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This video is graphic! Don't watch if you don't have the stomach for it. presents a 12 minute and 31 seconds video of excerpts from a the English Channel 4 show about the terror in Mumbai. In this video you can listen to many conversations between the terrorists and their handlers. In one conversation the handlers say that Jewish blood is worth more and to go after the Chabad House. “As I told you, every person you kill where you are is worth 50 of the ones killed elsewhere.”

Detailed Video of the Terror in the Mumbai Chabad House

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This video is graphic! Don’t watch if you don’t have the stomach for it. presents a 12 minute and 31 seconds video of excerpts from a the English Channel 4 show about the terror in Mumbai. In this video you can listen to many conversations between the terrorists and their handlers. In one conversation the handlers say that Jewish blood is worth more and to go after the Chabad House. “As I told you, every person you kill where you are is worth 50 of the ones killed elsewhere.”


  • Friend of the Family

    I think you should take this video down. You are only causing more pain to the families involved.



  • Jeremy

    Vosizneias has posted the full 1 hour documentary, broken down into five youtube segments.
    If you have the stomach to watch some gruesome scenes, hear Norma Rabinowitz talking to the hijackers , get a dateline on the awful retzchicosin the Chabad House, and hear live the shots which took the two last kedoshos lives….
    Difficult to belive how the channel got such unbelievable footage.
    Hashem yinkom domom!

  • hurting still

    I TOTALLY AGREE!!! And that’s without seeing it. Your disclaimer was enough for me. Why must our memories of the Kedoshim be tainted by showing things our imaginations have already seen? We know these monsters did unspeakable things. Why must you give them a voice?

  • mendel s.

    i think its important we know what went on, so thank you for publishing.

  • me

    let not forget, please leave it up, and remind ourselves we need to continue to do good. and have ahavas yisroel

  • to Mordechai

    The indian government was not listening to this at the time of the attack, it was what they later got recordings from the cell phone companies, it was not live at the time.

  • Not responsible -- kids traumatized

    How can you keep this up when there are children watching this without their parents. They can be traumatized for life. It’s really not fair to them. They will not necessarily read “graphic video” etc, and maybe they dont understand what that means. Just imagine it was your own child… I don’t know how you can take such a responsibility.

  • annonomys

    when there is nothing you can do to bring back those people ,or to take away the pain ,why stir up such horrible feelings ,and memories .Now that i saw this footage i wont sleep for another week .let it be .and leave it to gd to help them heal .

  • Avi

    Friend of the Family wrote:
    I think you should take this video down. You are only causing more pain to the families involved.

    This Video should be watched by those who can tolerate it, to remind us of the importance of Sh’lemus Ha’aretz