Alan Veingrad, former football star turned Lubavitcher Chossid, is interviews by ESPN about a lawsuit he is filling against the NFL over concussions suffered by its players.

Video: Alan Veingrad Suing NFL over Concussions

Alan Veingrad, former football star turned Lubavitcher Chossid, is interviews by ESPN about a lawsuit he is filling against the NFL over concussions suffered by its players.


  • amazing

    These players get paid millions knowing the risks involved now they want to sue?

  • Who Seed Watt

    “One of hundreds”. He may be spokesman (and why not? A yiddishe kup!) but he is not a sole “troublemaker” suing the NFL. Ban human boxing first! … then football.

  • Pinchas

    Are you for real??!! This guy who openly admitted to cheating to get his football college scholarship when he spoke at our shul is now suing the NFL for injuries? How embarrassing…Is this the “Jewish” way?

  • Money Madness

    Sure, getting bashed in the head over and over was great as long as there was fame, glory and money. Now you are suing and claim you didn’t know it was harmful to your health? You can’t be serious.

  • fins fan

    miami dolphines miami dolphins miami dolphins number 1 and when u say miami dolphins youre talkin super bowl. lets go dolphins

  • NFL reality

    Shlomo Veingrad is a remarkable person. He should be used as an example of how players should lead their life after retiring from the NFL. He now has a successful career in business and speaking. However, he would give all of that up to live without the severe headaches and back pain that he will likely suffer from for the rest of his life for playing seven years in the NFL. The comment by #1 is true for a handful of players. The rest of the league gets paid very well for an average of four years and then suffers for the rest of their lives. The NFL continues to fight the association of playing football with CTE. They are far more concerned about their billion dollar TV contracts then any player.

  • New York, New York

    Sounds like comment #8 was written by Veingrad himself. This guy horrified our students after he came and spoke at our school and talked about how he cheated to get a football college scholarship. And now he wants more money? These players know the health hazards yet chose to play anyway. Now they want to blame the NFL? Ridiculous.

  • dont even think of sueing the nfl!!!!!!!

    nfl is toataly right its bpart of the game u have no right to sue them junior seau got hurt but hes anornal football player it happens