Video: A Day in Camp Gan Israel, 1960
After publishing a video last week of the Rebbe’s visit to Camp Gan Israel in Swan Lake, NY in 1960, we obtained more footage of the Rebbe’s visit that summer – and life around camp in general.
The relevant footage ends at the 16:08 mark (the footage after that point is from a few decades later).
recognizable faces
Asher heber Benji Yuden, Kopel Bacher
Moshe lazar, Meir harlik, Avremel Shemtov
Simcha Pikarsky, Reuvein Deutch, Berel Futerfass
Old Man Rubashkin, menachem Hilowitz, Moshe Groner.
+Feivish Vogel,Yossi Deitch of New Haven,Berel Horowltz,Yitzchok Suffrin,Harry Klein.
“The relevant footage ends at the 16:08 mark (the footage after that point is from a few decades later”
Sorry but the footage after 16:08 is two years later not “decades”.
slept in the log cabin
How can anybody forget Mrs Krause
is the rebbe supposed to be in it?
Loved seeing my father in action as head counselor 9 years before i was born! Thank you for posting this.