Weekly Living Torah Video: Ceasefire – Good or Bad?
With all recent events happening in Eretz Yisroel, JEM’s Living Torah team decided to put aside their regular programming and release a series of programs presenting some of the Rebbe’s views on key issues confronting the residents and leaders in Eretz Yisroel today, as well as his encouragement to the Jews living there.
Included in the next few weeks’ videos will be Sichos and encounters dealing with timely topics such as:
· The Jewish right to the Land of Israel
· Finishing campaigns that the IDF starts
· Minimizing casualties on both sides
· Boosting morale of the troops
For more, go to www.livingtorah.org.
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The immortal question is when will the Israelis ever learn–Is it “nevermore” as stated the Raven?
Israel has lost already the war with Hamas because they did not do what they should have done and caved into world pressure about a humanitarian crisis. What would the world say if the Israelis–G-d forbid–were in the same situation?
Now the Arabs have advanced a three point peace plan to be forced upon Israel whether Israel likes it or not and no matter even if it forces Israel to commit suicide.
(1) Within four months, America is to draw up new boundaries for Israel based upon the 1967 lines–a position that Obama has endorsed previously in a “confrontation” with Bibi. (2)If Israel rejects this proposal, international legal mechanisms will be used and advanced to reach or force a negotiated settlement. (3) if this fails, all legal treaties and other agreements will be enforced against the Israeli state and Israel personnel will face criminal charges of crimes against humanity at the World Criminal court–which of course is an illegal organization. And, what will Israel obtain–worthless promises written on scraps of paper; Israel should remember Neville Chamberlain, the man who promised peace in our times.
? cease fire