Weekly Story: You Were Not Abandoned, Part 4
Continued from three weeks ago – You Were Not Abandoned, Pt. 3
by Rabbi Sholom Avtzon
Being that this coming Wednesday is Pesach Sheini, I am presenting part 4 of Malka’s story.
Before Pesach, I presented in three segments a story about Malka and her unique connection with the Rebbe. To many of you, it was riveting. The tremendous concern and attention the Rebbe gave to a child who was hurt or perhaps scarred emotionally. As well as at her fortitude that despite the hardships involved of living alone among the nations, and not observing many of the mitzvos, she remains firm in her promises to keep Shabbos, kosher, and visit the Rebbe on a yearly basis. For some thirty years, it was by the bottom steps of 770 and subsequently at the Ohel. It is symbolic of the greatness of a neshoma, that no matter what, its essence is pure and connected to Hashem.
On the 6th day of Pesach, I emailed Malka with the following message: you see how much your experience inspired others; some parents thanked you for being the catalyst in bringing their children to the seder etc. You wanted to speak with and meet Zahava and she spoke to you via the internet with the message to speak to Mama Rochel. I said to Malka, take Zahava’s advice and go to Kever Rochel and pour out your heart. I added, learn from the message of Matza, that when one delays, the dough can become chometz, so please act quickly on her advice.
Malka replied, from her perspective she is already “Chometz”.
She then informed me the following:
One year, I came to the conclusion that my life is hypocritical and I am wrong to lead this double life. As the years went on, I strayed further and further away from the ways that my adopted parents raised me, until I felt that my present way life and Shabbos with Kosher are a contradiction one to the other. I felt uncomfortable ushering in Shabbos when my garments (i.e. observance of the other mitzvos) are dirty.
So I informed the Rebbe that I feel I cannot continue keeping my promises.
The Rebbe replied, that is the lesson one takes from Pesach Sheini. On Pesach Sheini, we bring in matza and eat it, even though the chometz is there, right in front of you on the table. Let the brightness of that mitzvah illuminate the house.
In my understanding the Rebbe was telling me don’t let the darkness extinguish the light, rather allow the light to enter your house and a small amount of light can illuminate a place full of darkness.
P.S. While the majority of the readers were inspired by various aspects of this story and it was translated into a few languages etc., there are some skeptics who have asked for verification.
One such email I received was:
Hello Rabbi Avtzon,
I loved reading the 3 articles about Malka.
But, unfortunately, the skeptic in me keeps bothering me.
Is there some kind of proof that this story really happened?
The big question is: where were her aunts/uncles/cousins/grandparents when both sets of parents passed away?
I forwarded this email and this is what Malka replied
What a strange question?
I guess they are unaware of my age (Indeed someone called me “Malkie” – like a young girl).
My parents were holocaust survivors.
Like multitudes of other survivors, there were no (known) “aunts/uncles/cousins/grandparents” left.
Need I say more?!
To further clarify:
Malka was born in the late 40’s or early 50’s (exact date, or where she was raised, as well as to which girls seminary she was accepted into etc, is intentionally not being given.) and as everyone understands the procedures then are not the same as they are presently.
In my opinion, the Rebbe saw the deep and true pain a Jewish child was enduring and he made an exception and revealed to her aspects that probably he did not reveal too often.
But it is similar to the story that happened in France in 1947, when he went to meet his mother Rebbetzin Chana and bring her to America. One day, he saw a Jew crying. After asking the Jew a few times what is hurting so much, the person replied that he is separated from his family and that he doesn’t know if they survived the war and where they would be if they did.
The Rebbe requested of him to write down their names. After he had it on paper, the Rebbe informed him which members of his family were alive, where he can find them and which members sadly did not survive.
So yes, to certain people the Rebbe did reveal things that he didn’t reveal to others.
This week’s story is published l’zchus Chaim Schneur Zalman ben Miriam for a refuah shleima.
Rabbi Avtzon is a veteran mechanech and is available to farbreng in your community. He can be contacted at avtzonbooks@gmail.com.
After reading the earlier parts to this story, I really appreciate the personal details shares here. I has assumed that Malka’s age is in her 40’s. It never dawned on me that Malka is actually in her late 60’s or 70’s. That explains so many things like her preparations for her burial and final resting place in Eretz Yisroel, may she live to be 120+ and be zocheh to greet Moshiach b’korov.
The way her story was written I also thought she was a kid orphan. Is this story happening now?
Question for Rabbi Avtzon
Rabbi Avtzon, you wrote that Malka was “not observing many of the mitzvos” and later you or she wrote that her “garments (i.e. observance of the other mitzvos) are dirty” – can you specify which mitzvos she kept and which she didn’t?
Reading the serial story and comments by Malka herself it sounds like she davened, made brochos, kept Yom Tov, lit Chanukah candles and megilah and mishloach monos on Purim, and even shmra matza on pessach (and constructed an eruv for shabbos) – so which mitzvos did she keep and which didn’t she keep?
I am confused because sometimes it sounds like she is totally religious and other times it sounds like she only keeps shabbos and kashrus?
There is no mention of Malka having a mezuzah. I assume it means that she does not have any mezuzahs. I would be happy to pay for her mezuzahs via Rabbi Avtzon if she is willing to accept them. Let me know here and I will take care of it today.
Did you send her mezuzas? It is one of the mivtzoyim!
Tracht Gut
Just because there is no mention of her having mezuzas why do you assume that she has no mezuza? Wouldn’t the Rebbe have encouraged her to have mezuzas and tie it in with shabbos and kashrus?! Tracht gut. She even keeps shmura matza kol shekain mezuzas.
Confirmation Needed
There were comments made by Malka that she had been instructed on the technical details of constructing an eruv around her property by Rabbi Raskin of London. Sorry but it seems outlandish that Rabbi Raskin has assisted her in building an eruv! Can someone confirm if Rabbi Raskin visited her to supervise her eruv?
Anyone from London in touch with the Dayan?
Dayan Raskin
I just confirmed with by brother – Dayan Raskin – that Malka had in fact contracted him for guidance in creating an Eiruv on her property.
Anyone could claim that they are a “broher” and contacted Dayan Raskin…
Can you substantiate your identity and that indeed this took place?
It simply seems too far fetched, not to mention outlandish and therefore simply unbelievable!
Did the Dayan visit Malka and guide her Eiruv construction? If so, then can he share where Malka lives so that we can contact her and question her about the story?
Can Rabbi Avtzon confirm anything about this Eiruv business? Sorry, but I believed most of the story and as amazing as it was, it made sense until I saw the Eiruv detail. That is too much to believe because it makes no sense! A woman who is barely Jewish, about to go into a church (remember that!), living like a goy among goyim, is interested in making an Eiruv and seeks guidance from a Rov?! Come on!
Let’s just suppose this Malka is interested in making an Eiruv (as far fetched as that is), why would she contact a Rov in England? Does she live in England?
Eitza Giver
Just giver her a family to call her own and giver her love.
To Skeptic
To Septic:
Alomolek is b’gematriya SOFEK ( a skeptic).
And skeptic is septic with a kleina k.
Crown Heightser
To “Dayan Raskin” that wrote:
“Malka had in fact contracted him for guidance in creating an Eiruv”
What do yo mean she “contracted” him? Was it an actual hiring by contract? Was it an actual document or just a verbal agreement?
Or was that a typo and you meant “contacted”? If so, did she call him or visit him personally or did he visit her?
The silence to my questions answer them. Shtika k’hodaha. Case closed.
Crown Heighter
Yasher koach for this excellent story. My family are following this story and each part reaches out to us with positive inspiration. It is so meaningful. I hope there are more parts of her life that you can share. I most appreciate that she does not come across as someone looking to glorify herself. She admits her faults and challenges. She does not make herself into a hero. Just a regular normal person like each of us, but struggling with overwhelming challenges, who is given guidance and support by the Rebbe. What a story!
Hit the bullseye
You hit the bullseye. I couldn’t figure out what it is that makes these Malka stories so special. You said it:
“I most appreciate that she does not come across as someone looking to glorify herself. She admits her faults and challenges. She does not make herself into a hero. Just a regular normal person like each of us, but struggling with overwhelming challenges, who is given guidance and support by the Rebbe. What a story!”
Malka is not made out as a hero and even admits her rejection of mitzvos but leaves us inspired because of how the Rebbe dealt with her. It shows us how to be ikarev and deal with our own troubled youths.
1. How many more segments are there to this story?
2. What was the level of Malka’s Jewish education?
She was accepted into seminary?!
3. Did she go to university?
4. Did she ever marry (and if so, was her husband Jewish)? Any children?
5. How does she get kosher food in a place that has no Jews? Did she shop at Jewish centers nearby and stock her freezer?
6. Is there a Chabad House or shaliach near her that can help her in her yiddishkeit?
The answer to all your questions is: NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS. Do you also need to know her shoe size? I am also a yenta but you take it to the next level.
Answer to #5
In Part 1:
“I was still able to keep my promise of keeping kosher, because that can be achieved even in a gentile village by becoming vegetarian. I did not need to obtain meat or sea food, and in regard to fruits, vegetables, milk, and eggs, they are all kosher, as well as most packaged foods, breads, baked goods and many cheeses which come with some kosher symbols.”
I saw a story by Rabbi Y. Weinberg OBM that he asked a Jew in SOuth America to keep kosher. The Jew said his wife would never agree to a kosher kitchen. R’ Weinberg suggested to have a vegetarian kitchen. This Jew donated a fortune to finance the Rebbe’s projects and gave immense nachas ruach.
Answer to #4
I looked over the comments shared by Malka herself and noticed in Part 1:
“15. Malka wrote:
Sharing details: …Esther, who like me was an orphan and then further lost her adopted father and husband Mordechai when forced to live with a gentile and bear him a child…”
It seems to imply that like Esther, Malka also was forced to live with a gentile and bear him a child.
If so, the child is Jewish.
Unless, she was only like Esther by being an orphan from both parents and then adopted.
Answer to #6
In Part 1 Malka wrote a comment:
“15. Malka wrote: Sharing details: …the closest shul is 1 1/2 hour drive…”
That would mean nearly 100 miles of highway driving (but much less if city driving and roads with lower speed limit).
Oh, if she had a child, the child would be now an adult. Is that grown child still keeping kosher or any mitzvos? Malka might even be a grandmother with einiklech!
Answer to #2
Now we know from Zahavah that Malka attended Gateshead Seminary. She remembers her from there.
Zahavah wrote:
נזכרתי שנפגשנו בימי נעורינו כשהירשת ללמווד בגייסהד
Amazing Story
Amazing story.
Love the story
This story makes me feel good. Just saying.
A Breslev Chosid
I am a Breslev Chosid. The story makes you feel good because it has a positive message of simcha and teshuva which lifts the heart and makes the soul soar.
Kop Doktar
Scarred emotionally…my diagnosis would be grief trauma and severe PTSD.
Malka never properly grieved the loss of her parents and other losses.
The need for counselling and therapy is obvious.
Until that happens, she will remain grieving and continue in her futile attempt to escape from her internal pain. She fails to realize that wherever she runs to, the pain follows along with her.
Free advice
Free advice is worth the amount paid for it: zero.
זה פשר הדברים
פסח שני ניתנה בשביל אנשים שהיו טמאים
טמאים טומאת מת
אבל רצינים לעבודת הבורא
וטענו “למה נגרע” גם אנחנו רוצים לחוג הפסח
למה נגרע אע”פ שאנחנו טמאים רצוננו לעבוד את בוראנו
ועל טענתם ניתנה להם פסח שני
כי אין יהודי אבוד מהקב”ה
שנאמר: בונה ירושלים ה’ כי
נדחי ישראל יכנס
Crown Heightser
Can you please write or translate in English so that we can all understand!! It is annoying and rude to write publicly in a language that many of us cannot read or fully understand. Please be respectful and write in English!
Pessach Sheini
The message of Pessach Sheini is that complaining helps. If these people would not complain that “it’s not fair”, they would never have gotten Pessach Sheini. If they would have simply remained silent and accepted that they are disqualified, they would have lost out. We need to complain: This golus is not fair, loma nigara, we need the Rebbe, ad mosai, Moshiach NOW!
Crown Heightser
Is that the translation? I do not see any mention of Moshiach NOW in the Hebrew?
Google Translate
This is what it means
Pesach Sheini was given for people who were unclean
Unclean with impurity of death
But are serious to the work of the Creator
Claiming why “leave us out”
We also want to celebrate Passover
Why is it taken away fro us even though we are impure since our desire to worship our Maker
And they were given a second Pesach
Because there is no Jew lost from G-d
As it is written: “G-d builds Jerusalem.”
the lost ones of Israel will be gathered
Does Malka even read Hebrew?
In Part 2, Malka responds to Zahava’s Hebrew comment – obviously she can read and understand Henrew. Especially now that we know she had a strong Girl’s Yeshiva high school education and attended Seminary:
“11. From Malka to Zehava wrote:
I am asking why you chose that particular passage
וְשָׁבוּ מֵאֶרֶץ אוֹיֵב. וְיֵשׁ תִּקְוָה לְאַחֲרִיתֵךְ נְאֻם ה’ וְשָׁבוּ בָנִים לִגְבוּלָם
because that is the exact passage I had asked in my Will to be written as an epitaph on my tombstone when I will be buried in Israel.”
Reading Hebrew
In Part Rabbi Sholom Avtzon wrote:
“I [Malka] was adopted when I was an infant by religious Jews as their only child and was given a wonderful Jewish education.”
Clearly a “wonderful Jewish education” includes reading Hebrew.
Just in time for shabbos, I will share this story at the shabbos table.
Malka or Malkie
No matter her age, she is Hashem’s MALKA’LEH (daughter/princess). We all are.
Yes, we all love Malka. Malka, if you are reading this, you are welcome to come visit for shabbos at any chabad family of your choosing. It would be our honor and pleasure. R’ Avtzon can arrange even last minute notice.
What happened when Malka met with Zahava? It must have been so dramatic! What did they speak about? Please share.
Read the story. It says they “spoke via the internet” – they means they used Facetime or Skype. They did not meet in person. Probably Zahavah is in Israel and Malka is in U.S.A.
At Part 4 I now feel like I know Malka.
I am like Malka, because I completely moved out of Jewish life. I read this story as an outsider looking in. Still, I am impressed that Malka has a code of conduct that she keeps religiously and without compromise. I wouldn’t mind keeping one or maybe two mitzvos simply as a form of self discipline. I ask of Malka because I can relate to her – which one mitzva or two would you suggest?
Shabbos and kashrus.
To Marilyn
I sense that you are sincere and would like to ask Malka her guidance and advice. The place to do so is not on this public blog. Please pursue youe quest privately by contacting Rabbi Avtzon at avtzonbooks@gmail.com. He is in direct contact with Malka and can arrange a meeting between you.
Melaveh Malka Story
Another Malka story to say at our family Melaveh Malka. Thanks!
Quotable Quote
My favorite line in the entire story:
“The Rebbe gently, yet firmly demanded and insisted, and I had to acquiesce. He didn’t leave any options. There were no compromises. As stubborn as I was, he always won the “debate”.”
The Rebbe always won the “debate”.
Such a special story!
I wish Malka all the best in her life. She is continuing to inspire so many people just by being who she is. I hope she will share more with Rabbi Avtzon so thousands of people may benefit.
She should be the keynote speaker at this year’s Shluchos Convention. She would be a hit.
A special story about a special person.
Kalman & Tirtza
We are so moved by this series of stories. Out teen children take important lessons from them. They feel connected to the stories.
Greenbaum Family
Ours too!
Can I get in contact with Malka? I would really like to talk to her about an issue I am having with my daughter.
Speak to Rabbi Avtzon. He can connect you to her.
Welcome Back
I am so happy to read more about Malka. If Malka is reading this, “Welcome back”, we missed you. You give us so much chizuk by sharing your experiences. It also gives us a newfound appreciation of the Rebbe. There is so much that we do not know about him.
Help Needed
Malka, there are many families that spiritually lost a child and this is a crisis of our generation. You would be a great help for such families as a facilitator in bridging the gap between the parents and the missing child. Mt own child is not lost but struggling. I can tell that I have seen positive progress in her shmiras shabbos when she reads your story. I am sure if you would meet her the impact would be greater. Maybe it is time for you to give back to the community. We need our help.
My sister chassidah
“My fellow Americans, ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country.” – John F. Kennedy
My sister chassidah, ask not what Malka can do for you, ask what you can do for Malka.
נזכרתי שנפגשנו בימי נעורינו כשהירשת ללמווד בגייסהד
שמענו אז שאת יתומה כאסתר – כי אין לה אב ואם
והנערה יפת תאר וטובת מראה, חכמה בתורה וחזקה באמונה
חבל מאוד שנעלמת מעולם היהודי – אבל אין אבוד
השגחה שנפגשנו שוב פעם
אין אבוד
This takes the story to whole new level!
This is OPEN hashgacha protis!!! I am blown away!!!!
Was Zahava a teacher or a fellow student of Malka?
This is WOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Crown Heightser
What’s with this lady? English PLEASE! I want to know what is being said. Come on!
Google Translate
I remembered that we had met in the days of our youth when you registered to learn in Gateshead
We heard then that you were an orphan like Esther – because she had no father or mother
And the girl is beautiful and good-looking, smart in the Torah and strong in faith
It’s too bad that you disappeared from the Jewish world – but there is no lost cause
Providence made it that we meet again
There is no lost cause
Real Drama
Will there be a reunion of Malka and Zahava?
This is so dramatic and exciting.
A story within the story.
Satmar Man
Is Zahava’s real name “Golda”? My wife knows a Golda who went to Gateshead and is now in her early 60’s.
Zehava or Golda
Does Malaka remember her encounters with Zehava?
Can JEM interview Zehava and get HER story as corroboration to Malka’s story?
This is the most amazing story of two long lost friends who did not speak to each other for 50 years and suddenly they are uniting on a news blog by exchanging comments!!
Since Malka was born in the late 40’s or early 50’s then she was from the Hippie Generation, when ant-establishment, free love, drugs and communes were common. The Rebbe said that the youth and teenagers of the 60’s were seekers looking for meaning lives and are open to ruchniyus. Many baalei teshuva were from that generation.
Old Hippie
The days of the hippie culture were so far removed from frum yiddishkeit that if a frum girl would leave the fold and join the hippies lifestyle with all the LSD and drugs, I cannot imagine her remaining frum.
LSD fried the brains of many users. It is a dangerous drug. But not as dangerous as the drugs now available.
Ok, we have a teenage girl who was frum and yet decides to go OTD (off the derech) and live among goyim, in the age of Aquarius (Hippies). How does she survive for food and lodging? What does she do to survive? Who does she live with? This sounds like a HORRIBLE situation, yet she keeps kosher and shabbos and keeps her connection with the Rebbe until she is full shomer shabbos and kashrus. This a a story of courage, strength of character and hiskashrus to the Rebbe.
Brooklyn Hebrew Orphan Asylum
In 1956, the Jewish Youth Services of Brooklyn participated in a tri-agency project, with the Jewish Child Care Association (JCCA) and the Jewish Family Service. The project provided family counseling for families determined by either three agencies to remain intact. In 1940, the other main Jewish orphanages in New York, Hebrew Orphan Asylum of the City of New York, and the Hebrew Sheltering Guardian Society merged with JCCA. The Jewish Youth Services of Brooklyn followed in 1960, joining its services with one of the largest Jewish child care agencies in New York. The JCCA continues to provide adoption, foster care, mental health services, residential programs, and educational services to over 12,000 children from all backgrounds and their families, in the New York metropolitan area, encompassing Westchester County and Long Island
פתי יאמין לכל דבר
This is Mamosh like te stories of the Baal Shem Tov…
The Believer
Some believe and some don’t. Those that believe are inspired. Those that don’t aren’t. The Yetzer tries to get someone to not be inspired by making him disbelieve. The Yetzer calls it using your intelligence. But know where it is coming from. It is the same disbelieve that comes from Misnagdim. Before that it came from the Haskallah. Before that it came from Korach. Before that it came from Nochosh Hakadmoni. It’s all the same disbelief, just different names.
Erase any memory of Amolek because he tried to cool off the belief by suggesting a sofek that maybe the belief is false. People are inspired and warmed up so along comes Amolek to try and cool them down. You do not believe in anything. You don’t believe in the Baal Shem Tov or anything else.
אני מאמין
הן מאמינים בני מאמינים ואתה אין סופך להאמין הן מאמינים דכתיב (שמות ד, לא) ויאמן העם בני מאמינים (בראשית טו, ו) והאמין בי”י
אתה אין סופך להאמין שנאמר (במדבר כ, יב) יען לא האמנתם בי וגו’
שבת · צז א
אני מאמין
אנחנו מאמינים בני מאמינים
Crown Heightser
ANOTHER HEBREW COMMENT?! What’s wrong with you – this isn’t Israel, write in ENGLISH so that we can all understand your brilliant commentary.Enough with the Hebrew. Not everyone can read Hebrew. What’s wrong with English??!!
Ma Nishtana
The reason this story is so much more fascinating than all the other weekly stories is because this story has strong messages, it is so real and riveting, it is taking place now and not in der alter heim, it is real life living and breathing right in front of us. That is why my family is so enthralled by this story.
From A Breslev Chosid
שיחות הר”ן קג’:
טוב יותר להיות פתי יאמין לכל דבר,
דהיינו להאמין אפילו בשטותים ושקרים כדי להאמין גם בהאמת,
מלהיות חכם ולכפור בהכל חס ושלום,דהיינו לכפור בשטותים ושקרים.ועי”ז נעשה הכל ליצנות אצלו וכופר גם בהאמת ח”ו ח”ו.
“ומוטב שאקרא שוטה כל ימיי ואל אהיה רשע שעה אחת לפני המקום”.
Satmar Man
This story is a very good one because it is like a Baal Shemske story but takes place in our dor. Oyser gevaynlich.
Crown Heightser
What’s with all these people writing in Hebrew?! One person started posting in Hebrew and now it is becoming a trend. Stop it! Enough! This is an ENGLISH website. Can you please write or translate in English so that we can all understand!! It is annoying and rude to write publicly in a language that many of us cannot read or fully understand. Please be respectful and write in English! What is the matter with you?
Google Translate
Talks of R’ Nachman 103:
Better to be a fool that believes everything, that is, to believe even in foolishness and lies in order to believe also in the truth, then be “wise” and to deny all things, G-d forbid, ie to deny foolishness and lies until everything becomes silliness to him and he also denies the truth of G-d, G-d forbid and G-d forbid..
“I’d better be called a fool all my life and do not be evil one hour before G-d.”
The kangeroo
Wchich Shem tov?
Hippity Hoppity
The Baal.
I think we should all appreciate the personal details malka shared with us and learn the lessons within them…I don’t see why some are trying to turn this into a mystery book trying to uncover clues to find out more than she shared…Please realize there is listening…And then probing…If anyone wishes to connect with her do it personally but let’s respect her privacy on a public forum
Open Season
As Lubavitchers we have the absolute RIGHT and Privilege to know about ALL interactions that the Rebbe had.
I am sick and tired of hearing that only “elite” people may know about the conduct of the Rebbe, things he did, medical treatments received etc.
The Rebbe is NOT a “private person” but, to quote te Rebbetzin, he belongs to the chassidim.
“Belonging to chassidim” does not mean to only “certain” chassidim, but ALL chassidim.
We have the RIGHT to know everything about Malka and with all due respect, Rabbi Avtzon has no right to keep secrets from us.
I appreciate the great work of Rabbi AVtzon and especially this story but PLEASE share with us ALL the details!
If you know them, so should we!!
How do I connect with Malka? You said If anyone wishes to connect with her do it personally, I want to connect with her. How do I contact her personally? I have something very important to share with her!
To "How"
“how” – what do you want to share with Malka? Why not share it with all of us?
Moishe pipek
When I read the comments the phrase “A ship of fools” keeps poping up
Better a fool than a rosha
Eduyos 5:6 Akavya ben Mahalalel testified about four halachos. The Chuchumim (disagreed with these halachos and) told him that if he retracts his testimony, they’ll appoint him as Av Bais Din (second to the Nasi). He answered them, “mutav lee l’heekuray shoteh call yumai v’lo lay’asos shaah achas rasha lifnay Hamakom.” (It’s better to be called a fool all my days (Tiferes Yisroel – for rejecting a prestigious position) and not become a rasha for even one moment before Hashem (Tosfos Yom Tov – I would be a rasha if I would retract for personal gain. Tiferes Yisroel – because I’m convinced that the rulings I heard from my Rabbeim in these matters were the rulings of the majority).
Mo is not talking about the story but the foolish comments that are TOO MANY. I never saw such low borderline intelligence demonstrated by so many in one place.
J. N.
Again, i am telling you all, a Yesher Koach for inspiring lot lot of people (from another countries also*) to re-connect to the true life of a Yehudi.
The all time that Malka kept her promise (despite the difficults) gives now (some of) the reward to all of us. MITZVAH GORERES MITZVAH.
*translated to Spanish in http://abreijim.blogspot.com/2017/05/no-fuiste-abandonada-4-parte.html
Rebbe's Approach
We can all learn from the story of Malka about the Rebbe’s approach. A mitzva is tzafsa v’chibur – a connection to Hashem. By getting Malka to keep simply two mitzvos, the Rebbe opened the door to expand her commitment to many many more mitzvos. Also, by getting Malka to agree to keep connected to the Rebbe, he allowed the ability to keep his hashpoah (influence) on her to keep increasing her tzafsa v’chibur to Hashem. Further, from Malka we see how a chosid should behave – whatever the Rebbe asks of him he does, like a soldier, and keeps doing it, no matter the challenges and no matter the duration, it is a lifetime order from the General. And look at the gentle way the Rebbe “puishes” and “prods” Malka to increase her mitzvos. It makes my heart swell with pride to consider myself a chosid and a shlucha.
Notice how the Rebbe never compromises or backs down. As shluchos we often start compromising and try to be b’ofen hamiskabel of political correctness. We back down when we feel it might be too much to ask for. The Rebbe does not back down or compromise.
The Rebbe's Way
Gentle but firm. Demanding yet understanding.
And you may find your family members at jewishgen.org (and geni.com, etc) if you know how to search. Lots of people found their family members from the War through JewishGen. (meaning grandparents, uncles or cousins etc)
Read the story
She wrote:
“My parents were holocaust survivors.
Like multitudes of other survivors, there were no (known) “aunts/uncles/cousins/grandparents” left. Need I say more?!”
Besides, from Part 1 it is clear that she chose to separate herself from basically the Jewish nation, except only keeping an annual connection with the Rebbe.
Eitza Giver
Reading the story, I think it is fair to surmise that Malka is very intelligent. Therefore we can further surmise that if she wanted to find surviving relatives, she would know how to search for them. Yet she wrote with certainty based on whatever investigations she made that “there were no (known) “aunts/uncles/cousins/grandparents” left”. I don’t think Malka is in need of eitzas. Just give become her family and give her love.
The story in of itself was great. But the comments made by astute readers make this story absolutely fantastic. This is truly an amazing story. It was a pleasure to read all 4 parts with the hundreds of comments. Anyone reading this story must also read all the comments.
Who WIll Be #100?
So many comments. So many people interested. Who will be #100?
# 63
If you know Zahava or Golda I believe you should contact Rabbi Avtzon,it may help everyone