Video: Who Received the Last Dollar from the Rebbe?
Sunday, 26 Adar 1, 770. It was a ‘regular’ day at the Dollars Line, if one could call any day in 770 ‘regular.’ The Rebbe was giving out dollars to the thousands gathered for that life-changing electric moment, a brief meeting of Yechida with the Yechida Klolis.
Late in the afternoon, after the last Yid was zoche to recieve his dollar and brocho, the Mazkirim moved the table away. Suddenly, someone appeared in the hallway, holding his young son. It was R’ Moshe Gindi, a then resident of Crown Heights, now residing in Yerushalayim. He got to 770 too late: the chaluka was over. It seemed that he had missed his chance to receive a dollar from the Rebbe’s holy hand.
But, no! The Rebbe noticed him, the Mazkirim returned the table near the Rebbe and placed two dollars on it. Father and son received dollars from the Rebbe’s holy hand, the Rebbe put one more dollar in his siddur, and went into Gan Eden Hoelyon.
In a conversation with Shturem’s correspondent, R’ Gindi recalled those very special moments. After receiving the dollars, he wrote on them the following: The last dollars of Chof Vov Adar Alef, 5752. After a moment, a thought occured to him: these were not the last dollars, rather the first dollars of a new chaluka, since the Rebbe made a special chaluka just for them. R’ Gindi corrected the inscription. Sadly, these precious dollars were lost, and R’ Moshe is very hopeful that very soon the Rebbe will be with us b’guf gashmi.
His son Yaakov Asher, then one year old, resides in Crown Heights, and said that being the last to recieve a dollar from the Rebbe made an everlasting impression on him. It is a zchus, a responsibility and an obligation, and something that influences his life at every turn.
So, to be clear, it was the father who received the last dollar…
not the last time and not the last perso
this was not the last time
tishrei 1993 before gimmel tammuz the rebbe gave out dollars with his hand the same way he gave dollars in this video that was the last time the rebbe gave out dollars.
the following cheshvon was the last time the rebbe was seen in public
there are vidoes of this as well
Last pan
I heard a farbrengen once from Yitzchok Shochet in London. His was the last pan to be read out by the Rebbe in the hospital on the Friday before Shabbos before gimmel tamuz. I confirmed this with Rabbi Klein who was the one to read it.
“min haboker ad huerev” like by moshe rabeinu!!
if you look at the clock its 7:34 when they get the dollars, more then seven hours the rebbe stood and gave dollars!!!
this was not the last time
tishrei 1993 before gimmel tammuz the rebbe gave out dollars with his hand the same way he gave dollars in this video that was the last time the rebbe gave out dollars.
the following cheshvon was the last time the rebbe was seen in public
there are vidoes of this as well
to number ! you say the last dollar was to the father. however you see clearly that the Rebbe gave a $ to the child then to the father, and after that one for himself,
and btw yes # 2 you are correct dollars were after that too
actullay the lest time the rebbe was out
in public was that chanukah