Video: Wedding Speech.. South Africa Style

At the wedding of Yossi Lazarus and Kim Melamed, which took place about a month ago in Johannesburg, South Africa, the father of the bride got up to give his blessings to the new couple, but instead of a speech – a surprise musical performance ensued.


  • dovid teich

    don’t know either chosson or kallah. one of the best things i’ve seen. mazel tov mazel tov. gut yar and many simchas

  • fabulous

    wow real happiness expressed so beautifully
    it brought tears of joy to my eyes
    lots of mazol

  • Amazing!!

    What an incredible gesture of true happiness!
    We just smiled all the way through watching it!:))
    What an amazing father! Shes one lucky girl! and hes one lucky chosson with such a father -in- law!
    Lechaim!! and may all the Brochos be fulfilled their whole lives!
    Loved it . . . going to watch it again!

  • thank you!

    This was GREAT! Watched it so many times I’m going to dream about it!
    Mazal Tov to the young couple and their families