Weekly Story: Ivan the Farmer (Pt. 2)
by Rabbi Sholom Avtzon
We continue from where we left off last week, with the second half of the story of Ivan, the young farmer boy who left his small-town life behind and hopped on to a freight train to the big city far away.
This story is a parable I heard from Reb Mendel Morosow sheyiche, who heard it from his father, the Frierdiker rebbe’s secretay, Reb Elchonon Morozow hy”d.
Ivan definitely had a promising future and he wanted to share it with his family. So he wrote a letter asking and indeed pleading to his parents to please forgive him for leaving them so abruptly, without even saying good bye. He explained that it was not because of them as they were the most loving and wonderful parents who gave him whatever he had asked for or needed. But he has this burning drive to help many people even more than a farmer does by supplying them grain, and his dream is becoming a reality because of two wonderful people, whom I consider, angels.
I was just accepted into the most prestigious University in our great country and am looking forward to becoming a doctor. I miss you every day and one day I will be wealthy enough for father to take it easy and not have to work the farm.
Going to the train station he was directed to the engineer of the next train that will be going to his hometown and gave him the letter. After describing to station where he used to bring the grain, the engineer asked how could he get it to his father if he is not there that day. So Ivan replied, “You definitely know the miller who lives a few blocks away from the train station, and he is a good friend of our family, he will definitely get it to him.”
When the father received it he was thrilled to know that Ivan was alive. However, being illiterate he couldn’t read it. So he took it to a wise man in a neighboring town to read it for him. While he was happy to hear that his son is becoming important and maybe famous, he was still upset that he left him.
Some years passed and Ivan wrote again. This time he informed him that he graduated at the top of the class and is now a doctor. However, being that there is so much in medicine to learn, he is only going to work a few hours a day, while devoting most of the day towards studying and research.
A few more years passed and another letter arrived. This time he informed his parents that he is now a professor in the University and has an office to see his patients. The lessons you taught me about being thoughtful to others, especially the less fortunate, is my guiding principle. If I see the patient is poor, I charge them a very minimal fee. However, being that most of my patients are wealthy, I am doing exceptionally well.
Included in his letter were a few hundred rubles and a note saying, “Father please hire some workers to help you and I will continue sending you money to pay for their wages. There is no need for you to toil to the point of exhaustion. If I was home with you, you wouldn’t be shouldering all the work by yourself, and working so hard. So now use this money to hire someone as if I am there”
The money was helpful, but his father insisted on working hard himself, after all it is his farm especially as he always took pride in not needing to come on to other people. His farm was one of the most fertile ones, with a stream running through it and compared to others he was extremely wealthy.
Years past, the letters with information on his tremendous progress and some money kept on coming, but the father although he had some hired help, he only hired the bare minimum, as he stubbornly continued to work although he could only do minimal work.
When Ivan became thirty he decided it is time to visit his parents and give them enough money for the rest of their lives. If father doesn’t want to sell the farm he could give it to their married daughter and her husband. But his working days are over. Let him and mother relax in their older years.
So Ivan informed his office and the University that he will be taking off for six to eight weeks in order to visit his family. This would be his first extended vacation.
Travelling first class Ivan couldn’t help but thinking about the contrast on how he is travelling now and how he stowed away on the grain car thirteen/fourteen years ago. Arriving at the station closest to his parents’ farm he hired a driver whom he recognized as a friend of the family to take him to his sister’s house.
Knocking on her door, he waited for her to open it and seeing this stranger, she asked is there anything I can do for you?
Realizing that she didn’t recognize him, Ivan replied, “You really don’t recognize me. I am looking for Anich’ka, calling her by the nickname he used to call her.
Hearing her nickname and that voice, she shook her head in bewilderment and shock. Suddenly she cried out IIIvaaann, is that you and welcomed him into her home. They sat and spoke about their lives and especially what has happened since he disappeared. She told him how difficult it was for their father to continue working the farm. However, he is too proud to ask for help.
Ivan replied I brought enough money for father and mother to live for many years and I can always send more. Oh how I wish to meet them.
Of course you have to, but you must be careful. I almost fainted when I realized it was you. Who knows how father and mother are going to take it. They are so much older than I. I am afraid for their wellbeing.
Sister, you are speaking like a doctor already, maybe you want to join me, joked Ivan. But yes, I have to go much slower with them then I did with you. I have a plan. Instead of your husband bringing me to their house, he will drop me off a little distance away. So even if father or mother are outside they won’t see how I got there.
I will tell them that I am travelling to see our great and beautiful country, staying at peoples houses for a day or two and I was wondering if I can stay at their house. I will tell them I am thirty years old and fascinated by the life of a farmer.
Father who always enjoys a conversation might start speaking about his son that refused to be a farmer and ran off to the city. I will than drop off hints that I met his son the doctor and it is an honor to meet the doctor’s parents and slowly let them realize that I am Ivan.
If they don’t come to you at night to inform you that I returned, that means that father and mother didn’t realize it, so you will come early in the morning and ask if they met a stranger and you will give more details and tell them it is I who is sleeping once again in my own bed.
Taking only his small suitcase, Ivan climbed onto the wagon and his sisters husband drove him to the agreed upon destination. Climbing down, they said to each other, “See you in the morning”.
Walking down the road towards the farm, Ivan was flooded with memories and emotions. Are his parents going to recognize him? Will they understand and forgive him? The biggest problem was how would I explain why I am choosing to stay in their house?
His prayer was answered as he noticed his fathering sitting on the porch, looking out towards the land. Making believe he was exhausted, he stopped momentarily and wiped his brow. His father noticed him and called out in his always friendly voice, “young man where are you going?”
Going over to the fence, Ivan replied, “I am travelling through our wonderful country enjoying its beauty. Not travelling to anywhere specifically, just wandering around. I suppose in a day or two I will catch a ride with a person and go to wherever he is going and continue on this wonderful adventure. But not it is almost evening; I am looking for a place to stay overnight.”
Getting up from his chair and walking over to Ivan, he said, “Well we have a few empty rooms, so there is plenty of place for you. If you want, you can be my guest and stay for as long as you wish to.”
That is so kind of you sir, Ivan replied and that is what I find most wonderful about this trip of mine, how people are so hospitable on a moments notice and invite anyone into their house. Thank you so much he said as he shook his fathers hand, for the first time in all those years.
Oh, how he wanted to embrace him, and tell him who he is. But no, that can be dangerous, I must wait. So he let of the handshake, pulled up his suitcase and followed his host into his house.
Greeting his mother as if she was a stranger was even more difficult, but he had to proceed carefully. So he began the conversation saying, “It is very kind of you to allow me to stay here overnight, however, I am quite well to do and I will like to show my appreciation. Opening his wallet he gave them a large amount of money.
We can’t accept such a large amount, his mother said. It is enough money to feed you for a month.
I understand, however, I was helped wonderfully by complete strangers, or better said, two beautiful angels, and that helped me become successful, so I like to help out others generously as well. Especially as I see that you are now alone, with all of your children out of the house, so you most probably need to hire others to help out on the farm.
My talkative father was uncharacteristically quiet, thought Ivan. I thought the word angels, a word I use in every letter that I sent them, would have been a good hint. Did my leaving affect him that much? Why didn’t my sister tell me anything about this, perhaps he is trying to recognize me.
While his mother was preparing some food, Ivan tried to make some conversation and began asking some questions about their family. However, his fathers answers were extremely abrupt, and he realized that for some reason, his father was not in a mood for a conversation. His thoughts were somewhere else. So he asked him, is there a place I can hang up my clothing?
Of course, let me show you where you will sleep, he replied. Saying that he brought him to his own room and said, “you can hang them on the nails”.
“Thank you so much, “ and Ivan opened up his suitcases to take out his clothes leaving it opened intentionally, he wanted his father to see that he was wealthy and will ask him what does he does? However, his father whose eyes almost popped out when he saw all that money, made believe he didn’t see all the gold and silver coins and left the room.
By the table he tried to make some talk with them asking once again about their children, but their father wasn’t in the mood to schmooze. He was so quiet that even his wife became concerned and asked him if everything is okay and he replied, “yes of course, just that there is so much work to do that I am ready to go to sleep.” Saying that, he wished his guest a good night and went to his room. His mother became really concerned at this strange behavior of his, and excused herself as well.
Seeing that there would be no conversation tonight, Ivan thanked them for the wonderful meal and went to his room. I am so glad I left my other suitcase by my sister and she will bring it early tomorrow morning then my parents would find out that I am their son Ivan. It must have been much more difficult for them than Ana said. Maybe I should have hinted in the last letter that I am thinking and even planning on visiting them.
Ivan say on his bed and was thinking about a thousand things at a time. Should he have asked for his favorite drink or dessert? Should he have said, he wanted to see farm country because he has a friend who grew up on a farm and now is a doctor? But nowe it is too late. Father is so exhausted, I can’t walk around, it may disturb him. I will have to wait until the morning.
However, his father didn’t really go to sleep. He was laying in his bed thinking. This young man, said he is going from place to place and no one really knows where he is. He has so much money and no one knows that he is here. He has enough money to last me a lifetime and I really don’t have the strength to take care of the farm anymore.
If only Ivan would be here, I would have everything a man wants or needs. But I am by myself, Sasha is a wonderful young man and always tries to help, but I feel awkward accepting his help.
I know it is wrong to take what is not yours, but I couldn’t help looking at this person’s money. But it was as if he purposely showed me that he has more money that I even saw.
I have always led an honest life, oy why is this thought torturing me so? He said, he enjoys helping others generously, but I am too proud and stubborn to ask and admit that I need help. I could probably just take some, but he probably will count his money before he leaves and when he sees he is missing so much money, he will complain. Most people won’t believe a stranger, but my reputation will be ruined. Oy what should I do?
Then a wicked thought entered his mind. Although he tried to dismiss it, it stubbornly remained. After tossing in bed for an hour he concluded; There is no choice I have to do it in a way that no one will ever know about it.
He quietly got out of bed went into his shed took his sharpest hatchet entered his sons room and before the stranger could utter a word, severed his head.
He then went and placed the wagon by the window and placed the body and bloody blanket into the wagon, drove it to the bridge over the raging river and dropped the body into the water. The swift currents will move the body miles and miles away, no one will know a thing.
Returning home, he dug a pit, placed the suitcase in it, covered it and finally at four A.M. he went to sleep, with plans and dreams of continuous enjoyment and contentment, for the remainder of his life. He will sell the farm just as Ivan had told him to and move to a distant place, where no one would question him how is he so wealthy.
An hour later, he was awakened by knocking on the door. Whom could be coming at this unheard of hour so early in the morning? Did someone notice? Irritated, nervous and exhausted he got out of bed to give the intruder a piece of his mind.
Opening the door he saw his daughter and son in law smiling and carrying a large tray of delicacies as one does when he comes to a celebration. Why are you here so early in the morning and why are you so happy? Do you have special good news to tell us? He asked.
Papa, you should be telling us the great news. Didn’t something special happen here last night?
Confused but being on guard, he replied, “No. nothing special happened here. I ate supper with your mother and went to bed, so I can have the strength to continue tending to the farm today. “
But didn’t you have a special guest come last night? She inquired.
I can’t let my daughter down, by letting her know the evil I did a few hours ago. So he replied, No, no one came last night. Who was supposed to visit us last night, he asked?
A young man who was dressed in a fancy jacket and carrying a small suitcase was supposed to come here. He first visited us and we spoke for hours then Sasha brought him here. Father you didn’t let him in? Father you didn’t recognize who he was? He didn’t tell you about those two special angels that helped him? Father, are you positive Ivan didn’t come?
She noticed as she was talking her father was become pale and began trembling. Now he was holding on to the doorframe for support as if he was fainting. Sasha ran over to help him, when he haltingly said questioningly IIIVVAANNN! Ivan was here? Then he bellowed IIVVAANN, IIVAANN, I killed my Ivan!
His wife heard the commotion and when she realized what happened, fainted. Sasha took the wagon to get the doctor and pretty soon the entire town was talking about the terrible tragedy.
The police came and took the father to the judge. But before they could say anything he began pleading with the judge, kill me, shoot me, I killed my Ivan, I killed my son, kill me now.
The judge didn’t know what to say. What type of punishment should be given to a person who commits such a horrendous crime? So he sent the case to a higher judge, but each time the father reported his request to be punished to death and the judges continued to pass it on to a higher court. They couldn’t figure out what is the proper punishment for such an act.
Finally the case was brought to the supreme judge and as always before the prosecutor can say anything the father cried out to the judge to punish him with a death sentence.
The judge replied, “I will give my decision tomorrow.”
The next day the courtroom was overflowing with people. Everyone wanted to hear the judges decision.
Sir, did I understand you correctly, you want a just punishment, not just a reprimand or slap on the wrist? Inquired the judge.
Yes, yes. He replied. Kill me like I killed my son.
So therefore my decision is as follows, I should not relieve you of your suffering, but punish you, I shall.
Therefore, my decree is you are a free man. Go home and every morning take a ruble out of your sons suitcase and buy with it some fresh eggs, milk, cheese, juice and bread. Then before you begin eating the meal, say out loud, this is from Ivans’ money, my son who I murdered in such cruelty.
And in the afternoon, take an additional coin from Ivan’s suitcase and buy a large fish, a chicken or duck or perhaps a nice piece of meat, plus some vegetables and a bottle of wine and enjoy your meal. You must eat the entire meal and remind yourself whose money paid for it and how you obtained his money.
This way every day for the rest of your life you will be reminded and haunted of your action. Because of your greed, you murdered your own son, who came to give you all that money.
He went home and one can only imagine how difficult and painful it was for him to eat the meals. The tastier it was the harder it was to swallow.
This concluded Reb Mendel, is the meaning of what the Mishna says, the sin in itself is the punishment and no other punishment is necessary. When one sees how much he lost out because of the sin, he would be so upset at himself and nothing else has to be done.
Just imagine you were going on a trip and had with you two bottles of soda. You drank one on the bus ride to the park and the other one in the park. On the half hour ride home you became so thirsty, that you asked someone for his bottle. When he refused, you said I don’t want it for free I will buy it off of you.
Saying that you took out your wallet but you noticed you don’t have a dollar in it. So you said, here take this lottery ticket instead.
Originally the person said no and reminded you that we are just fifteen minutes from your house. But you were persistent. He finally relented and you made the exchange, and drank the bottle ten minutes before you arrived home.
The next day you hear that your friend won millions of dollars with the lottery ticket you pressured him to take from you. Just imagine, how are you going to feel the next day, week and years, realizing what you gave up? No one will or can punish you – you will be punishing yourself, regretting and being remorseful at what you did. Wishing you can turn back the clock and your entire life would have been better.
This applies to every aveira. An aveira is that I went against the will of Hashem or that I missed an opportunity to became connected and embrace the aibishter. When Moshiach comes and I see the true bliss in being connected to Hashem, there will be need to punish one who is missing that connection. He would be staring enviously at those that have this connection and regretting and be remorseful at himself why did he pass up that opportunity for a fleeting moment of temporary pleasure.
If this applies to every aveira, and the Torah teaches us that positive is five hundred times better, obviously there is no greater reward than bring one with Hashem. Gan eden is benefitting from Hashem’s glory, but being united with Him is being connected to His entirety – to His essence.
May we experience it speedily in our days.
waited for part2
What a story. Thank you for posting
A father
Should be a warning before starting that this is not for young children!
My 6 year old was crying bitter tears when she heard what happened!
Rabbi Avtzon
I would keep that in mind