Video: The Substance of Hasidic Style

StyleLikeU, an online fashion ‘Magazine,’ takes its viewers on a tour of Hasidic Brooklyn, where they discover the connection between the style and lifestyle of Hasidic Jews.


  • Anonymous

    Look how low we have come that the SATMARS make a Kidush Hashem and the so called “Lubavitcher’s make the…

  • embarressed

    is this the best crown heights could get??
    Chabadlight 100%!!!
    crown heights wake up and take
    the schuna back!!!


    Beautifully done – all of those who were interviewed were so articulate, intelligent , knowlegeable and enthusiastic about their beliefs & our way of life. I really don’t understand the previous negative comments …

    • #4 that's exactly the problem

      You don’t even know to be embarrassed and neither do those libavitchers being interviewed. There is chassidus and there is Chabad chassidus – a HIGHER and deeper standard on top of all the other chassiduses. Wanting to date a girl cuz you saw her pic on Facebook is NOT okay. NO we don’t read or are involved with secular media. WE are NOT more modern!!!!! Imagine the rebbe hearing these words!! We are FRUMMER and have a deeper appreciation of Torah and Mitzvos! One thing to the credit of the libavitchers is that they did seem to have a deeper understanding of what yiddishkeit is all about- but apparently it is just theory and not lemasseh!

    • #4- Who are you? Are you kidding?

      Do you see nothing wrong with this? Lubavitch is supposed to be CHASSIDIM – frum eidel tznius – yet balanced. We are supposed to be role models for everyone else. Lubavitch is NOT a frummer version of modern orthodox.
      What a poor choice of people to represent us. I am embarrassed. I am sure the Rebbe would be as well.

  • wanabe

    to #1. I agree with you. What you see presented here histrionic wanna-be-ism.

    Besides the fact that the information about the lack of fur hats in Russia is cringingly misinformed and ignorant…

  • please reconsider posting this.

    This is amazing but completely inappropriate for my child to see, while I’m letting my child view lubavitch sites I don’t want him seeing this.

    • Good Day

      Who said this was a Lubavitch website? And most of these comments are predictable and comical.

  • why!!!

    there must be more chassidshe articulate people that can convey what chassidus chabad is!!These guys are nice people ,but not representatives of derech chabad.Chaval,chaval.

  • #4

    The negative comments are NOT addressed to the other Chassidim…but sadly to the Chabad representative Chassidim. If u noticed ONLY Chabad met via Facebook, sat almost on top of each other and talked about being “lost in love”, read secular magazines, watch TV and wear leggings as Tznius attire! In this case I must say though the other Chassidim came off very articulate, classy, dressed nicely, sharp and observant at the same time.
    Shame on us!
    When he finally puts on the Kapata, after dressing NOT in Lubavich weekday attire, does he need to add the cardi and shades?! Is this our Chabad livush?

  • Please remember...

    When you portray Chabad you represent the Rebbe.
    Consider if you are suitable to represent Chabad (or might you want to recommend someone else).

  • couldnt agree more with # 1

    satmar and ect.. did a great job in presenting their community

  • Chabadniks

    There are no 2 chabadniks alike, therefore each person should talk for themself, and not represent everyone else – THANK YOU!

  • It's embarrassing

    That this is the couple chosen to represent Chabad. They talk the talk but certainly don’t walk the walk.

  • OMG

    So they’re explaining that we cover our elbows – as part of tznius – and “our representative” has her elbows showing – for all the world to see and as a representative.
    Do what you want, but when you’re asked to represent a group, we don’t need to hear that you, “read magazines, watch tv, know celebreties”. There’s a time and place and you should have known better.

    The other chassidim and B”H Bronya look the part, the rest is sad.

  • You are all very extreme

    Guess what! this is the majority of chabad today and they did a great job…they are frum good people …what more do you want..

    Good job Hechts ! Kepp it up! Dont be nispoel from the militants

  • first time in my life

    i wish I was Satmar !
    Their spokesman were articulate and Jews i am pround of.
    Chabad you let me down.
    The couple certainly don’t represent the Chabad i know and love and Mrs Shaffer i am a great fan of yours . I am sure your words are very well received in your many talks you give around the globe but your comments were not appropriate for a family friendly newsite in the Chareidi circles

    • Thank. You

      Mrs Schaefer spoke the right words! This video was for the secular to watch and understand some of the jewish customs. This video was not intended for chareidim to watch

  • :-)

    To #19 and to many other…

    Mrs Shaffer didn’t participate in this interview for This was done for StyleLikeU. So if you don’t like the content in the interview – don’t watch it. If you feel you kids should’t watch it, than do what I do, don’t give them unaccompanied internet access. Lastly, if you have “higher” expectations from this website – than you can write to its editors. This ain’t Mrs. Shaffer’s problem. Incidentally, I think she did a great job. I noticed this site cut out the more adult content of the interview. I, as an adult, chose to watch the full interview on youtube. So I credit this site with making efforts – yet its a free world so some of you readers should stop complaining (it’s not like you were forced to visit this site).

    In regards to the Satman Chasidim – they were wonderful, and certainly not a portrayal of the majority of satmar. Maybe in their hearts. Perhaps they know these messages, but 99% of them (as I have found) while beautiful and erlich people aren’t able to articulate what they did in this beautiful fashion. It’s not a problem. You should show off your best – but lets not be stupid – those guys didn’t have think yiddish accents.

    Now, our adorable lubavitcher couple.

    What the problems people?

    1) he looks like a hipster
    2) maybe she looks like a hipster too
    3) they don’t represent Lubavitch
    4) they made us a appeal “modern”

    That’s what I gathered from the previous comments…

    Perhaps you’re on to something…but so what?

    On a simple level – they did really well (in my opinion). Both spoke nicely, seemed genuine, and conveyed the message clearly with charm. They’re a likable couple.

    “Do they represent Lubavitch?” who care…you weren’t asked to be interviewed…now were you? Is there any couple that would have represented Lubavitch? I’d like to meet the “couple of Lubavich”…maybe we should appoint one?

    Perhaps we could find the best Menachem Mendel and Chaya Mushka out to there to be our “Lubavitch spokes couple.”

    Please…you’ll never be satisfied. This wasn’t finely edited by aguch and therefor every detail edited to their liking (and perhaps your liking).

    He’s my point…The satmar guys – lovely people – didnt represent “satmar.” You wanna say the lubavitcher couple didn’t either – okay. But I noticed you’re more content with the satram misrepresentation than out?

    What do you suppose that’s about?

    Perhaps their more personal to you so it’s closer to home kinda thing? You’ll basically always be more critical of what you affiliated with because you have a “horse in the race.” You have no horse in the satmar race.

    Both group had some variation of “misrepresentation” of my stereotype. So what? Is there a cookie cutter satmar or lubavitcher.

    Im not gonna say if he’s the minority or majority of lubavitcher look or act like today…cause that aint the issue (neither does it matter – we’re going with a message rather than what’s popular in CH).

    No one couple would be pleasing to all. I thought they overall did a great job – and sure maybe I would have does something differently – but that doesn’t matter. They did great. If you feel they shamed you (or Lubavitch) than next time you’re at the water cooler at your goyshe office and you’re asked about this interview you could say….”yeah, they were great. But I think somewhat differently.”

    Stop making such a huge deal about every tiny matter and become – for a moment – a free thinking healthy adult.

    You don’t like the couple -life moves on…form your own opinion and share as you see fit.

    You think it should have been on this site – stop coming here. You weren’t charged for you visit.

    Basically….but the tandrum

    • Bingo

      I couldn’t have said it better my self.

      “You think it shouldn’t have been on this site – stop coming here. You weren’t charged for your visit.” – Bingo

  • mama

    The satmar came over so beautifully, not trashy or trying too hard to fit in with the world! I love being a lubavitcher woman but I so envy the other chassidishe women’s grace, elegance, sense of purpose and purity.

  • Not Satmar

    I don’t think there were Satmar talking (as opposed to perhaps seen in photos/video) on the video, at least from what I saw here. Williamsburg is composed of a mixture of various Hassidic groups, not just Satmar.

    The guy who spoke the most, Solomon Rosenberg, apparently is a Klausenberger (you can see photo of old Klausenberger Rebbe hanging in his house). I don’t know about Swerdloff, I would guess that he is a Litvak who became Hassidic, or maybe a BT, but he doesn’t come across as a Satmarer either.

  • Anonymous

    So according to LUBAVITCH you don’t have to cover the. Elbows?! I’m just asking you know today’s days you can’t critic…

  • stop cricizing!

    Mrs. shafer was my kallah teacher. My sisters and friends went to somebody else in CH. Let me tell you, my friends are ‘shocked’ that I just LOVE this mitzvah, and that I am HAPPY to do it perfectly as I could! My cousin who went also to Mrs. Shafer feel the same thing. No other teacher brings out the MAGIC of LOVE to do a mitzvah, specially mikvah!!!

  • I'm neither

    Lubavitch or Satmar, but I didn’t quite like how excited the Satmar guy was when he met an individual who wanted to see his “horns” under his yamika. I would of broken the guys nose if he said that to me. For some reason I don’t think a Lubavitcher would be so excited and “pumped” as the Satmar guy exclaimed, if somebody asked to see his horns.

  • to #26

    Does it really matter Satmar or Klosenberg #1’s point is the same.
    Btw there is nothing wrong with ppl stating their own opinion thank GD we live in a free country, the problem is their talking as LUBAVITCH! What they say has NOTHING to do with Lubavitch.

  • ok so:

    1. “matt” talks way to normal for a satamr
    2. I d onot like th fact the someone who explains modesty, has her elbows showing, and while most of you dont know this, also walk around WITHOUT sticking on her feet.
    3. the reason why noeone gets more then 2 streilemls until they marry off a kid, is becuase they cost 5k each.

  • Embarrassed to be Lubavitch

    I hate to say this but i’m embarrassed to call myself Lubavitch… not because of the people who were interviewed in the video, but because of most of the comments on here!

  • Put up a mirror

    Seeing the chabad couple compared to rest of the hasidim made me realize how not tznuously I and the people around me dress. Maybe this is what we needed a good look in the mirror. No one can say it was just this couple, because if you are honest and take a good look outside there is a big difference between our modesty level now and how it was 10 years ago. I know they did not represent lubavitch that the Rebbe taught. But the truth is they do in fact represent chabad the way it is today. We need better role models. I know seeing this video made me rethink what I do, since I saw how regally the other women looked and carried themselves like a true bas yisroel.


    Wow, I think the hechts do an amzing job! Do they represent Chabad? Well, answer this. Did JJ Hecht represent Chabad? With his white suits, up hat and fancy car? Well, not in the “typical” way. But who was a bigger chosid than Yankel Hecht??!!! Perhaps they are exactly the definition of what the Rebbe wanted…they are unique, they seem to be in-love with yidishkeit (and each other;)) they definitely represent the authentic lubavitch hashkafa…
    If you ask a Satmar if Lubavitchers represent chasidim…alot will say no…where’s the straimel…where’s the flying kugel? It’s all relative, my dear.
    This video is a MAJOR kiddush hashem. Period.

  • this isnt better than Oprah interview

    So this woman says part of tznius is not calling attention to yourself all while wearing an outfit that is loud and attention seeking. I don’t think there is anything wrong about being honest about things, such as being into secular media etc. I myself am not the most tznius, but I would have the bitul not to be part of an interview talking about tznius! But if your going to talk the talk at least walk the walk.

    Another thing that didn’t sit well with me was how she (more than her husband) tried to show that she is very up to date with secular media (in the huffington post she said how much she loves Beyonce etc.) It came across as “look see we are normal we are the same as everyone else really…..”.

    Some people are saying this was so much better than the Oprah interview. I think they are both a true disappointment.

  • i agree with #27

    i am a proud chabadnick and all of you shut up and open your eyes!! if you think this web site is bad and the contant and and and then stop logging on and truth is you and your kids shouldnt be using internet anyway if you want to be “frum”
    #weallneedawakeupcall #moshiach

  • Anonymous

    Kudos for a beautiful job! I love to hear how different people personalize the mitzva of tznius and how each one tries to find the meaning within it, connect mindfully with Hashem through it…it’s inspiring to see people trying to work on something that might not be the easiest thing to do.

  • To # 21

    Sorry, ur quote “no 2 lubavitchers are the same” is ridiculous! No 2 ppl. R in personality. BUT, the Rebbe did have 1 standard for his Chassidim and they r clearly known. So, sorry to burst ur bubble of free thinking.