Kabbalah and Neuroscientific Discovery

The soul is ruled by the mind, the heart and the liver. The liver? Rabbi Asher Crispe, in his humorous, scholarly style explains how the new world of neuroscience and the old world of Torah and Kabbalah are joined.

Rabbi Crispe updates us on the latest innovations in Neuroscience. Humans can now use thought alone to control robots, and operate wheelchairs. An internal monologue can be turned into computerized speech. When learning something, new neuro- pathways are created in the brain. It is a myth that intelligence is static; we can transform our cognitive ability anytime in life.

Rosh Hashana is the holiday of neuroscience; a time to re-frame the brain. The first day fosters the right hemisphere: the masculine, pre linguistic, creative side. The second day relates to the left hemisphere: the densely interconnected, feminine side, with thought en-clothed in letters.