Video: Stranger, Can You Spare a Shoulder?

When a photo they published of a man on the subway allowing another to sleep on his shoulder undisturbed went viral, the Facebook group Charidy decided to see for themselves how many people would let a random stranger sleep on their shoulder on the subway.

Here are the results, and the valuable lesson they learned.


  • Cool

    First off I agree with number 3
    Second meir get a haircut so ppl cud see ur good looks
    Third what with laying on ladies? No shomer negia?
    But I did have a laugh….lol

  • to # 4

    If the problem of him leaning on woman bec of shomer nagia is bec is represents Judaism – this video has nothing to do with judiasim and frankly he doesnt show any signs of being religious (not saying in any way that he isnt religious) and if its about him personally that he shouldnt be touching woman – its non of you business what he choses to do.

    Think before commenting

  • To #5

    Ever heard of “kol yisroel ze…”. It IS our problem…sorry if you’re trying to defend ur “chilled” friend.
    The only part which might in all fairness be true, is this doesn’t belong on a Chabad website. I personally don’t feel comfortable with my younger son being confused if he might think this is a Lubavitcher Bochur. I’m assuming you also defending this as the look the Rebbe might have envisioned for his Lubavitcher Chassidim (I’m not talking about Balei Teshiva..he comes from better).
    And yes, he can use a haircut…just saying

  • just saying

    Someone asked the rebbe why it’s his business asking ppl if there Jewish… Rebbes response its like a burning building.. u make sure the guy gets out even if he doesn’t want to……v’chol hamavin yovon