The Jewish People: Mark Twain’s Question
The greatest empires have been wiped off the map of history. How have the Jews survived?
Mark Twain, in his article concerning the Jews, covers 6 points in the dilemma of what Characteristics have maintained the Jewish people for over 3300 years. He explores the characteristics of a Jew as citizen: “He is not a loafer, he is not a sot”. He questions if the persecution will come to an end, “You will always be by ways and habits and predilections substantially strangers – foreigners – wherever you are, and that will probably keep the race prejudice against you alive.” He wonders what has become of the Golden Rule. “It has never been intruded into business; and Jewish persecution is not a religious passion, it is a business passion.”
Mark Twain concludes that “The Jew saw them all, beat them all, and is now what he always was, exhibiting no decadence, no infirmities of age, no weakening of his parts, no slowing of his energies, no dulling of his alert and aggressive mind. All things are mortal but the Jew; all other forces pass, but he remains. What is the secret of his immortality?”
The great civilizations are all lost in ancient history, remaining only on Wikipedia. Rabbi Yosef Y. Jacobson defines the one unifying thread that has existed throughout Jewish history. With an inspiring story he illustrates how our survival is based on Torah and Mitzvahs.
Moshe Rbenu
The biggest danger to the Jewish nation today is the fighting Jew against Jew.
This I have heard this week from a federal judge
The support Jews give MOSRIM are worse than the mosrim.
The MOISER . everyone in crown heights know as david sleeping in 770 for 7 years. A/K/A
David Hamasriach is very very very dangarus.
Moshe Rbenu, get a life!
This article is about Yossi Jacobson and Mark Twain in regards to why Jews have outlived the great nations like Rome, Greece and others
It has nothing to do with who you think is a Moiser and just the way you write gives an impression of an agenda bent fanatic who uses public forum to spew conspiracy theories.
Please commenters, try to use the comments to write something relevant like about the brilliance of Jacobson or wit and compassion of Twain,
Slow Learner
It is all summed up in Pharaoh’s response, “I know not the L-rd, and moreover I will not let Israel go.”