Weekly Story: To Those Who Appreciate It
by Rabbi Sholom DovBer Avtzon
An individual inquired of the Rebbe if he wishes to be informed about the conduct and customs of the Rebbe Rashab, the Rebbe replied:
The answer to your question is noted in the Gemora (Shabbos 10b), where it relates that Rav Chisda announced whoever will inform me of a teaching of my teacher Rav, as a sign of my appreciation I will give the gifts I received.
Rava the son of Mechasya came over and informed Rav Chisda of a statement of his teacher, Rav, and true to his word Rav Chisda gave him what he had promised.
Rava the son of Mechasya was somewhat surprised at the enormity of the token of appreciation and said, [your actions] reflect another teaching of Rav. Rav said an expensive garment is more valuable to the one that wears it, than to someone else.
Rav Chisda truly appreciated this teaching [as it demonstrated his personal connection to Rav, and the reason why he was willing to pay handsomely for it] and stated, this teaching is more precious to me than the first one. If I would have additional items, I would have given them to you as well. (Igros Kodesh vol. 19).
I will note a few customs of the Rebbe Rashab that became the norm by everyone.
Netilas Yudai’im (Washing ones hands).
One time some prominent Rabbonim were guests of the Rebbe Rashab and they noticed that when he washed his hands, he washed them three times, instead of the two times as is prescribed in shulchan aruch.[1] The Rabbonim were perplexed as to what his reasoning was and they inquired about it.
The Rebbe Rashab replied, at the moment I don’t recall the reason, however, being that my body was trained prior to my bar mitzvah to follow the shulchan Aruch,[2] I am positive, there is a reason for it.[3] Sometime later he told them it is based on a haguaas Ashri.[4] (Hayom Yom entry for 20 Shevat).
Another aspect connected to washing ones hands, is that he held the kvort (container) in his right hand, until it was filled up and then transferred it to his left in order to wash his right hand. He then took a
towel and placed it on his right hand and then took the kvort in his right hand to wash his left hand.
Tefillas Haderech
When he would travel, which was extremely often, he would say in his place of lodging tefillas haderech every day. Just then he would not say Hashem’s name. (Hayom Yom entry for 19th Tammuz).
Similarly, when he arrived at a new lodging, he would put up a mezuzah immediately and not wait until he was there for thirty days.
In Shemonei Esreh (in the blessing of v’lamalshinim) he would pause between the words of ooo’simagar and v’sachnia.[5]
Pesach Mayim acharonim
The Frierdiker Rebbe notes that his father was extremely careful in his conduct that many people didn’t even realize that he is doing something unique. He then states that it took me a while to realize that he is not washing his lips with the mayim acharonim on Pesach, because of the possibility that there is a crumb of the matza there.
As noted all of these customs are our norm, and we might not realize that it began in his nesius.
I decided to post these customs of his, as I am turning to you and asking of those who enjoy these weekly stories as well as those who wish to help make the life story of the Rebbeim available to our youth and English speaking crowd, to please consider to assist and partner with me in making the biography of the Rebbe Rashab a reality in time for Beis Nissan one hundred years since his histalkus. As noted above, the Rebbe points out that to those who appreciate it, it is much more valuable.
Boruch Hashem over 450 pages have been written and is in midst of being edited. It seems that it will be at least 600 pages long; a truly comprehensive description of his life.
Thank you for your consideration. As always your feedback is greatly appreciated. I can be contacted at avtzonbooks@gmail.com or via my cell at 6462357104.
Rabbi Avtzon is a veteran mechanech and the author of numerous books on the Rebbeim and their chassidim. He is available to farbreng in your community and can be contacted at avtzonbooks@gmail.com
[1] Beginning of ch. 262.
[2] See above “His Bar Mitzvah”.
[3] Sefer Hasichos 5696, p. 98, mentioned in Hayom Yom entry for the 20th of Shevat. In Sefer Hasichos 5700 p. 82, the Frierdiker Rebbe noted that this occurred Shabbos parshas Toldon 5654 (the year the Rebbe Rashab completely assumed the nesius completely).
[4] Written by Rabbeinu Asher, commonly known as the Rosh (lived ======) Tractate Chulin, ch. 8. Subchapter (siman) 43, noted in the Bais Yosef yoreh deah ch. 69?.
There he mentions that the proper way to rinse off the blood of meat/chicken is by washing it three times.
[5] Igros Kodesh of the Frierdiker Rebbe, vol. 10, p. 384. The reason for this is that there are the three kelipos that are completely impure and the only way to elevate them is by eradicating them completely. So the three words of si’aker, u’si’shaber and ooo’simager, are alluding to them. However, v’sachnia is alluding to kelipas noga that can be elevated and it merely needs to be humbled and subjected, but not destroyed, so it is not to be said together with the previous three.