Weekly Story: You Were Not Abandoned
by Rabbi Sholom Avtzon
Last month I posted a story titled, “If the Rebbe said so, It is so.” A woman by the name of Malka (in order to protect her privacy I will keep other details unpublicized) noted that she was intrigued by the title, as she knows from personal experience how true that statement was, and therefore posed a question on what I wrote. After answering the question, she then revealed to me her personal story and connection to the Rebbe. With her permission, in honor of the Rebbe’s 115th birthday this upcoming Yud Aleph Nissan, I am sharing this most phenomenal story.
She related the following:
Unbeknown to me, I was adopted when I was an infant by religious Jews as their only child and was given a wonderful Jewish education. At that time, the records of adoption were sealed and my origin and birth parents were unknown and impossible to be discovered or revealed to anyone. When I was soon to be 12 years old (i.e. shortly before my bas mitzvah), my parents informed me for the first time that I am adopted. After much shock, we went to a great Rabbi (I don’t recall who it was) who explained that I needed to agree to become Jewish since my origin was unknown. I knew enough from my Jewish education that this was the completion of a conversion process.
I told the Rabbi that since it is my choice, I am not interested in being Jewish or going through the conversion ritual. My adopted parents, whom I still love greatly even after their passing, were visibly upset and told me that if I do not convert, I am assumed to be a non-Jew. I adamantly replied that it was fine with me, (after all that is how Hashem created me.) I stood firm in my decision, especially as I was extremely angry about not being told about my adoption until then, the possibility that I was not even Jewish, thus living a life that wasn’t meant to be which was false to my origins, and that my birth parents abandoned me. My adopted parents and the Rabbi tried hard to convince me, but I was not changing my mind. Finally, the Rabbi suggested to my parents that we go visit the Rebbe and ask his advice.
When we visited him, the Rebbe spoke to all of us and then asked if he can speak to me alone. I thought it was strange, but my parents agreed to step out of the room. The Rebbe then told me that I was born Jewish from Jewish parents who truly loved me and still love me from Heaven. He stated emphatically that they never abandoned me; rather they died in a car crash. He told me that it was G-d’s will (for whatever His reason was) that they died and I should be an orphan. He also told me G-d is the Father of all orphans and I am loved by Him.
The Rebbe told me that even if I don’t go through the conversion process and “convert” I am still 100% Jewish, since my birth mother was definitely Jewish. He then said that I should nevertheless convert, because that is what Jewish Law dictates that one should do in these circumstances, (as there are no two witnesses that can testify that my parents were indeed Jewish, since as noted in those years the adoption papers were completely sealed). However, it does not change the fact that I am Jewish, regardless.
This was news and somewhat of a shock to me, since the Rabbi, whom I met previously with my parents, stated unequivocally that if I did not convert, I would be regarded as a non-Jew. I guessed that is Jewish Law. But the Rebbe told me that I was still a Jewess. At that time I had no understanding of the Rebbe’s greatness, I just thought that he is following a lenient opinion. How was I supposed to know of his Divine ability of knowing my history in our first meeting, especially when absolutely no one else knew it?!
Then the Rebbe continued that he knows that I might not believe him and may think that it is a trick to get me to listen to my parents and remain Jewish, so he told me that if I ever go to a certain city (the Rebbe mentioned that city but once again for the sake of this woman’s privacy I am omitting it), I should visit the Jewish cemetery there and say a prayer for my parents that are buried there.
The Rebbe also asked me to promise three things: to always keep kosher, to keep Shabbos, as well as to try visiting him once a year. I left his room somewhat confused, yet less angry – after all maybe my parents did not abandon me as he stated. Thus, I finally agreed to “convert”, since according to the Rebbe I am Jewish anyways.
The fact that I lost my birth parents as a newborn was hard and I was struggling with it. And then just a few years after first meeting the Rebbe, tragedy struck again. In my mid-teens I lost my beloved adopted parents; it was unbearable. I became an orphan for the second time! That’s when I became real angry. I moved as far away from any Jewish life as possible – I lived in a small village that had no Jews. [see next week’s story]. However, I was still able to keep my promise of keeping kosher, because that can be achieved even in a gentile village by becoming vegetarian. I did not need to obtain meat or sea food, and in regard to fruits, vegetables, milk, and eggs, they are all kosher, as well as most packaged foods, breads, baked goods and many cheeses which come with some kosher symbols. On Shabbos, I don’t cook, use electricity, nor drive. I use the Shabbos for resting, exercising, reading, and meditating. That is the extent of my commitment to the Rebbe: basic kosher and basic Shabbos,
One year, during my annual visit, I was standing on the sidewalk in front of 770 in my usual spot. Some years as he would walk by, he would give me additional guidance concerning kashrus and Shabbos (or perhaps enhancing my observance of it, and demonstrating how one mitzvah is connected to all mitzvos.)[1] while other years he would just acknowledge me. That year, when he was quickly walking to his car carrying a brown paper bag, he stepped down the two stairs to the sidewalk to pass by when I simply cried the word “Why?”
He recognized me right away, turned towards me, and immediately answered. (I am not sure of the exact wording or if this is exactly what he meant – but this is what I understood), “Your birth parents were good people but through no fault of their own, they were totally secular and unobservant. Hashem is also a partner in your creation; He is also your parent. He loves you and knew your soul needed to have kosher food and Shabbos during your formative years. You were entrusted to adoptive parents who gave you only kosher food and Shabbos to nurture your soul. That is why you must keep your promise to eat only kosher and keep the Shabbos.”
He then entered into the rear seat of his car and the car drove off. This entire interaction took perhaps 10-15 seconds but to me it felt like an hour.
Fast-forward many years later. I was able to get the records of my birth origin. NO ONE KNEW THIS INFORMATION BEFOREHAND. My parents were Jewish and indeed both were buried in the —— Jewish cemetery. It seems that they died on the same day in an accident when I was just a newborn. I kept my promise to the Rebbe. I still keep basic kosher, basic Shabbos, and had visited the Rebbe annually during his lifetime. I continue once a year to visit his grave in Queens and also my birth parents’ graves in —–.
I visited him every year then and once a year now. I visit his grave where I cry the whole time until there are no more tears. I then leave behind the pain as a comfort settles on me with a feeling of being connected to something greater than me. I am uplifted from despair as I internalize the message that the Rebbe told me so long ago. Hashem is my parent, and even this “rebellious” daughter, is Hashem’s daughter who is loved by Him and coming closer to Him by fulfilling my promise for decades.
In a follow up email Malka noted, “There is another side or different dimension to what we think we see and understand” – how did the Rebbe know? He knows all that is in this world AND the next world! To him it is so simple and as clear as reading a road sign. He simply identified who I am and my origin. He knew it with certainty. He knew that I was not abandoned by irresponsible parents (which is what I believed). He even knew how my parents died, where they were buried and the status of their non-observance. He also knew why G-d made me an orphan, why I was adopted by religious parents, and why it needed to be that way and no other way! He knows why G-d does what He does, and he explains it when it needs to be explained. This is not human logic nor human intelligence, but “another side or different dimension to what we think we see and understand.” I don’t think anyone can fully grasp the implications of the story I shared with you. It isn’t a story of a “miracle”. In my story the Rebbe preformed no miracles! It isn’t a story of getting a blessing and it was fulfilled. It is simply a story of a human being who has unrestricted access to the divine.
[1] Rabbi Avtzon’s note: After I offered Malka some Shmura Matza for this year’s seder, she replied: It’s interesting that you suggested and I am adding shmura matza to my kosher food commitment. You might wonder why I agreed so easily:
That’s what the Rebbe would often do. He told me one year that to make the food “fully kosher” I must make a proper blessing before eating it….another year he said that to make the blessing properly I should be washing my hands negel vasser…another year he said it is improper to eat a meal before first praying (I believe he was implying that snacks and drinks are okay but not a meal)…my main food was cooked rice which I hadn’t divulged to him, but nevertheless he knew, and one year he asked which blessing I make on the cooked rice? I told him the Guide to Blessings says to make “mezonos” and he gave a VERY HUGE smile and then suggested it would be better if I made a “shehakol”…one year he said that to be fully kosher, the dishes and utensils I use need to be immersed in the river near my house… another year he noted that all food and drink on Yom Kippur are not kosher…. And another time he informed me that it is not proper to eat a meal before the Chanukah candles are lit….almost every year he kept perfecting the commitment to shabbos and kosher eating, while connecting me to additional mitzvos though them. These exchanges took no more than 5 seconds, no more than a pause while he nodded in passing.
ANYWAY, THAT IS WHY I AM ADDING SHMURA MATZA – it’s part of my commitment to kosher food!
Part Two: The Time the Rebbe sent me a parcel – to be posted next week.
Rabbi Avtzon is a veteran mechanech in the United Lubavitch Yeshiva of Ocean Parkway and the author of numerous books. He is available to farbreng in your community and can be reached at avtzonbooks@gmail.com Additionally if anyone else experienced a situation with the Rebbe, or has an insightful story to share with the numerous readers of this column, please forward it to him to be publicized in due time.
Fan of Rabbi Avtzon's weekly stories!
No words! I haven’t heard a Rebbe story like this in a while! Thank you Rabbi Avtzon for writing Malka’s poignant story so beautifully.
What is so great about my story?!
As I wrote you and you quoted me, there were no miracles preformed in my story (like in many other stories), rather it is merely a small appreciation of who the Rebbe was.
I knew others would not fully appreciate my story.
It is a simple story that shares how the Rebbe knows far more than what any normal person is able to know. It simply demonstrate that he had unrestricted access to divine knowledge. On a basic level, it is something like a person blessed with ESP.
But that is NOT the story. It is a story of human compassion for an orphan. It is a story of revealing to an orphan some of the information hidden from most humans, simply to ease the pain and help the orphan make proper life choices.
But even that is NOT the real story. To me, this is a story of the Rebbe’s far seeing vision – a vision in planning the life of a 12-year old girl.
To me, the Rebbe saw my entire life: the past, the present and the future.
He clearly saw that I will be rebellious (after all, when I met him I was a 12-year old Orthodox girl attending religious school yet he asked me to commit to shabbos and kosher – isn’t that odd!). He had the wisdom and vision to set a plan in place, He had a plan to to keep me connected in the future to shabbos, kosher and to keep connected to him so he can monitor, supervise and enhance the commitment.
His plan continues, even today.
I feel that even this past Purim he somehow “supervised” my shlach monos by getting a message to me to give “a piece of cake and soda water”. Is that a miracle? No, but it is part of the story of the Rebbe’s vision. Who know if that is exactly why he wrote in his book so many years ago that THIS is how one does the mitzvah of shlach monos?! Isn’t it odd that he write this?!
I feel he sent his messengers, you and Rabbi Raskin to guide me in making a proper eruv. Is that a miracle? No, but it is no coincidence – it is all part of his far reaching vision. Isn’t it odd that I should contact you about your story and then step by step I am connected to a great rabbi IN ENGLAND (no less!) to insure that my eruv is kosher?!
But it is all part of the far reaching vision of the Rebbe, setting a plan years ago to guide and help an orphan and caring for a rebellious daughter.
I don’t know what my future is, no one can know their future. But I believe the Rebbe does.
The value of the story is very simple: The wise see ahead. The Rebbe was very wise.
You are welcome to share this with anyone who wishes to understand my story (and you can share the details about the shlach monos and eruv).
Mendel Kohen
Malka wrote: “You are welcome to share the details about the shlach monos and eruv”
What happened this past purim with her mishloach manos?
What is are the details about her eruv and Rabbi Raskin?
This is fascinating.
Please share!!!!!
To My Dear Malka
Why do you call yourself “a rebellious daughter”? You sound like a dear loving daughter that loves Hashem, the Torah and the Rebbe. All the best, Chana, 12th Grade, B.R.
This is a treasure.
The rebbe knew my future as well
I spoke to the rebbe for the 1st time in june 1967 after the womans convention. I was 18 living in an non observant home trying to be frum. As the rebbe spoke to me i was thinking i would lie to my mother about lubavitch. The rebbe looked right at me and said ” no dont lie to her. Everything will be alright after rosh hashana.” Indeed the rebbe was correct. My mother was niftar just a few weeks after i saw the rebbe. But after rosh hashana i was a part of the lubavitcher community
When and where and to whom did the Rebbe write “in his book” to give mishloach monos with ““a piece of cake and soda water”? I am very familiar with the Rebbe’s writings and letters yet unaware of such a directive.
Rabbi Sholom Avtzon
It is in likkutei sichos volume two page 539
Also, to whom would mishloach monos be given in “a small village that had no Jews”?
OMG – I just looked it up, it really says so in L.S. chelek Bais, I never noticed it before.
Does she have L.S.?
Does she read yiddish?
Why did she need instructions or as she calls it “supervision” on doing mishloach monos?
How and when did she “get this message”??
Rabbi Sholom Avtzon
She traveled an hour and half so this way she heard the megilah
If Malka went to BY of BP or Willy, she certainly could have been in the Ivris l’Yiddish class. Or learned Yiddish at home.
This story is beyond anything we ever heard or saw! Ashreinu!!!
Devora Layah
Malka, You are soooo AMAZING. I cried the whole time as I was reading your story. I wish I could hug you. When I light shabbos candles I will think of you each week. Be strong because Moshiach is soon coming and we will all be together in Eretz Yisroel. I cant wait to meet you. Your BFF. Love XOXO, D.L.
This is such a touching and inspiring story. So special.
Lots of luck malka in your future
Sharing details: Rabbi Avtzon suggested that I should hear the Megillah. After arguing with him that Purim is actually a sad and tragic day for Esther, who like me was an orphan and then further lost her adopted father and husband Mordechai when forced to live with a gentile and bear him a child…how can we be joyous at the expense of another’s pain and suffering? ! Besides, the closest shul is 1 1/2 hour drive and I would need to leave after shabbos, and miss it…Rabbi Avtzon suggested I read the Megillah myself for Saturday night and indeed I found an online video where megillah is chanted and the viewer can follow along. I shared the site with Rabbi Avtzon. To be continued. ..
Malka, continued
For Sunday, I planned on going to this shul. I agreed to this because Rabbi Avtzon told me that the Rebbe encouraged this, and I wanted to do something in his honor. Rabbi Avtzon also asked that I do shlach monos and suggested giving two different fruit. Sounds simple, right? But with me, simple things become very complicated. To be continued. ..
Malka, continued
I remembered that shlach monos should be packaged. It is difficult to package nicely two fruit. So I bought a can of fruit salad/cocktail (with a kosher symbol). It contained more than one type of fruit. Then I questioned myself if this suffices for two fruit or is it one food. I also knew that the foods must be ready to eat and a can requires a special tool – a can opener to make the contents edible. I asked Rabbi Avtzon and he replied a can is fine but since it may be considered one food, add a drink with it, even a bottle of seltzer (I think he said that – he can correct me if I am mistaken). To be continued. ..
Malka, continued
I checked rules of shlach monos on-line and came across an article from Rabbi Yair Hoffman that states water or seltzer is not valid as a second food of shlach monos. This plus other issues (l planned to give the shlach monos to the rabbi of the shul but I need to give to a woman and his wife is a non-orthodox convert, so not really jewish)…I saw things aren’t going smoothly, so l planned not to do shlach monos…Suddenly I came across on a non-chabad website a quote from the Rebbe’s book that to do shlach monos you should/can give “a piece of cake and soda water”!! (I took this as the t telling me exactly how to do the shliach monos – forget the can of mixed fruit, don’t worry that Rabbi Hoffman says seltzer is not ok, just do it my way)…I shared this citation with Rabbi Avtzon and he confirmed that it actually says so in the Rebbe’s book….to be continued. ..
Malka, continued
I ran to the local supermarket and found packaged individual pastries with a kosher symbol (OU-D) and bought them with a soda water. That was my shlach monos EXACTLY as the Rebbe wrote to do this mitzvah. I believe (as crazy as it sounds) that the Rebbe had me in mind when he wrote those words in his book. He managed to get the message to me when I needed to hear it – from a non-chabadwebsite (no less). This was no ccoincidence.
Malka, continued
Years ago when the Rebbe would sometimes give me instructions on enhancing my commitment to kisher and shabbos he once cryptically mentioned to one day make an eruv around my property under the guidance of a rov.
There are no jews in my village, much less a rov. It didn’t make any sense to me.
This year, as the weather is getting warmer, I decided it’s time to enjoy on shabbis my yard, waterfront and dock. Reading and snacking outdoors would enhance my enjoyment of shabbos.
I started learning all the rules of an eruv…to be continued. ..
Malka, continued
Figuring out yhe rules of making am eruv was not too difficult. There are great resources online. But applying them became complex. I had many questions!
But it just so happens that I was in contact with Rabbi Avtzon. I asked him some questions which he forwarded to some rabbis and got responses.
But then I had complex questions about natural barriers like shrubs with spaces between them (to use as a wall for the eruv), and running pole-wires through a line of trees, and a huge overhang of my house roof, and the dock on the river…I couldn’t figure these out!
So Rabbi Avtzon hooked me up with Rabbi Raskin from England who graciously responded to each question, clarifying and guiding the eruv process.
Who would believe that one day I would make an eruv under the guidance of a rov, from England no less, a “Dayan” no less…
This is hard for me to believe but these rabbis guided me via emails…
I believe the Rebbe forsake this DECADES ago!
Malka, continued
Autocorrect: foresaw (not forsake) decades ago.
I tried to share the details as accurately as possible and ad I understood them, but if I am miataken in any detail, Rabbi Avtzon or Rabbi Raskin that were involved in these happenings, can set the record straight.
We have a chiyuv d’oraysa to love Hashem. There is no heter to abscond this mitzva. If you have nisyonos, you have the koach to overcome them and get sichar for it. Ahavas hayisurim is a challenge but the reward is great, as explained in sifrei mussar. No one has a right to be moraid against HKB”H. Sinning as part of merida is considered a mummar l’hachis. By doing teshuva with ahavah, all your zidonos will covert to zchusim. Do not lose that opportunity. It is not for us to question Hashem. The Holocaust or any personal tragedy MUST be accepted as part of golus and rotzon elyon. Shuvu bonim shovivim.
Q. What did the snag do when he saw the Luchos?
A. He took out a tape measure to see how many inches to an Amoh.
You see a giluy or and you are distracted by measuring the shadow.
Come out to the orr ain sof. Join a Tanya shiyur in BMG. There are a few shiyurim in Lakewood.
K, you lack midos tovos. You jump to be dan ess chavoro without being magiya limkomo. You owe an apology as part of YOUR teshuva.
Even if K is saying the truth, there is a need to sometimes shveig. A shiker says everything on his mind.
Thank you so much for giving us all this story. It is a gift.
Malka (or is it Malkie?),
My friends and I are reading this bitter-sweet story. We are so sad for you. We are so happy for your strength and determination. We are so inspired by your commitment to keep your promise. And we are so connected to you because of your connection to the Rebbe.
You are never alone because you are always in our hearts.
We wish you a chag kasher vsameach.
Moshiach NOW!
Malka - more details
Copying email exchanges –
Rabbi Avtzon suggested:
Concerning motzei Shabbos I was advised to inform you that the proper thing would be to read it in your house even from a chumash or on the computer.
I responded:
Great advice: on the computer!
I found a video of the reading of megilah which I can follow along on-line in Hebrew (and English translation). This is perfect! Now I am READY for purim! I am o excited. I have a rattle for making noise when the video gets to Haman!!!
Thanks for the brilliant idea!!!
I found Rabbi Yair Hoffman’s article that water or seltzer is NOT acceptable for shlach monos here:
A Primer on Shalach Manos
By Rabbi Yair Hoffman
“The poskim have ruled that a lollipop is not considered chashuv for an adult, nor is a bottle of Poland Spring water or seltzer.”
“Most authorities hold that one of the foods may certainly be a liquid (except for water), and this is the authoritative view.”
More so, I saw further
“Rabbi Shmuel Felder said that he personally asked Rav Elyashiv zatzal about this matter, and Rav Elyashiv answered that water and seltzer is not a choshuve mashke and should not be used L’cchatchila for Mishloach manos.”
From: http://dinonline.org/2014/02/15/water-for-mishloach-manot/
And suddenly I came across a NON-CHABAD website quoting the Rebbe that one can/should give a piece of cake and soda water for shlach monos here:
“Likutei Sichos – Lubavitcher Rabbi Zatzal says that one is Yotzei Mishloach Manos with a piece of cake and soda”
Likutei Sichos vol 2, pg. 537
I was being told how to do the shlach monos.
I did it EXACTLY as the Rebbe wrote: a piece of cake and soda water.
You wee never abandoned. You will never be abandoned. Chassidim are all one family. Thanks for sharing and becoming part of our family.
Bryna, Aren’t all Jews one family? Why only Chassidim? And do you mean only Chabad chassidim or ALL chassidim? Malka
מִנְעִי קוֹלֵךְ מִבֶּכִי, וְעֵינַיִךְ, מִדִּמְעָה: כִּי יֵשׁ שָׂכָר לִפְעֻלָּתֵךְ
עַל כֵּן הָמוּ מֵעַי לוֹ רַחֵם אֲרַחֲמֶנּוּ נְאֻם ה
תחזיק חזק עלה קטן שלי
כי לא תמיד הכל בחוץ בהיר
ברוח סער וסופה קרה
תזכור ותתחזק אני איתך
תחזיק חזק עלה קטן שלי
ולא תמיד הכל נכון הכל מובן
חיים זה לא שיעור חשבון
זה גם מבחן
אני איתך
אני איתך
תחזיק חזק
עלה קטן
Thank you Zehava. I remember well those words to Mother Rachel and like everyone else, I am touched by them. Yesh sachar lipulosech.
Do we do our acts for s’char? Are we not supposed to serve our Master regardless and aren’t we to be like servants who serve even not for reward? I keep my commitments because I gave a promise. Not for s’char.
Besides, how would the s’char alleviate Mother Rochel’s pain for her children that suffer in exile???
Thank you again for your kind and meaningful sentiments.
Zehava, that is a very beautiful poem you wrote.Life can be a fierce storm and impossible to understand. I kike the message of your poem. Very meaningful! Malka
השיר של אברהם פריד
?שמעת ממנו
להתראות בקרוב
:בקשה נפשית לקיים אצלך היעוד
וְשָׁבוּ מֵאֶרֶץ אוֹיֵב. וְיֵשׁ תִּקְוָה לְאַחֲרִיתֵךְ נְאֻם ה’ וְשָׁבוּ בָנִים לִגְבוּלָם
כפשוטו וכמשמעו
חג שמח וברכה לגאולה
Thank you Rabbi Avtzon
This is the BEST story I ever read. Very well written. I cannot wait to read Part Two. Thank you for the weekly stories. This was the BEST!!
Your words, quoting the words of the Novee, I learned long ago in High School but had long forgotten.
These words touched the very deepest part of my soul, my core.
I am haunted by the words:
מִנְעִי קוֹלֵךְ מִבֶּכִי, וְעֵינַיִךְ, מִדִּמְעָה: כִּי יֵשׁ שָׂכָר לִפְעֻלָּתֵךְ
עַל כֵּן הָמוּ מֵעַי לוֹ רַחֵם אֲרַחֲמֶנּוּ נְאֻם ה
וְשָׁבוּ מֵאֶרֶץ אוֹיֵב. וְיֵשׁ תִּקְוָה לְאַחֲרִיתֵךְ נְאֻם ה’ וְשָׁבוּ בָנִים לִגְבוּלָם
It is so spooky, I am haunted by these words!!
Would you like to have contact?
I feel I need to. It would mean a great deal to me.
If you would be interested, please contact Rabbi Avtzon. He told me he would be willing to make the arrangements.
I understand if you decline because you value your privacy which I respect and also expect.
Malka, known as Melissa
My life plan was to remain here in this village till the end.
I arranged with an attorney that when the time comes, to have my remains sent to Israel and buried in a Jewish cemetery there (I paid for all this).
All my assets will be donated to two worthy organizations I chose, one that helps Jewish orphans and one that treats Jewish couples struggling with fertility.
I think it is a good plan.
At the end of my life I will do: וְשָׁבוּ מֵאֶרֶץ אוֹיֵב. וְיֵשׁ תִּקְוָה לְאַחֲרִיתֵךְ נְאֻם ה’ וְשָׁבוּ בָנִים לִגְבוּלָם
But it would be precious for me to meet you because you wrote words that touched the deepest part of my soul.
If you decline to meet, please explain: Why did you choose those specific words?
Malka, Melissa
Rabbi Sholom Avtzon
Zahava can you please contact me at avtzonbooks@gmail.com
Thank you
Sholom Avtzon
Crown Heightser
Any response from Zehaveh?