In response to the recent debate about bringing an outsider to lecture Crown Heights on educating our Mechachim, we present the follwoing video of Mrs. Sharfstein talking about a Yechidus in which she asked the Rebbe about the Montessori method of education.

Video: The Rebbe Responds to Outside Educational Methods

In response to the recent debate about bringing an outsider to lecture Crown Heights on educating our Mechachim, we present the follwoing video of Mrs. Sharfstein talking about a Yechidus in which she asked the Rebbe about the Montessori method of education.

Mrs. Sharfstein realized after visiting a Montessori classroom, and reading up on the method that we can really use as a asset in teaching Limudai Kodesh. Teachers were always asking her about how to use it properly for Lemudai Kodesh and a school in England was thinking of using it as well.

Mrs. Sharftein asked the Rebbe about whether its the right thing to do.

The Rebbe answered that you have to be careful about the Hashkafa and you have to be careful that they don’t get involved in the philosophy. From this Mrs. Sharfstein says she never use the word “Montessori” She used, Individualized instruction using Montessori materials and method. Making it clear she was using Montessori, not that Montessori was using her.

Today at 2PM and tonight Rick Lavoi will be giving workshops. Regardless of what letters went out against the event. Go learn about his method, and use it to help educate our kids in Crown Heights. Please don’t let the people of the letter or Rick Lavoie use you.


  • want to understand

    So what are the philosophical tenets of Montessori? Are any of them directly or indirectly in conflict with chabad? Could the method be used within chabad and not called Montessori? Or is there something inherent there that hurts the premise of chabad? I am not judging, I am really wanting to understand the Rebbe’s perspective.