Video: 40 Years Since Begin’s Visit
This week marks forty years since Israeli Prime Minister Menachem Begin’s historic visit to the Rebbe. Four decades have passed since the meeting, but the truth and wisdom found in the words of the Rebbe are as pertinent now as they have ever been.
JEM presents an amazing video of the event.
Go Yerushalayim !!
Wow 40 years !! Thank u for sharing !! Does anyone know if Menachem Begin listened to the Rebbe on the inyan of Shlaimus HAretz ?
moshe der g
unfortunately NOT he signed the camp david accords and after that he became a very depressed person ..
he didnt live the rest of his life well. because he saw the outcome of his mistakes of giving away land. and what it caused with the rest of arab world seeing they can get it all back without a war …
as history shows
To #2
What was his reason for giving back the Sinai does anyone know, if the Rebbe told & gave him clear directions & this is Moshe Rabbeinu of our Dor speaking, why didn’t he listen ? Only lots of Hatzlacha & Brachah come from listening to the Nasi HaDor !! He spent all that effort to come to the Rebbe & listen to what The Leader of the Jewish ppl has to say, why not listen & follow instructions ?
Moshiach Now
Wow it’s 40 years already ? I remember it like yesterday, Amazing!! I was there when Menachem Begin arrived @ 770, it was really beautiful, too bad he didn’t follow the Rebbe’s instructions.