Simultaneously viewed in over 50 schools across the world, the focus of this segment (cut from a 30 minute children's Rally) is to teach children that they have within themselves Something Extraordinary. A power waiting to be unleashed which can strengthen their ability to sense G-d's presence in a very real and tangible way through the power of Tefillah, prayer. Children also are given their mission of the month in the “Charge It” segment.

Video: Tzivos Hashem Newscast – Elul 5771

Simultaneously viewed in over 50 schools across the world, the focus of this segment (cut from a 30 minute children’s Rally) is to teach children that they have within themselves Something Extraordinary. A power waiting to be unleashed which can strengthen their ability to sense G-d’s presence in a very real and tangible way through the power of Tefillah, prayer. Children also are given their mission of the month in the “Charge It” segment.