WNYC Radio had Reggae-Rapper Matisyahu on for an interview today, to talk about his new, beardless, look. Although he called this “the biggest transformation of his life,” Matisyahu assured his fans that he is still an observant Jew, and pointed out that the very next morning after removing his beard he went to the Mikvah and Davened Shachris with a Minyan. He said his wife and kids, who are in California, did not yet see him without his facial hair.

Video: Matisyahu Explains Why He Shaved His Beard

WNYC Radio had Reggae-Rapper Matisyahu on for an interview today, to talk about his new, beardless, look. Although he called this “the biggest transformation of his life,” Matisyahu assured his fans that he is still an observant Jew, and pointed out that the very next morning after removing his beard he went to the Mikvah and Davened Shachris with a Minyan. He said his wife and kids, who are in California, did not yet see him without his facial hair.

Asked why he decided to shave his beard, Matisyahu went on to explain first of all why he had kept it for so many years – because he was afraid of losing the ’13 Midos Harachamim’ which – as explained in Hasidic teachings – are drawn down through the beard. However, said Matisyahu, he decided he could not accept that having a beard was a condition to recieving the mercy of G-d.

Matisyahu’s spoke at length about his long and winding religious journey, from when he was a kid growing up in a suburb of New York City to today.



    So he now thinks that believe that beard relates to 13 midos is ludicrous. I got no problem to what in his head, but to say this publicly is so INSULTING. The Rebbe talked about it and he understand what the Rebbe means for Chabad people. People that pulled him out of drugs.
    We knew the Rebbe relation to Carlebah and lied ourselves that this is not the same. (At least I did)

  • He is emulating his mashpia.....

    Michoel Jackson.

    He is SOOOOOOOOOOOO full of it!

    He DIDN’T ONLY shave off his beard – HE DID THE PAYOS TOO!!!!

    What an absolute dreck!

    Anyone who thought he was sincere with his yiddishkeit….I have a bridge to sell – very cheap!

  • Duvid

    He is just going through a phase as a bal teshuvah. He is learning, growing and maturing as a Yid. The beard will come back and he will be more comfortable with it, himself and Yiddishkeit.

  • Pacey

    Listen all the non-believers the haters, condescending commenters: He is a Pnimi; which means that he acts on what he believes, no fake oy shukling. While his views are against torah and no doubt caused an estrangement to religious Jews around the world, by no means is he a fake and fraud. You have to respect him for that!

  • a beard is a kayli

    the beard is a kayli for it. maybe if he stopped smoking marijuana then he would hAve a clear head

  • Dr Middos

    I dont understand all the anger against him!

    We are lubavitch and just as we accepted him with his beard and music we accept him without his beard and music.

    As long as this dosnt influence others in chabad to follow suit then let him do what he wants, we still love him.

    He still keeps kosher, davens, goes to mikvah… that is more than he was doing before he came frum.

    Having said that, I dont think he took his beard of becasue of the Midos Harachmim BS, he is just using it as an excuse for cutting his beard.

    My personal belief is that he was a little high (alcohol or other substances) and was discussing the beard with someone else and had his “enlightenment” and cut it then and there.

    It was not something he was planning on doing for a while, he would of discussed it with his wife..

    Unless not all is well at home…

    Thanks for reading my ramble..

  • chaim

    hes a total nut job and makes a bug chilul hashem i winder how his wife takes this i suggest she run before its to late

  • Question about the logic?

    I do not want to bash or judge a fellow yid. Though I have one comment in general about what he said that “it is ludicrous to think that hashem’s mercy comes through the beard”. That is the same logic as the reform movement where they say that it is ludicrous to say that hashem cares if you eat chazir or not or drive on shabbos or marry a yid etc. The same logic can be applied to any mitzvah or holy thing in the Torah. One can say “does hashem really care about any Mitzvah?”. The Torah with all it part including the the Zohar is Emes and if one Mitzvah is important and hashem cares than all the Mitzvah are the same.I do not understand why one would go to shul or MIKVAH. If those stand true why is the beard different?
    This is not to judge his personal decision or journey as a jew. It is just a comment on what is being said.

  • jay

    he’s a good man I think we should just leave him alone where is our sensitivity. the rebbi is turning over in his grave seen how are you all act toward a other Jew shame on you wall

  • pple stop judging

    i think its amazing that he’s not just accepting everything as it is but questioning and making jeudism work for him! good for you Matisyahu!

  • sounds like a feigeleh

    and the use of the word “ludicrous” in connection to his beard is horrible

  • In One Year

    I hope they interview his guy in one year from now once he is a nobody and then he can tell us his opinion about beards.

    (He should be ashamed of him self to trash what Chassidus & Kabbalah say about beards. There is no question that this is the beginning of he down fall).

    And to #7 you are just low, get a life and stop looking at married men

  • Stop the cheap gossip!

    Hey, What is going on here?? Are we posting pictures of EVERY guy in the neighborhood who shaves/trims his beard, and commenting on it?

    Are we analyzing every person’s ups and downs in life and deciding what their motives are?

    You and I have NO idea what is going on inside this man’s heart, mind or life, at the present. All such comments are ludicrous and irrelevant, at best – and lowly gossip, at worst.

    You want to comment on someone? Tell you what. Look in the Mirror, and comment on THAT person! See what’s really happening with the Yiddishket of the person in YOUR mirror. And CORRECT whatever needs correcting. Tshuva begins at home.

    Remember: Great people talk about ideas. Average people talk about events. Small people talk about other people. Which are you?

  • STOP and THINK!

    To #5 and others: Why the insensitive, hateful comments?
    It accomplishes nothing other than you give a public forum to bash another Jew while hiding in your comfortable cloak on anonymity. Next time you feel like putting your fingers to the keyboard to write another hateful,stinging comment, stop to think for 5 seconds what it will accomplish. In this case, nothing but negativity, a Chilul Lubavitch and one or many family members and others being hurt and insulted.

  • levi

    I think what he did is great it inspired me to stop living a lie and growing my beard.so to please my parents and siblings this was the hardest thing i have ever done but i really do feel Great now that i did it and i dont care what people think anymore thank you matisyahu for breaking the ice i feel as if a massive rock has bin lifted off my shoulder and you know what i think i look better without a beard i hope other people can also learn from matisyahu and do what you feel is rite and stop living a lie

  • ceo

    yes, he is going through changes, but doesnt he think about all the people (especially teens) who admire him? It was really confusing for all the kids. My 17 yr old son was really confused by all this. If one wants to be a public figure and represent frumkeit, its somewhat of a responsibility I would think. Thats all. His kids are little, he doesnt understand what we have to deal with.

  • to miriam

    wow, that really encourages all lubavitchers to have a beard! (sarcastic) a man actually looks more manly with a beard.

  • ugly

    look people!!!just bec a Jew doesn;t do what you think he should do, doesnt mean u have to say vile ugly things about him BECAUSE I REALLY BELIEVED THAT WE LOVE OUR FELLOW JEW UNCONDITIONALLy/ooops i guess I was wrong.Here is a good example.Now he will see people cared about him as long as he fit the image of what he is supposed to look like etc.He just said he is still observant and then he gets called drek?????Wow what lovely Chabad people you all are!Wow what wonderful loving middos.You are all such incredible hypocrites and downright ugly and Gd don’t like ugly- remember that??????

  • Calm down.

    what’s the big deal? give me a break!
    We have plenty of him in Crown heights!
    guys please chill out.

    Now he’s a modern orthodox!! GET IT!!!

    He is a great guy, very smart probably
    more than those who are going to comment
    on my comment…

  • Milhouse

    This explanation makes things worse, not better. As #4 points out, he did it not because of a tayva but because he has decided that the whole idea that the hashpo’oh of Hashem’s mercy depends on his beard is “ludicrous”. With that attitude, how long till he decides that it’s equally ludicrous to think that Hashem cares whether he goes to the mikveh, or whether his wife goes to the mikveh, or what he eats or wears, or on which day he plays music, etc? After all none of those things make more sense than the idea that he’s already rejected. They’re all just instances of the same “ludicrous” idea.

  • so over this

    blah blah blah, can we get over this guy already- it’s Yud Tes Kislev people, let’s focus on kedusha and bringing down the light of chassidus into our lives.

  • jeff

    i have a feeling he will have to go put of his way now to prove how frumhe still is…all’s well that ends well…

  • faigel

    The same Chassidus that says you should keep your beard says you should go to the mikvah every day. Yet, you shaved your beard but still go to mikvah… is it because you like naked dudes?!?!?!

  • Uncle Mendel

    At least the Beatles and Bob Dylan were on a constant quest for Peace and Love. Matisyahu thinks if he “trusts himself” all will be well.

    Dude, we never carried his music at ARLANS !!!

  • whats the big deal

    so basically he makes fun of what toras hachassidus teaches us, right before yud tes kislev, and when i look around shul HERE IN CROWN HEIGHTS, i dont see any better

  • PhillyD

    I agre with #6.
    When I saw he shaved I was totally fine. So what a yid is a yid is a yid

    My issue is that he says it’s ludicrous that which states in Kabbalah

    So is Kabbalah ludicrous???

    Also to follow matisyahu’s ‘logic’: to say that you connect and have a relationship with G-d by puttIng on some straps every morning or shaking a palm branch and a citrus is ludicrous l???
    JUDIASM101 you don’t connect either G-d, he connects with you. We are finite selfish egotistical beings that cannot connect to an supreme unlimited Being. It’s his choice how to connect with us, and he chose tefillin, lulav and guess what else a beard.
    If someone is not holding by it that’s fine, but to bring down the concept that’s wrong.

    POINT 2. He stated that he felt he needed rules etc but now he’s just not having that.
    SIMPLE101 any relationship (especially with G-d) is governed by rules. It helps keep you in line. It helps keep your perspective on track when you are weak.
    Imagine you are married and one day you are not so excited about your wife but about someone else, do you run to them because that’s what you feel? You set yourself in a relationship and you are committed to it and you stay.

    Granted and it’s a totally valid point that a person can have a beard and all the clothing and have zero relationship with G-d, just like a man can provide for his family, be there at dinner wash the kids etc do all the right things but is not really there, is not really in the relationship. BUT the outside does show that there is a commitment. Thatalthough he’s not excited today about Judaism he still knows that this is his life and he’s committed to that.

    I feel it’s immature and not realistic to say I do what I feel I do what I want.

    I wish matisyahu lots of luck in his search for meaning.

    Any meaning you find demands commitment.

    So that’s a thing! Love yo’ faces :)))

  • reversable

    I hope it comes back (thank G-d it is reversable….
    some times people who lose hair they lose it due to a physical sickness….and it does not come back…

  • A Texas Shliach

    Matisyahu brought a few of our students to the realization that Chabad is emes, that when you follow other ways you can make Yiddishkeit how you want, not with Chassidus Chabad— it tells you how it is and you become controlled by it.

    May the zechus of his bringing the many neshmas to the Rebbe bring him back to his real self and his real family, especially now that we are at 19 Kislev, may he become the true star.

  • My thoughts...

    He doesn’t realize that the beard represents these attributes and when having a beard, it shows the person has Yiras Shomayim. He thinks too much of himself if he thinks he is the one affecting what mercy Hashem shows on the world. We are so small and can’t run the world. Of course Hashem will love him no matter what. Even when the Yidden worshiped the Egel Hazahav, Hashem didn’t destroy them. It is up to us though, to show Hashem our love. What can we do for Hashem, not the other way around. He will grow out of it somehow if he learns with the right people. It’s a stage and a thought process. The problem with the world today is that everyone thinks too much of themselves. How are their feelings and how great they are. Take a look at the ocean or the night sky full of stars and you will see how insignificant you truly are.

  • Chaim Tovim

    That sounds like “G-d doesn’t care whether I eat kosher or not, wear Tefillin or not, etc as long as I”m a good person….”

  • His Commment..

    He said his wife and kids, who are in California, did not yet see him without his facial hair.

    Yeah, I’d be afraid to go home too if I was him

  • Nachman Sanowicz

    Stop making from him a getchke. The less you write about him it is better for him and the community.

  • st

    if he feels that if he is deserving of Hashem’s brachos he’ll get them, beard or no beard… i don’t think shaving his beard is putting him on Hashem’s “good” list…

  • ?????

    Who are we do judge him?
    yes, he should not have said those things but he doesn’t represent chabad anyways or the rebbe and anyone that will see him will now know that. Yes he is “famous” but let the poor guy do what he wants it is his life – not ours.

  • Shmuly Z.

    he lost the kindness in his face and eyes.
    now he just looks like he’s on kimo therapy R”L

  • jj

    he said god will love him whether he has a beard or not….

    whats next… will god love him whether he keeps shabbos and eats treif ?

    bad explanation matisyahu

  • from tzfat with love

    we are all hypocrites if we think we can judge what a fellow yid is experiencing internally, however transgressing halacha (not saying that a beard is halachically required or not) because you are trying to mold your frumkeit according to your own logic and current state of mind is not an excuse…so just let him do his own thing, a jew is a jew is a jew, as long as torah and g-d are still in the picture.

  • from tzfat with love

    we are all hypocrites if we think we can judge what a fellow yid is experiencing internally, however transgressing halacha (not saying that a beard is halachically required or not) because you are trying to mold your frumkeit according to your own logic and current state of mind is not an excuse…so just let him do his own thing, a jew is a jew is a jew, as long as torah and g-d are still in the picture.

  • glad to see Sanity

    Most comments are sensible & not judging him
    Even while recognizing that his views are “inconsistent” & in flux!

    Please, in the spirit of chabad,
    Lets agree to dissagree agreeably!

    We can still love him with aha as chinum. Unconditional love!

    What would our rebbe say?

  • Yosef Yitzchok

    In my humble opinion, many of you are simply missing the mark: there are a number of issues which are playing themselves out all at once… And if we don’t look at each of them individually we are all doing ourselves, not to mention Mattisyahu, a great disservice.

    Before enumerating the issues lets just get a clear picture of the facts as we know them: Mattishyahu would like to feel absolutely reassured and confident that Gds love for him and Gds mercy for him are unconditional and not contingent on any prerequisite or precondition. It seems that he has realized that he never actually made a decision, from a place of internal equilibrium and balance, it just “happened” within a lot of hype, as he described his personality can be. and, in time, continuing to wear his beard and not shaving it at all has become more and more fear-based for him.

    This, in a nutshell,is the whole story.

    Now of course this raises many many issues:

    Issue #1) If thats whats been going on for him regarding his beard, then isn’t it probable to assume that thats really been going on for him in many other areas of his Yiddishkeit as well…

    Response: And the answer, of course, is yes! It is not unlikely that he will discover more and more of this. I think we can all appreciate that. That can happen to anyone who becomes a B.T. fast and furious. And especially when they are very deep and passionate people. But we need’nt judge any of this, rather just to appreciate with compassion that he’s going some potentially painful self discovery.

    Issue #2) Just because a person feels a certain way, that doesn’t make it right to act on that feeling.

    Response: valid issue. And it may very well be that he has made a choice which in the long run feeds more of his fears and obsessions, rather than frees him from them. But this is than all the more reason to take a compassionate and sensitive approach, realizing that he may be hurting himself, psychologically and spiritually, even more!

    Issu #3) Besides his issues and what he’s going through, lets not kid ourselves by thinking that we don’t struggle with what he is. Of course we all do, just in different ways. If we would be more honest with ourselves we would first of all, quit priding ourselves with whatever beards and frumkeit we do have, cuz its mostly mitzvos anoshim melumadah and circumstantial that we do it. Second of all, how many of us truly live on the basis of knowing and believing that Gds love and mercy really is unconditional? that he loves us exactly as we are? that we need’nt perform for him, earn his love, or placate him? These are the postulates of Chasidus.

    I think that we all are made felt uncomfortable and insecure when we see something like Mattishyahu, bec. while his approach may not be appropriate, the underlying issues are real for many many many of us too, except that we struggle to be real and honest with that reality!

    Let us all come together, in a meaningful way and ask ourselves: where in my life am I feeding the notion that I am not good enough for Gd, and how can I better come into a real relationship with my creator today.

    May Gd bless us all and keep us.

  • lack or yiras shomayim

    Have seen it many times over. It starts with the beard or lack there of, and reduction of yiras shomayim sets in. Having said that it is his own choice to make, not for anyone to judge ,an individuals choice . Right or wrongly so…

  • How To Talk To Your Kids About Matisyahu

    I’d suggest an article or lecture on this Topic ASAP by someone qualified before our kids start to think this is normal and that ppl have a choice about these things

  • Dugma Chaya

    What is so shocking about him romoving his beard! He sees our own Lubavitch Bochurim and Young married men not having a beard or pulling half of it out of their face. Anyone who has a weak spot in their frumkeit will look at those around him and say, if they can do it…so can I. May Hakodosh Boruch Hu give us the strength to raise our children in the ways of Torah and Chassidus.

  • Zelig Tabak

    I wish Mattisyahu hatzlocho, shalom bayis, wealth, health…and most importantly stability.

    I agree that we should not judge him because he shaved his beard.

    That being said, Matisyahu can and should be criticized for openly airing his dirty laundry, calling a kabbalistic teaching “ludicrous”, and showing no respect to the community as a whole. Furthermore, he criticized this deep teaching in its simplest form on a network famous for being anti Torah and anti Israeli.

    Therefore it is not fair to criticize those who feel slighted by his remarks or presentation this week and accuse them of interfering in his private life. Matisyahu made this a very public issue himself on Twitter, Facebook, and has granted interviews on the topic (as evidenced above).

    It was not like the press cornered him in the privacy of his home, vacation, or backstage. He shouted this to the world and THAT MUST BE NOTED.

    People should not take this personally, but red flags should be waved.

    This could serve as a lesson to us all. When we teach our kids about hakores ha tov, we can teach what NOT to do.


    Stop judging!!!!! how bout we put your life out in the open for everyone to judge u! we all have our bumps in the road, unfortunately for him everyone sees his bumps… THis is not what god wants ! All of you ppl who are judging, you are a disgrace to the jewish ppl. All through our generations we have been judged and dismissed by all of the world and now we judge our own! how dare you! LOOK IN THE MIRROR ! r u perfect , NOOO!

  • anonymous

    To Levi of comment #28

    would you please email me at createdforthisoccasion54 at gmail dot com.

  • To #50

    Although he sings and is a professional in his own right, it is quite obvious that he is not able to handle the public.

    He is definitely a sensitive individual, and -like all of us- he can use some guidance, rather than following his own instincts.

  • TO #37

    And so what if he did? (Although he didn’t.) Does that mean he’s out of Judaism and frumkeit? Do you have any idea of the amount of gay people in Chabad houses and in Crown Heights who maintain very high levels of observance even though they have to put up with biggots like you?

  • Milhouse

    #8, better a “chitzon” who keeps mitzvos than a “pnimi” who doesn’t. Hamaaseh hu ho’ikor. Or have you forgotten that?

    #18, Since when is Judaism supposed to work for us? We’re supposed to work for Judaism. And we are supposed to accept it with kabolas ol; we have no right to question its authority or legitimacy.

  • a Crown Heightser

    wow man good 4 you and all but i think its like bob marly with out dreadlocks, like jimmy Hendrix with out a guitar, its like Elvis with out side burns, its like captain Under Pants with out under pants! its like Santa with out a beard! its like a farbragun with out Mashkeh!

  • To #80

    How do you know what we are supposed to do? Do u also know what the weather is going to be like in two months from now. Any person who does not question Judaism is a simple person who never thought for himself.


    Since when do we observe Judaism based on “feel good?”
    I thought we do it simply because G-D dictated it to us.
    What’s next, don’t fast because that doesn’t feel good?…

    Now, ideally, we should enjoy doing the mitzvos, but,
    just because you don’t “like it” does not exempt you from it.

    Like the Frierdeker Rebbe, who assured a Chasid that
    the time he takes off work to daven Mincha will
    not hurt his parnasa: “If you don’t understand it
    now, you will understand it on your 120th birthday.”

  • Milhouse

    #82, I know because the Torah says so. Where did you learn that we have a right to question Judaism?

  • Cajun chosid

    If you listen to what he said he is not saying something very outlandish. If one thinks that he can have a beard and Hashem will bring down mercy on him while without a beard Hashem is not merciful that is a problem. The beard can be a keli but there are plenty of those with beards who act in a way that are not better and maybe worse then those without beards. So Hashem who is All Knowing makes the decision on how much mercy one is entitled too. Just having the keli is not enough to be mamshich the brochos. Likewise there are other ways to be mamshich the brochos even without a beard. This coming from a chosid with an untrimmed beard.

    Lets not jump down his throat and let him come back.

    also see this link

  • I-d rather not

    My husband also went to Hadar Hatorah and he shaved his beard/peyos off last year. It IS very sad for the families involved when a person is unwell and without wanting a support system.
    In this case, where he is so famous, the paparazzi will just make things worse. Hashem please grant all involved the koach to deal with this test and to not make rash decisions for You have Your Divine Plan.

  • awww.

    i feel bad for him, hes just lacking some direction…why the anger, he just needs guidance.

  • to # 81!!!!

    you mus be a vilks berry bocher i love thats humerus!!!!!!
    you guys are amazing !!!

  • sick of the negativity

    The loshon hara posted here on these chabad websites is embarassing…. the people running these sites dont even realize how much harm they cause by posting every stupid comment. I think all negative comments should not get posted…who feels the same?

  • ImportantMessageFromAMatisFriend

    All of you people and your nasty comments are the exact reason why I refuse to have anything to do with religion anymore. If you think G-d loves people’s judgmental attitudes and hateful words then think again. I can’t stand seeing you embarrass the Jewish people. Who made YOU G-d? Who gave YOU the authority to decide who G-d loves and doesn’t?

    Such disgusting arrogance. Matisyahu made the decision to come out of the fear that you and all of your Rabbis are living in. Fear is not from G-d. FAITH is. Keep in mind, the Kabbalah is NOT the Torah or G-d’s word. And neither are any of the commentaries that you hold so strictly to. They are simply people’s opinions. Apparently you have decided to make them into the Torah.

    I’m proud to call Matisyahu friend and I too made the decision long ago to walk closer with G-d without caring and being afraid of what all my religious friends think. That said, leave him alone. Stop preaching Ahavas Yisroel one minute and then making comments like this the next.

    And shame on you, Ms. Light for making Matisyahu’s spiritual decisions into a light hearted joke.

  • Milhouse

    #91 is open kefirah. Where did you get such crooked ideas? Yes, every word of chazal is TORAH; it is G-d’s word, not human opinion. “Makchish magideho” is an apikores, and deserves cherem.

    And the first thing we are called on to have is not FAITH, but FEAR OF G-D. Le’olom yehei odom YEREI SHOMAYIM. Reishis chochmo YIR’AS HASHEM. Faith is a Christian thing; we don’t have much faith in it…

  • freedom of religion.

    leave the poor man alone. writing your obnoxious comments will only want to make him get away from us. so just shut up with your BS

  • oh veyz meer

    please!!!! we dont need to hate, we need to help!
    This man obviously needs some help, because although hashem and all Jews love eachother no matter what, wouldnt you want the most direct, obvious, love?? doesnt he want to do what hashem,whom he loves, wants??!

  • Milhouse

    #93, there is no freedom of religion in this world. Ein eitzoh ve’ein tevunoh ve’ein chochmoh neged Hashem.

  • Seriously?

    #94 I agree. Help is better than hate. Are you trying to say that Hashem loves people with beards more than people without beards? Because that would just be ridiculous. If that is what you are saying then no offense, but I think it’s all of you guys that need help.

    That is exactly why Matisyahu shaved his off. He is smart enough to know that G-d loves EVERYONE no matter what. He knows that you don’t need a beard to have G-d’s love, mercy, and approval.

    Don’t believe me? Try opening the Tanach instead of the commentaries to see it for yourself.

  • Authoritative (not personal opinions) Be

    A brief but comprehensive book on this subject was recently published by KTAV entitled β€œThe Beard in Jewish Law – Halachic Imperative or Kabbalistic Stringency.”

    This work summarizes the primary issues involved and demonstrates the positions of the major authorities from Lithuanian, Chassidic, and Sephardic traditions.

  • xcbn

    PLEASE! It’s his hair and he decides what to do with it.
    And if your 17 year old is so shielded from the world that he can’t handle it when a person he doesn’t know shaves, then your family has a problem.

  • Disappointed fan

    Even though shaving one’s beard is allowed al pi halacha,(just al pi chassidus it’s not) it is a chumra that he chose to adhere to. By shaving it, he began his journey down the slippery slope. Look at him now, he doesn’t wear a yarmulka or tefillin. Very sad indeed.