8:00pm: Is Chabad-Lite Legitimate?
This week’s edition of MyLife: Chassidus Applied with Rabbi Simon Jacobson, Episode 21, will air tonight, Sunday, here on CrownHeights.info beginning at 8:00pm. This week’s class is titled What Role Does the Rebbe Play in Your Life?
Twenty years since Gimmel Tammuz challenges our community to do some serious introspection and soul searching. What are we doing to merit the title of being a chassid of the Rebbe? How are we realizing the directives we were given? What about those of us who have one foot in the door and one out? In this week’s episode, Rabbi Jacobson will address the label “Chabad-lite” that some have recently coined to define themselves and others.
Other topics to be addressed in Sunday’s broadcast include: What should be our attitude to secular family members, either those that never were aware of Yiddishkeit, or those that are presently not involved? How do we interact at weddings, parties and family gatherings? What should we tell our children? How do we balance love and non-judgmentalism while maintaining our integrity and standards? Rabbi Jacobson will discuss tools for mediating conflicts in a wide range of scenarios, from community arguments to family disputes.
Tune in this Sunday night for the next episode of MyLife: Chassidus Applied, which will address these sensitive issues. This hour-long dose of insight is meant to inform, inspire and empower us by applying the teachings of Chassidus to help us face practical and emotional challenges and difficulties in our personal lives and relationships.
The topics in this Sunday’s hour-long broadcast will include:
• What role does the Rebbe play in your life?
• Tools for mediating conflict
• Unfrum/Non-Jewish family members
• Is Chabad-lite legitimate?
MyLife: Chassidus Applied addresses questions that many people are afraid to ask and others are afraid to answer. When asked about the sensitive topics he has been addressing, Rabbi Simon Jacobson commented, “I understand that the stakes are high, but the silence and lack of clarity on matters plaguing the community can no longer go unaddressed. The stakes of not providing answers are even higher.”
The on-going series has provoked a significant reaction from the community, with thousands of people viewing each live broadcast and hundreds of questions pouring in. At the root of every question and personal challenge tackled by the series is the overarching question: Does Judaism have the answers to my personal dilemmas?
In inimitable “Jacobson-fashion”, the broadcast answers people’s questions in simple, clear language while being heavily sourced. Each episode is jam-packed with eye-opening advice from the Rebbeim, gleaned from uncovering surprising gems in their letters, sichos and maamorim that address our personal issues with disarming relevance. Simultaneously, Rabbi Jacobson is able to crystallize a concept quickly, succinctly, and poignantly for any level of listener.
All episodes are immediately available for viewing in the MLC’s archive and can be downloaded as MP3’s for listening on the go.
Questions may be submitted anonymously at www.meaningfullife.com/
“Chabad Lite” would not have become such a credible option for most of us if “Chabad Heavy” had not impeached itself so badly. Between calling the post-Histalkus period the “Helem veHester” (seriously!?), getting totally behind a serial embezzler during his trial and refusing to look at the matter seriously and preparing generation after generation for shlichus only (and no other career opportunities whatsoever) the total lack of leadership since 3 Tammuz 5754 is palpable and dangerous.
No! It is not!
Agree with CR %1000.
no such thing
It’s called MODERN LUBAVITCH or MODERN CHABAD, not….” Lite”
chabad lite
where money liquer and behavior rhat is shameful alkl in the name of chabad lite
it is a shame that shlichus became a biziness were shluchim live in palaces hire their family and when the speakers are conferences are picked because of money not because of tochen then we deserve what we have created
why is there no shlichus code of conduct that idf you behave in a way opposite of what the rebbe wanted you can be removed . that salaries of 1/2 a million a year is wrong and having a shul that most members dont keep tznius because the rabbis family doesnt
is this what the rebbe wanted
Chabad Lite?
Such a thing does not exist, you can be a friend of Chabad but there is no such thing as Chabad lite. You are either Chabad or not Chabad, case in point filling a can of Coke with water does not turn the water into Coke.
to cr
stop blaming others for your weaknesses.
if you have difficulty in certain areas- you can work on them but saying you are like this because others are like that…please!
no going to intermarried weddings!!!!
Horrible to insinuate that there is room to go
he said SPECIFICALLY there is no black and white!!!
Rabbi Jacobson, can you provide a synopsis each week from now on? I don’t have time to watch the entire video but I’d love to know the main points.
Proudly Chabad-Lite
Im educated, my children are educated. I learn daily, I am honest, I have integrity, I shave, I dont worry about how Im percieved by the judgmental crowd, I keep C’Y, I dont cheat on taxes, I dont steal money, I dont lie to others, I dont use my shlichus to enrich myself and my family, I give back to the community, I volunteer freely without expecting a donation or to be paid. I am Chabad-Lite.
Citizen Berel
So basically, you make a lot of money and have a lot of free time and you shave.
And you have a good heart.
Bon Appétit
To Citizen Berel
Obviously, you arent Chabad Lite. Because you think they are liedigers like you. No. He works hard, he does good work and he is honest about it all. Thats chabad lite.
I’m educated, my children are educated. I go to mikvah, daven with a minyan 3 times a day, I learn daily, I am honest, I have integrity, I DON’T shave, I don’t worry about how I’m perceived by the judgmental crowd, I keep C’Y, I don’t cheat on taxes, I don’t steal money, I don’t lie to others, I don’t use my shlichus to enrich myself and my family, I give back to the community, I volunteer freely without expecting a donation or to be paid. My wife is tznius as are my daughters. I’m a proud lubavitcher chosid.