Tomorrow: 75 Years Since Previous Rebbe’s Arrival in U.S.
Tomorrow, the 9th of Adar, will mark 75 years since the previous Lubavitcher Rebbe, Rabbi Yosef Yitzchok Schneersohn, arrived at the shores of New York City from war-torn Europe in 1940.
The following is a news clipping from that day’s print of the New York Times:
Sightings of the Week
Rabbi Joseph Isaac Schneersohn, to whom thousands of orthodox Jews look as their spiritual leader, arrived in New York last week – a refugee from Nazi-occupied Poland. The gray-bearded religious leader was met at the dock by several hundred American followers. It was not his first migration. In 1920 he fled Russia – a refugee from the Soviets.
For narrated video footage of the Frierdiker Rebbe’s arrival, click here.