8:00pm: Letting It All Go
This week’s edition of MyLife: Chassidus Applied with Rabbi Simon Jacobson, Episode 38, will air tonight, Sunday, here on CrownHeights.info beginning at 8:00pm. This week, in a special pre-Simchas Torah Edition, Rabbi Jacobson will address the topic: What relevance does Simchas Torah have to my personal life?
I have so many challenges facing me, so many responsibilities overwhelming me, demands and expectations tugging me in all directions. Is the joy and dance of Shemini Atzeret and Simchas Torah simply a momentary escape from reality, or can it actually help me deal with my issues?
Tune in this Sunday night to learn how these last days of Yom Tov offer us a solution and antidote to the wear and tear of life. Discover how to access the enormous bundle of energy on Simchas Torah to transform our daily lives. How this day brings answers to the free-spirited soul seeking to balance the parameters of tradition with individual expression and transcendence. How does Simchas Torah bring healing to one who ‘hates’ G-d? How can this day cure the micro-manager? Rabbi Jacobson will demonstrate the way Chassidus teaches us how unbridled dancing is actually a way for you to express the “real you” and is thus the single most important thing you can do for yourself and your children.
Other topics to be addressed in this week episode are techniques to stay calm while preparing for a 3-day Yom Tov. How to feel inspired despite the mountains of work connected with the holiday? What to do when you are not in the mood of guests?
This hour-long dose of insight is meant to inform, inspire and empower us by applying the teachings of Chassidus to help us face practical and emotional challenges and difficulties in our personal lives and relationships. To have your question addressed, please submit it at www.meaningfullife.com/mylifelive.
The topics in this Sunday’s hour-long broadcast will include:
- What relevance does Simchas Torah have to my personal life?
- Is the dancing on this day just a form of escape? Or is there something more to it?
- Why is Simchas Torah so important for children
- Is religion compatible with free-spiritedness?
- Resenting G-d?
- Help, I’m a micro-manager!
- Handling a 3-Day Yom Tov
- How do I avoid feeling overwhelmed by my responsibilities at home?
- What if I am not in the mood of guests?
MyLife: Chassidus Applied addresses questions that many people are afraid to ask and others are afraid to answer. When asked about the sensitive topics he has been addressing, Rabbi Simon Jacobson commented, “I understand that the stakes are high, but the silence and lack of clarity on matters plaguing the community can no longer go unaddressed. The stakes of not providing answers are even higher.”
The on-going series has provoked a significant reaction from the community, with thousands of people viewing each live broadcast and hundreds of questions pouring in. At the root of every question and personal challenge tackled by the series is the overarching question: Does Judaism have the answers to my personal dilemmas?
In inimitable “Jacobson-fashion”, the broadcast answers people’s questions in simple, clear language while being heavily sourced. Each episode is jam-packed with eye-opening advice from the Rebbeim, gleaned from uncovering surprising gems in their letters, sichos and maamorim that address our personal issues with disarming relevance. Simultaneously, Rabbi Jacobson is able to crystallize a concept quickly, succinctly, and poignantly for any level of listener.
All episodes are immediately available for viewing in the MLC’s archive and can be downloaded as MP3’s for listening on the go.
Questions may be submitted anonymously at www.meaningfullife.com/mylifelive.