelach are NOT Satmar. Beck is Yerushalmi and he was thrown out of Vizhnitz. The number of kehilos from which Weiss was ejected is probably somewhere in the low 2 digits.

    “NK” is in CHEREM in Satmar!

  • Abbushuki

    Wait everybody. He’s right about “the untold thousands who agree that Israel should be dismantled”. Evah heard o J STREET?

  • Maskil

    #63:at the time the chassidic dinasty was bor,it was Hungarian;it became Romanian after 1945.

  • Rahamin

    How is it That this group Members of the anti-Zionist Chassidic Neturei Karta, meet and kiss the greatest enemy of the State of Israel , then kiss the Torah (I imagine them spit the Torah) and then travel to Israel as saint people ?
    Not be allowed to travel to our Holy Land

  • LeibZalman ben Eliyahoo

    If you climb into the gutter with dogs, you will not only get fleas, the dogs will also eat you.