8:00pm: Chanukah; Anxiety; Messianism Continued; Mimicking the Rebbe; Understanding Hahkel; Explaining the Yeshiva System; Tzimtzum K’pshuto
This week’s edition of MyLife: Chassidus Applied with Rabbi Simon Jacobson, Episode 93, will air tonight, Sunday, here on CrownHeights.info, beginning at 8:00pm. This week Rabbi Jacobson will address the topics: Chanukah; Anxiety; Messianism Continued; Mimicking the Rebbe; Understanding Hahkel; Explaining the Yeshiva System; Tzimtzum K’pshuto.
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How does Chassidus address human anxiety? How does it differ from conventional psychology’s approach? What practical advice does Chassidus offer to someone struggling with anxiety and to others who deal with those who face this challenge?
“I have been struggling with anxiety for the past few months, sometimes it is very intense. How does Chassidus help someone overcome intense worries and fears? I think this is something a lot of people suffer with in silence and it would help many to address this.”
Additionally, Rabbi Jacobson will respond to some of the feedback to last episode’s discussion about Meshichism, and whether it has furthered or detracted from the Rebbe’s mission. As you can imagine this topic elicited many heated comments.
Other topics to be addressed include: Is there any basis for mimicking the Rebbe? How to respond when non-frum relatives question the value of a yeshiva education that has no secular studies? What is the significance of Hakhel?
Rabbi Jacobson will also review the following essays submitted in the MyLife: Chassidus Applied contest: “Three Steps to Becoming Content” by Yisroel Barber; “The Meaning of the Mundane” by Yosef Bronstein; “Gratitude Attitude” by Sarah Raskin. These and other essays can be read online at meaningfullife.com/essays.
And finally, the Chassidus question of the week: Can you explain the difference between the two opinions in interpreting the tzimtzum – literally or not literally, tzimtzum k’pshuto or not k’pshuto. I’ve also heard that the Rebbe revolutionized the approach in Chassidus to understanding tzimtzum and perpetual creation, by saying that G-d, Who is kol yochol (omnipotent), could have created existence viatzimtzum k’pshuto (G-dliness being literally removed from our reality) and in way that the universe did not need to be renewed perpetually (hischadshus b’chol regah v’regah). Indeed, this perspective, held by a number of great sages, seems more logical. The reason that the Alter Rebbe writes otherwise is only due to the fact that Alter Rebbe received from his teachers that the tzimtzum is not k’pshuto and that creation is perpetually renewed, which compelled the Alter Rebbe to explain the concepts in logical terms. Can you elaborate on this and how this idea developed in the Rebbe’s teachings?
This hour-long dose of insights is meant to inform, inspire and empower us by applying the teachings of Chassidus to help us face practical and emotional challenges and difficulties in our personal lives and relationships. To have your question addressed, please submit it atwww.appliedchassidus.com.
The topics in this Sunday’s hour-long broadcast will include:
- Chassidus Applied to Chanukah
- Messianism (follow-up)
- Mimicking the Rebbe
- What’s the point of Hahkel?
- Non-frum relatives questioning yeshiva system
- How to deal with anxiety
- Chassidus Question: Tzimtzum K’pshuto and Perpetual Creation
- MyLife Essays: Three Steps to Becoming Content, Gratitude Attitude, The Meaning of the Mundane
MyLife: Chassidus Applied addresses questions that many people are afraid to ask and others are afraid to answer. When asked about the sensitive topics he has been addressing, Rabbi Simon Jacobson commented, “I understand that the stakes are high and great care has to be taken when speaking openly, but the silence and lack of clarity on matters plaguing the community can no longer go unaddressed. The stakes of not providing answers are even higher.”
The on-going series has provoked a significant reaction from the community, with thousands of people viewing each live broadcast and hundreds of questions pouring in week after week. At the root of every question and personal challenge tackled by the series is the overarching question: Does Judaism have the answers to my personal dilemmas?
In inimitable “Jacobson-fashion”, the broadcast answers people’s questions in simple, clear language while being heavily sourced. Each episode is jam-packed with eye-opening advice from the Rebbeim, gleaned from uncovering surprising gems in their letters, sichos and maamorim that address our personal issues with disarming relevance. Simultaneously, Rabbi Jacobson is able to crystallize a concept quickly, succinctly, and poignantly for any level of listener.
All episodes are immediately available for viewing in the MLC’s archive and can be downloaded as MP3’s for listening on the go.
Questions may be submitted anonymously at www.appliedchassidus.com.