JLI Introduces New Weekly Parsha Video
This week, JLI launched a new educational project, the JLI Weekly. Each week a unique one-minute video will be released featuring a powerful and relevant message from the weekly Parsha. The first video presenting a theme from Parshas Noach can be viewed below.
Shluchim and Anash will have free access to the video to share via WhatsApp or Facebook with Balei Batim and friends. The JLI Weekly video project is JLI’s newest initiative designed “tzu einemen di velt durch limud haTorah,” per the Rebbe’s mandate.
To receive the video on WhatsApp, add 718 221-6906 to your contacts on your smartphone. Send a WhatsApp message to that number saying “Subscribe to JLI Weekly”.
To share on Facebook, “Like” The Rohr Jewish Learning Institute Facebook page: www.Facebook.com/myJLI. The video will be posted weekly to share with your Facebook friends.
this is so nice
perfect for just a short vort