
Video: Wedding “Shtick”



  • Repulsive

    This is absolutely repulsive. This video should be removed. The point of wedding schtick is to bring joy to the chosson and kallah. I don’t see how he accomplished this buy consuming household cleaning products and toiletries.

    Notice the children standing there watching. That’s right kids! Go ahead and down listerine, dial soap and a tube of toothpaste and don’t forget to finish it off with a cigarette! You too will get lots of attention!

    This schnook might want to consider consuming some salad instead, that might be more beneficial to his health.

  • Zippora

    That’s completely disgusting – abuse of the body and a horrible example to young people. This should not be aired. What if a young person tries just downing a bottle of Windex like they see here? Disgustingly inappropriate.

  • Concerned Bubby

    Very dangerous and irresponsible to show this on a site that children access. I would remove it immediately

  • yup

    so you prefer that we show the abusive drinking some of our bochurim do instead? What is great “shtick” is showing how flatbush weddings water down their mashke, its such a smack in the face… You can go sober, drink 10 l’chaims, and leave more hydrated and sober than when you arrive.

  • Mendel

    Is this what people do when they are not able to impress others with anything else?

    This guy needs a good psychiatrist.

  • relax guys

    i know this guy and its all fake
    its like doing magic

    its all different drinks that was put into these bottles


  • Hence: shtik

    Baby powder is confectionery sugar…rest is koolaid or food coloring. I love it!

  • i hope

    windex was full of Gatorade and soap was full of honey the guy can kill himself drinking those stuff

  • Grossed Out

    I never comment but I have to agree with all the above and it’s irresponsible to post this. Bleh

  • to #15

    but it’s still extremely inappropriate to do this
    what in the world is funny about making believe that you are eating all this stuff

  • Nebach

    To number #15.
    Do you have any idea how those chemicals get absorbed into the plastic containers? Yeah, he washed them out first.Total genius.
    To #7 Your right!!! The children seeing this!!!!
    He needs a good talking to and help by one of his friends.
    Anyone looking for someone for their daughter?

  • eeww

    i was at a lubavitcher wedding about 15 years ago and a young woman did the exact same was so gross that the kallah asked her to stop.

  • Garbanzo Bean

    its irresponsible for kids to see thats it.

    Obviously, youd have to be a total fool to think hes doing this for real and its not substitued for honey, powerade, etc… cmon guys, most of the commentators you gullible and your creativity stinks!

  • Talk about needing attention

    This guy has many problems, doing stupid things will not get people to like you, what a sad state this guy needs help!~

  • give him a break!!!!!

    hes just doing some prank that everybody is making a big deal about
    i dont think u should all be saying what you are saying!!!

  • revolting

    even though the liquids are actual normal drinks, the cigarette is real and for that reason this video is disgusting and not the best for kids to watch! bleh. :(

  • wow

    everyone mind your own business who cares what this guy is up to if everything was really toxic the video would show him die so everyone calm down and get a life!

  • Chaim Tovim

    Vile… the post should be removed and the man should be removed to a psych ward…

  • abe CH

    to # 36
    it’s not raui leachilat kelev
    even a dog won’t eat it
    I cannot understand how with all the rabonIm around him no body could STOP HIM?????

  • Walk Away next time

    The people around him are just as guilty. They should have all walked away. By watching they only encouraged him.

  • yitzchok c in Jerusalem

    at #3 hahahahahahaha funniest c0mment ever funnier than the vide0

  • Arak-o-Nomika

    I filled a bleach bottle (very carefully soaked, rinsed etc) with a similar, barely drinkable substance called arak one Purim and gave out lechaim (this was a very child-free late-night farbrengen and I would never do it in front of kids). That is about what is going on here.

  • Arak-o-Nomika


    Baby powder – confectioner’s sugar
    Listerine – Creme de Menthe, Pisang Ambon etc and vodka
    Windex – Blue Curacao and vodka
    Soap – scotch or Southern Comfort (if it is still kosher)

    In other words, ein chodosh tachas hashemesh

  • Hatzolah member

    It doesn’t matter if they were all edible ingredients…….there were kids there who might not understand that, and try it on their own, and end up very sick in the hospital

  • Eat Fresh

    I went to a wedding where two bochurim did a shtick of drinking (water) from a vodka bottle and doing shtick pretending to be drunk, while not in the finest taste…

    This was depicting what the guy actually does on a regular basis, and that is shove anything and everything that he think may be edible in his mouth, though it may very well not be.

    An entire chapter of halacha in Rambam, Shulchan Aruch, Kitzur etc elucidate the REQUIREMENT of healthy consumption, and while this video may have just been depicting a shtick, the excessive over-weightiness of the bochur and many others in the frum community is a blatant disregard of halacha lemaaseh, and a threat to one’s health and well-being.