8:30pm: New Hey Teves Film to Be Screened Live
Pursuant to the growing interest in Hey Teves, in cooperation with Chabad.org, JEM will be providing a global webcast of 30 minutes of selected highlights of its new film “A Movement on Trial.” The video, which has received accolades for telling a complex and painful story in a compelling way, will be broadcast one time at 8:30pm tonight (Thursday) here on CrownHeights.info.
The project came about when a group of Shluchim arranged for the broadcast to “help people prepare for Hey Teves.” Their goal is to educate people about the significance of the date, as well as to drive individuals to one of the dozens of high-profile Hey Teves gatherings they arranged around the world where the video will be shown.
This free broadcast will be made possible through the generous support of the Geisinsky family, in honor of Harav Moshe Aharon Geisinsky, OBM, whose yahrtzeit is today, 3 Teves, and לזכות גד יעקב בן נירה וחנה בת פסי׳ רחל לאה לחיזוק ההתקשרות לכ”ק אדמו”ר.