TUESDAY — A major snowstorm is on the way!
AccuWeather Video – Winter Storm Warning in Effect
TUESDAY — A major snowstorm is on the way!
Oholei Torah (718) 778-3340
Pre-School through Pre-1A:
Call 7:00am in the morning.
Grades 1 though 8:
No afternoon transportation, anticipate early dismissal.Lubavitcher Yeshiva of Crown Street (718) 774-4131
Call 7:00am in the morning.Lubavitcher Yeshiva of Ocean Parkway (718) 859-7600
Call 7:00am in the morning.Ohr Menachem (718) 778-8770
Call 7:00am in the morning.Beth Rivkah (718) 735-0400
CLOSEDBnos Menachem (718) 493-1100
Call 7:00am in the morning.Bais Chaya Mushka (718) 756-0770
Big Deal
Rabbi Karp’s Oholai Torah 3rd grade class is learning via confrence call. Way to go!
Bais Rivka already sent home notice that they are closing the school tmorrow.
I can’y wait to hear Rabbi Lustig’s voice saying how OT is open and then they send them home at 1:00. If they are there why not stay? In montrealthere would never be school if they would close for every storm like this.
ever heard of respect
Hey “Big Deal”, true, rabbi lustig will probably do this but don’t knock a talmud chocham. I unlike you regard him with the utmost respect. And montreal isn’t that great either. When will the orange julep be kosher, why do all the jews live in cot saint luc. Move to hampstead
ever heard of respect
heard of respect big deal. hes a talmid chochom.
Unhappy Mother of BM
The only schools with seichel are BR and BCM. Don’t know why the other schools have to play these games and make the mothers keep calling to try to get thru, which is near impossible. It’s obvious school will be closed anyways. The crust of the storm is going to be in the afternoon. I sure don’t want my kids walking home in such a blizzard!
montreal sucks then
Yay no school!!
Montreal guy: you suck
this is america! where the kids get off from school when there is a snow strom