Video: A Day in Camp Gan Israel, 1960

After publishing a video last week of the Rebbe’s visit to Camp Gan Israel in Swan Lake, NY in 1960, we obtained more footage of the Rebbe’s visit that summer – and life around camp in general.

The relevant footage ends at the 16:08 mark (the footage after that point is from a few decades later).


  • recognizable faces

    Asher heber Benji Yuden, Kopel Bacher
    Moshe lazar, Meir harlik, Avremel Shemtov
    Simcha Pikarsky, Reuvein Deutch, Berel Futerfass
    Old Man Rubashkin, menachem Hilowitz, Moshe Groner.

    • Asher

      +Feivish Vogel,Yossi Deitch of New Haven,Berel Horowltz,Yitzchok Suffrin,Harry Klein.

  • Asher

    “The relevant footage ends at the 16:08 mark (the footage after that point is from a few decades later”
    Sorry but the footage after 16:08 is two years later not “decades”.

  • Begun

    Loved seeing my father in action as head counselor 9 years before i was born! Thank you for posting this.