Mayor Rudy Giuliani said Israel has to be very concerned about its security, CBS2’s Lou Young said his Hebrew is as good as his Arabic and the JCM's Rabbi Yerachmiel Benjaminson needs 5 million dollars!

Full coverage of the dinner will follow shortly!

Interviews at the JCM’s Dinner

Mayor Rudy Giuliani said Israel has to be very concerned about its security, CBS2’s Lou Young said his Hebrew is as good as his Arabic and the JCM’s Rabbi Yerachmiel Benjaminson needs 5 million dollars!

Full coverage of the dinner will follow shortly!


  • Donor

    I was actually taken aback when they said “Puskas” don’t help. Every little bit helps. just because someone can’t give $10,000. His or her $5 can be worth more than the big checks. its not how much you give but how it is given!

  • TO DONOR!!

    You’re right that Pushkas help, however when you’re trying to put togethera very large sum of money like 5 million… you can’t rely of a source that will give you very limited amount! You gotta get to the real big stuff.