This Shavuos Marks 60 Years of ‘Tahalucha’

This year we celebrate the 60-year anniversary of the first Tahalucha, which took place on Shvuos 5715/1955.

The Rebbe would stand by the entrance to 770, and escort the tahalucha on their way to the respective communities and wait until the last person left. In later years, the Rebbe would come out in a late hour, to greet the chassidim coming back from Tahalucha.

On Pesach and Shvuos 5751/1991 which was the last year before 27th of Adar I 5752/1992, the Rebbe spoke a Sicha to the chassidim while standing on the outside of 770.  Tahalucha was exceptional by the Rebbe, to the extent that the Rebbe constantly contributed more of his personal participation.

Here are some few quotes of the Rebbe regarding the uniqueness of Tahalcuha:

I envy those who went…

For the first time, Tzeirei Agudas Chabad arranged something involving

mesirus nefesh, in that they went yesterday on a Tahalucha. (After all

the Tahalucha participants said LeChaim!, the Rebbe noted:) I, myself

did not go, but I envy those who did, and accordingly, I too shall say

LeChaim! (Shvuos 5715/1955)

I did not go, but I had a desire

I, myself did not go, but I had a strong desire to do so, and accordingly,

I shall say LeChaim! (Pesach 5717/1917)

Fortunate is their portion

Fortunate is their portion in this world and the next. (Breishis 5731/late 1970)4

Fortunate is their portion and great is their merit. (Pseach 5735/1975)


Click here for a pamphlet published by Tzach containing quotes from the Rebbe on the importance of Tahalucha.

Click here for a Sicha of the Rebbe on Tahalucha in English, published by A Chassidisher Derher.

Click here for an article on Tahalucha in Hebrew, published in the Kfar Chabad magazine.


  • Anonymous

    The times in kovetz from tzach are not for this yom tov, they are for last year pesach. Please remove it so you dont confuse the whole crown heights.

  • These are the wrong times!

    This is an old version of the Kovetz and the times are wrong!