Sefira Music Video: Chabatzkapella!
Beri Weber, a rising star in the world of Jewish music, has just released this instrument-free hit single for the final days of Sefira, titled: Chabatzkapella! The song is a modern twist on the Niggun Talmidei HaTzemach Tzedek, popularly known today as the “Chabadsker Niggun,” with an accompanying video of Beri “behaving like a Lubavitcher.”
its just disturbing how lubavitch he looks with the HOODY!
only because you can’t see his long payos
if thats acting like a lubavicher thats very sad!!!!!
What part of it is sad? Doing mivtzoyim? Learning a sicha? Please advise asap. Thanks
I hate a capella but this is great! Pity it wasn’t available at the beginning of sefirah. I don’t think he looked much like a Lubavitcher any more than Lipa does. He’s a talented performer, though.
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I wasn’t sure what to expect but I really enjoyed this video. Berry has a sweet voice and with all the sounds he makes shows amazing talent. I was not disturbed at all by his different headgear – this is what Lubavitch is made up of Boruch Hashem – we are inclusive ! Moshiach Now !
Alison Isadora Frutkin
great voice!!! A great combo of Israeli and dubstep
he should be successful!
Imitation is the best form of flattery
this is lubavitch of today not of chasidim on yesterday…which is positive and sad….lubavitch was always open allinclusave from the begining of times…it would be nice to see lubavitch today of all its colors and flavors kuching in chasidus and avodah that would be ultimate.
go monsey and shloim bronstein!!!!!
lubavicher???? Never!!!! He can’t even play one correctly. To be a lubavitcher you have to be born with a special neshomo.
huh ??
Born with a special neshomo???? I wasnt
Which moisad has an Israeli flag hanging (r”l) in the same room as a picture of the Rebbe?
Lubavitch is not Zionist. Very much the opposite.
It’s in a Hillel building
That’s what you call acting as a Lubavitcher? And why that Zionistr flag? The Rebbe spoke out against what Zionism and its flag represented. Any Chabad Mosdos with that flag has lost its credibility. There are some Lubavitchers who should read the following Sicha of the Rebbe (paragraphs י”ט-כ”א): http://www.chabadlibrary.org/books/default.aspx?furl=/admur/tm/14/16/
Mendy Hecht
Reb Beri, shlita!
Nice job. But you _do_ you know what’s next, now, do you not…?
Really nice voice, singing. Charismatic. Loved it!
so cute!!
I reallly like! niggun one of my favorites… reminds me of tishre :)
excuse me?
We’re not allowed to have an Israeli flag AND a picture of the Rebbe? What? Please stop with the inflammatory remarks.
You're excused
You can do whatever you want, just don’t make as if the Rebbe supported Zionism or the Israeli flag.
Excellent singer but..
The hoodie, depicting the Israeli flag as a mantra for Chabad Chassidim, the learning of ONLY a sicha, the way he put tefillin on, the tallis he wore, Berri acts more like an outsider, looking inside, then an insider. Berri is a friend of mine, and very temimesdik, and has Chabad tendencies, but this video captures a light and superficial view of Chabad. You really gotta be in it to feel what we feel – Thanks Berri, but you should have done more homework before you put this youtube out.
This is a really nice video.
Who does he think he is?
it seems to me like this guy is putting down lubavitch…
the way he depicts lubavitchers, ‘modern yet hassidic’. Not every lubavitcher has long hair and wears jeans amongst his beard and tztitzis… and the Israeli flag? Whats up with that??
whats with you comments?
who cares about some Israeli flags?
who cares...
…about the HOODY!
it’s easy to be a critic. why not look for the good in others instead?
cmon guys u probably do it urself
everyone does that (wear a hoody and jeans) soo whaaat