Video: Mendy and Big Dave Explain the Meaning of Life

In this latest episode of Jew-bell-ish, Chasidic comedian Mendy Pellin and his co-star Big Dave address and dance to your questions in this rare behind-the-scenes look at Jew-bell-ish The News.


    • To n. 2

      Please, we would like you to explain how this could possibly break the already extremely misogynist rules you sadly abide by in your day to day life.

  • Yankel Todres

    Mendy, your’e trying way too hard to be funny. It’s actually a bit embarrassing. It’s time to take a step back, and find some better material. In the past, you did some skits that had us rolling (not this one)!

  • chabad

    i agree. that woman was not tznuis. but the meaning of life. wisdom, knowledge and understanding. ha. that was funny.

  • I love Mendy Pellin

    I really really do – he’s a very nice guys with a great heart…I just don’t find this funny. But if he’s making a living off it, who cares. Good for him!!!